class ArchivesController < ApplicationController def self.custom_widget_data ac = ac.render_to_string("archives/custom_widget_data",:locals=>{:@custom_data_field=>@custom_data_field,:@field_name=>@field_name}) end #avoid the categories to be not in the ArchiveCategory def serve_cmap file_name = File.basename(params[:file_name].to_s) extension = File.basename(params[:extension].to_s) serve_path = File.expand_path("../../assets/javascripts/archive/pdf/bcmaps/#{file_name}.#{extension}",__FILE__) if Dir.glob(serve_path).length != 0 send_file(serve_path, type: "application/octet-stream") else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/app/views/errors/404.html", :layout => false, :status => :not_found, :content_type => 'text/html' and return end end def show params = OrbitHelper.params archive_file = ArchiveFile.find_by(:uid=>params[:uid].to_s) locale = I18n.locale.to_s data, serial_number, idx = archive_file.get_frontend_data(locale, 0, 0, true, OrbitHelper.url_to_show("")) { "data" => data } end def index ArchiveFile.check_sort_number page = rescue nil unless page page = Page.where(url:params['url']).first end params = OrbitHelper.params OrbitHelper.render_css_in_head(['archive/archive_frontend.css']) OrbitHelper.render_js_in_head(['archive/archive_frontend.js']) @@total_pages = 1 in_class = "" custom_data_field = page.custom_data_field rescue nil if custom_data_field && custom_data_field["expanded"] == "yes" in_class = "in" end locale = I18n.locale.to_s cats_last = [] if !params['title'].nil? files_by_category = ArchiveFile.can_display.sorted.group_by(&:category) categories = files_by_category.keys categories_sort = get_sorted_cat_with_filter(categories, :orm) categories_sort.each_with_index do |category, cat_idx| url_to_edit = "" flag = false archives = [] serial_number = 0 files_by_category[category].each_with_index do |archive,idx| if archive.title == params['title'] flag = true data, serial_number, idx = archive.get_frontend_data(locale, serial_number, idx) archives << data end end if flag cats_last << { "category-id" =>, "category-title" => category.title, "archives" => archives, "url_to_edit" => url_to_edit } end end else page_data_count = OrbitHelper.page_data_count categories = params["categories"].blank? ? OrbitHelper.page_categories : params["categories"] tags = params["tags"].blank? ? OrbitHelper.page_tags : params["tags"] module_app = ModuleApp.where(:key=>'archive').first if categories == ["all"] categories = module_app.categories.pluck(:id).map(&:to_s) end org_tags = tags if tags == ["all"] tags ={|tag|} tags << nil end if params[:data_count].to_i > 0 page_data_count = params[:data_count].to_i end if params[:page_no].nil? page_no = 1 else page_no = params[:page_no].to_i end if (tags.count > 1 && categories.count <= 1 rescue false) archive_files = ArchiveFile.can_display.filter_by_categories(categories, false).sorted group_archive_files = {} cats = [] each_data_count = [] archive_files_ids = archive_files.pluck(:id) archive_files_ids_count = archive_files_ids.count tags.each_with_index do |tag_id, tag_idx| tag_name = "" if tag_id tag = Tag.find(tag_id) rescue nil next if tag.nil? url_to_edit = OrbitHelper.current_user ? "/admin/archive_files?filters[tags][]=#{tag_id}" : "" taggings = Tagging.where(:tag_id=>tag_id).pluck(:taggable_id) archives = archive_files.where(>taggings).to_a archive_files_ids = archive_files_ids -{|a|} tag_name = Tag.find(tag_id).name else if categories.count == 1 url_to_edit = OrbitHelper.current_user ? "/admin/archive_files?filters[category][]=#{categories[0]}" : "" else url_to_edit = OrbitHelper.current_user ? "/admin/archive_files" : "" end archives = [] if tags.count > 1 && archive_files_ids_count != archive_files_ids.count tag_name = I18n.t("archive.other") archives = archive_files.where(>archive_files_ids).to_a else archives = archive_files.to_a end end serial_number = 0 if archives.count != 0 archives = do |archive,idx| data, serial_number, idx = archive.get_frontend_data(locale, serial_number, idx) data end each_data_count.push(archives.length) sorted = archives cats << { "category-id" => tag_id, "category-title" => tag_name, "archives" => sorted, "url_to_edit" => url_to_edit } end end cats_last = cats else files_by_category = ArchiveFile.can_display.filter_by_categories(categories, false).filter_by_tags(org_tags).sorted.group_by(&:category) each_data_count = [] categories = files_by_category.keys categories_sort = get_sorted_cat_with_filter(categories, :orm) cats = categories_sort.collect.with_index do |category, cat_idx| url_to_edit = OrbitHelper.user_has_cateogry?(category) ? "/admin/archive_files?filters[category][]=#{}" : "" serial_number = 0 archives = files_by_category[category].collect.with_index do |archive,idx| data, serial_number, idx = archive.get_frontend_data(locale, serial_number, idx) data end each_data_count.push(archives.length) sorted = archives { "category-id" =>, "category-title" => (categories.count > 1 ? category.title : ""), "archives" => sorted, "url_to_edit" => url_to_edit } end if page_data_count != 0 # all_data_count = 0 data_start = -1 data_end = -1 page_data_end = page_no * page_data_count #Not include end page_data_start = page_data_end - page_data_count # all_data_count = each_data_count.sum cats_last = [] counter = 0 cats.each do |cat_data| start_idx = page_data_start - counter end_idx = page_data_end - counter archives = cat_data['archives'] archives_count = archives.count counter += archives_count if start_idx >= archives_count next elsif start_idx < 0 start_idx = 0 end archives = archives[start_idx...end_idx] if archives && archives.count > 0 cat_data['archives'] = archives cats_last << cat_data end end @@total_pages = (counter.to_f / page_data_count).ceil else if page_no != 1 cats_last = [Hash[cats[0].map{|k,v| [k,'']}]] @@total_pages = 0 else cats_last = cats @@total_pages = 1 end end end end if cats_last.count != 0 cats_last.each_with_index do |h, i| h["active_class"] = (i == 0 ? 'active' : '') end end { "categories" => cats_last, "extras" =>{ "serial_number-head" => I18n.t("archive.serial_number"), "date-head" => I18n.t("archive.updated_at"), "title-head" => I18n.t(:name), "description-head"=>I18n.t("archive.description"), "file-head" =>I18n.t("archive.download_file"), "in_class" => in_class } } end def download_file file_id = params[:file] file = ArchiveFileMultiple.find(file_id) rescue nil if !file.nil? && file.file.present? file.download_count = file.download_count + 1 @url = file.file.url begin @path = file.file.file.file rescue "" @filename = File.basename(@path) @ext = @filename.split(".").last if @ext == "png" || @ext == "jpg" || @ext == "bmp" || @ext == "pdf" render "download_file",:layout=>false else if (current_site.accessibility_mode rescue false) render "redirect_to_file",:layout=>false else user_agent = request.user_agent.downcase @escaped_file_name = user_agent.match(/(msie|trident)/) ? CGI::escape(@filename) : @filename send_file(@path, :type=>"application/octet-stream", :filename => @escaped_file_name, :x_sendfile=> true) end end rescue redirect_to @url end else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/app/views/errors/404.html", :layout => false, :status => :not_found end end def group_by_category cat_id = {|cat_id| cat_id.to_s} page_data_count = OrbitHelper.widget_data_count if OrbitHelper.widget_tags.first == "all" files_by_category = ArchiveFile.where( => OrbitHelper.widget_categories).with_tags(OrbitHelper.widget_module_app.tags.collect{|tag|}).asc(:sort_number).group_by(&:category) else files_by_category = ArchiveFile.where( => OrbitHelper.widget_categories).with_tags(OrbitHelper.widget_tags).asc(:sort_number).group_by(&:category) end cats = files_by_category.keys.collect do |cat| files_by_category_tag = files_by_category[cat].group_by(&:tags) ts = [] archive_counts = 0 files_by_category_tag.keys.each do |t| archives = [] archive_counts = archive_counts + 1 files_by_category_tag[t].each do |archive| a = { "archive-title" => archive.title, "description" => archive.description, "archive-url" => archive.url, "archive_url" => archive.get_archive_url(locale, OrbitHelper.widget_more_url) } if t.count > 1 t.each do |inner_tag| idx = ts.index{|tot| tot["tag-name"] ==} if !idx.nil? break if ts[idx]["archives"].count >= page_data_count ts[idx]["archives"] << a else break if archives.count >= page_data_count archives << a end end else break if archives.count >=page_data_count archives << a end end ts << { "tag-name" => (t[0].name rescue ""), "archives" => archives } if !archives.blank? && archive_counts < page_data_count end { "category-id" =>, "category-title" => cat.title, "tags" => ts } end { "categories" => cats, "extras" => {"more_url" => OrbitHelper.widget_more_url} } end def get_archives_count(cats_with_archives){|h| (h["archives"].count rescue 0)}.sum end def get_archives_for_pack_data(categories,tags) page_data_count = OrbitHelper.widget_data_count sort_order = (ArchiveSortOrder.first['sort_order'] rescue false) ? 1 : -1 #Order with ascending subpart = OrbitHelper.get_current_widget filter_cache_parent_id = + categories.to_s + tags.to_s + page_data_count.to_s locale = I18n.locale.to_s archive_cache = ArchiveCache.where(parent_id: filter_cache_parent_id,locale: locale) count = archive_cache.count if count > 1 archive_cache.limit(count-1).destroy end if archive_cache.count == 0 @categories = [] categorie_ids = [] if categories.first == "all" categories = OrbitHelper.widget_module_app.categories categories_sort = get_sorted_cat_with_filter(categories, :orm) @categories = categories_sort.collect do |cat| cat_id = categorie_ids << cat_id { "title" => cat.title, "id" => cat_id } end else categories_sort = get_sorted_cat_with_filter(categories, :id) @categories = categories_sort.collect do |cat| cat_id = categorie_ids << cat_id { "title" => cat.title, "id" => cat_id } end end cats_with_archives = @categories.collect do |cat| archives_sorted = ArchiveFile.can_display.where(:category_id => cat["id"]).filter_by_tags(tags).sorted serial_number = 0 archives = do |archive,idx| data, serial_number, idx = archive.get_widget_data(locale, serial_number, idx) data end { "category-title" => cat["title"], "category-id" => cat["id"], "archives" => archives } end cats_with_archives ={|h| h["archives"].count != 0} ArchiveCache.create(parent_id: filter_cache_parent_id,locale: locale,filter_result: cats_with_archives) else c = archive_cache.first cats_with_archives = c.filter_result end cats_with_archives end def widget OrbitHelper.render_css_in_head(['archive/archive_frontend.css']) OrbitHelper.render_js_in_head(['archive/archive_frontend.js']) ArchiveFile.check_sort_number page_data_count = OrbitHelper.widget_data_count categories = OrbitHelper.widget_categories #data are categories' ids or 'all' tags = OrbitHelper.widget_tags cats_with_archives = get_archives_for_pack_data(categories, tags) { "categories" => cats_with_archives, "extras" => {"more_url" => (OrbitHelper.widget_more_url + '?data_count=' + page_data_count.to_s)} } end private def get_sorted_cat_with_filter(categories,cat_type) all_categories_with_nil = nil).uniq{|c| c.category_id }.to_a rescue [] sort_method = ArchiveSortOrder.first.sort_order ? 'asc' : 'desc' all_categories_no_nil = ArchiveCategory.all.not_in(sort_number: nil).order_by(sort_number: sort_method).uniq{|c| c.category_id }.to_a rescue [] all_categories_id = all_categories_no_nil.concat(all_categories_with_nil).collect do |cat| cat.category_id.to_s end if cat_type == :id categories_temp = ModuleApp.where(:key => "archive").first.categories categories ={|cat| categories.include?} end categories_sort = [] all_categories_id.each do |cat_id| category_selected ={|category| cat_id ==} if category_selected.length!=0 categories_sort << category_selected[0] end end categories_sort end def self.get_total_pages @@total_pages end end