$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) # Maintain your gem's version: require "archive/version" require 'json' bundle_update_flag = ARGV[0]=='update' || ARGV[0]=='install' if bundle_update_flag env_pwd = ENV['PWD'] app_path = File.expand_path(__dir__) template_path = env_pwd + '/app/templates' all_template = Dir.glob(template_path+'/*/') all_template.each do |folder| if !folder.include?('mobile') begin next unless File.exist?("#{folder}modules/archive/info.json") info_json_file = "#{folder}modules/archive/info.json" info_json = JSON.parse(File.read(info_json_file)) check_files = ["archive_index7.html.erb","archive_index8.html.erb","archive_index9.html.erb","archive_index10.html.erb","archive_index11.html.erb","archive_index12.html.erb","archive_index13.html.erb"] old_file_infos = [ { "filename" => "archive_index7", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "7. 表格列表 ( 模組標題, 類別標題, 檔案名稱, 檔案簡介, 下載連結 )", "en" => "7. Table list (widget-title, category, filename, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar5.png" }, { "filename" => "archive_index8", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "8. 表格列表 ( 模組標題, 檔案名稱, 檔案簡介, 下載連結 )", "en" => "8. Table list (widget-title, filename, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar5.png" } ] new_file_infos = [ { "filename" => "archive_index7", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "7. 表格列表 ( 模組標題, 類別標題, 上傳日期, 檔案名稱, 檔案簡介, 下載連結 )", "en" => "7. Table list (widget-title, category, Updated At, filename, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar5.png" }, { "filename" => "archive_index8", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "8. 表格列表 ( 模組標題, 上傳日期, 檔案名稱, 檔案簡介, 下載連結 )", "en" => "8. Table list (widget-title, Updated At, filename, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar5.png" }, { "filename" => "archive_index9", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "9. 表格列表 - 簡約 ( 模組標題, 檔案名稱, 下載連結 )", "en" => "9. Table list - Simple (widget-title, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar9.png" }, { "filename" => "archive_index10", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "10. 表格列表 ( 模組標題, 類別標題, 編號, 檔案名稱, 下載連結 )", "en" => "10. Table list (widget-title, category, Serial Number, filename, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar5.png" }, { "filename" => "archive_index11", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "11. 表格列表 - 簡約 - 展開檔案 ( 模組標題, 類別標題, 編號, 檔案名稱, 下載連結 )", "en" => "11. Table list - Simple - Unfold Files (widget-title, category, Serial Number, filename, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar9.png" }, { "filename" => "archive_index12", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "12. 手風琴式列表 - 有下拉 ( 模組標題, 類別標題, 檔案名稱, 下載連結 )", "en" => "12. Accordion list - with drop down (widget-title, category, filename, download link)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar2.png" }, { "filename" => "archive_index13", "name" => { "zh_tw" => "13. 頁籤式 ( 模組標題, 類別標題, 標題, 檔案名稱, 下載連結, 描述 )", "en" => "13. Tab list (widget-title, category, title, filename, download link, description)" }, "thumbnail" => "ar-tab1.png" } ] flags = [] all_frontend_names = info_json["frontend"].map{|h| h["name"]} check_files.each_with_index do |check_file,i| flag = (info_json["frontend"].select{|h| h["filename"] == check_file.split(".").first}.count == 0 rescue false) if flag info_json["frontend"].push(new_file_infos[i]) end if !flag old_file_info = old_file_infos[i] if old_file_info idx = all_frontend_names.index(old_file_info["name"]) if idx && idx != -1 info_json["frontend"][idx] = new_file_infos[i] flag = true end end end flags << flag end force_update_files = ["archive_index1.html.erb","archive_index3.html.erb","archive_index12.html.erb","archive_index13.html.erb"] puts "updating archive index page" if flags.select{|flag| flag }.count != 0 flags.each_with_index do |flag,i| if flag Bundler.with_clean_env{%x[cp -f #{app_path}/modules/archive/#{check_files[i]} #{folder}modules/archive/#{check_files[i]}]} end end begin info_json = JSON.pretty_generate(info_json).gsub(":[",":[\n").gsub(":{",":{\n") rescue info_json = info_json.to_s.gsub("=>",": \n") end File.open(info_json_file,"w+"){|f| f.write(info_json)} end force_update_files.each do |update_file| Bundler.with_clean_env{%x[cp -f #{app_path}/modules/archive/#{update_file} #{folder}modules/archive/#{update_file}]} end Bundler.with_clean_env{%x[cp -rn #{app_path}/modules/archive/thumbs/* #{folder}modules/archive/thumbs/.]} rescue puts "There has some error when updating archive index page." end end end end # Describe your gem and declare its dependencies: Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "archive" s.version = Archive::VERSION s.authors = ["Ruling Digital"] s.email = ["orbit@rulingcom.com"] s.homepage = "http://www.rulingcom.com" s.summary = "Archive module for Orbit." s.description = "Archive module for Orbit" s.license = "MIT" s.files = Dir["{app,config,db,lib}/**/*", "MIT-LICENSE", "Rakefile", "README.rdoc"] s.test_files = Dir["test/**/*"] end