
592 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

_locale: English
ajax_401_error: "User session has been expired,please login again."
not_authed_user: Access Denied for you are not User for this app
not_manager: Access Denied for you are not Manager for this app
not_sub_manager: Access Denied for you are not SubManager for this app
not_admin: Access Denied for you are not Admin
object: Access Denied for you don't have permission for this object
academic_info: Academic Info.
action: Action
chinese_1: Enter 1, if it shows once in a series
chinese_2: Type Link
chinese_3: Type Title
ab_fx: Effect
add_link: Add a reference link
banner_best_size: Banner Best Size
best_size: Best size
best_size_example: "Ex: 500px x 300px"
new_image: New image
not_showing: Not showing
picture_list: Picture List
sec_place_holder: Enter 3 if 3 sec
select_fx: Select the effect type
set_dates: Set the image to start and end dates
set_range: Set the range time
showing: Showing
success_destroy_ad_image: Image successfully destroyed
trans_unit_sec: sec
transition_sec: Transition time
update_banner: Update Banner
upload_pictures: Upload pictures
widget_info_for_ad_image_size: "Best size with: %{best_size}"
ad_banner: AD Banner
add: Add
add_attribute_field: Add attribute field
add_image: Add image
add_item: Add item
add_member: Create New Member
add_more: Extendable Field
city: City
country: Country
county: County
default_title: Address
street_address: Street address
zip: ZIP
add_to_bookmark: Add this to bookmark
admin: Super Admin
all: All
all_content: All Content
all_file: All File
all_member: Member List
all_plugin_summary: All plugin summary
all_plugins: All plugins
always_display_title: Always displayed in the title bar
list_setting_result: Authorization List
add_manager_fail: Adding manager failed
add_manager_ok: Manager successfully added
add_sub_manager_fail: Adding sub-manager failed
add_sub_manager_ok: Sub-manager successfully added
can_not_add_this_user: This user cannot be added
fail: Removal of manager failed
success: Manager successfully removed
fail: Removal of sub-manager failed
success: Sub-manager successfully removed
failed_no_user: Failed, no user
operation_not_permitted: Operation not permitted
not_pass: Not pass
not_pass_reason: Not pass reason
pass: Pass
setting: Approval setting
stat: Approval status
user_list: Unit
approval_: Approval
approval_setting: Approval setting
asset: Asset
attributes: Attributes
add_manager: Add Manager
add_sub_manager: Add SubManager
add_to_block_list: Add to block List
add_to_privilege_list: Add to privilege List
all_member: All Member
auth_by: - Authorized by %{user_display_name}
by_role: By Role
by_sub_role: By SubRole
author: Author
back: Back
basic: Basic
browse: Browse
built_in: Built-in
# calendar: Calendar
cancel: Cancel
cant_delete_self: You can not delete yourself.
cant_empty_star: Cannot be empty (*)
cant_revoke_self_admin: You can not revoke your admin role yourself.
categories: Categories
category: Category
category_auth: Category Authorization
clear: Clear
close: Close
content: Content
courses: Courses
link: Error when creating link.
page: Error when creating page.
fail: Creation failed
asset_category: Asset category was successfully created.
co_author: Co-author was successfully created.
link: Link was successfully created.
page: Page was successfully created.
paper: Paper was successfully created.
user: User was successfully created.
create_: Create
cross_lang: Enable Monolingual
data: Data
calendar: Calendar Era
format: 格式
after: 民國
before: 民前
first_year: 民國元年
month: Month
year: Year
range: Enable Time Period
tw_calendar: R.O.C Year.
west_calendar: A.C.
date_: Date
bulletin: Announcement
page_context: Page
web_link: Link
dashboard_: Dashboard
deadline: Deadline
default: Default
default_css: Default CSS
default_widget: Default Widget
file: Delete file
paper: Paper was successfully deleted.
delete_: Delete
description: Description
desktop: Desktop
disable: Disable
disabled: Disabled
dots: ●●●●●●
download: Download
downloaded: Downloaded
edit: Edit
asset: Editing asset
design: Editing design
link: Editing link
page: Editing page
email: Email
enable: Enable
enabled_for: Enabled for
end: End
end_date: End date
at_least_one: must at least have one value
field: Fields
size: File size
type: File type
upload: File upload
file_: File
file_type: File Type
followers: Followers
forgot_password: Forgot your password?
frequency: Frequency
name_field_helper: Please enter a number or English, can not use a spacing
frontend_data_count: Frontend data count
gallery: Gallery
all: All
new: New
categories: Categories
groups: Groups
help: Help
hidden: Hidden
hide: Hide
hits: Hits
homepage: Homepage
horizontal: Horizontal
hot: Hot
image: Image
images: Images
info: Information
initial: Default Value
intro: Introduction
is_published: Is published
item: Item
item_name: Name
javascripts: JavaScripts
key: Index Keys
last_modified: Last modified
layout: Layout
link: Link
ad_banner: AdBanner list
asset: Asset list
info: User information list
link: Link list
purchase: Purchases list
role: User roles list
user: Users list
list_: List
list_lower: list
address: Address Field
checkbox: Checkbox
date: Date
radio_button: Radio button
select: Select
text_area: Text Area
text_field: Text Field
locale: Locale
login: Login
logout: Logout
address: Address
authentication: Authentication
domain: Domain
enable_starttls_auto: Enable Start TLS Auto
manager: Manager
password: Password
port: Port
setting: Mail settings
tls: TLS
user_name: User Name
manager: Manager
markup: Markup
markup_options: Markup options
markup_value: Markup value
me: Me
member_: Member
member_authorization: Authorizations
member_info: Profile Form
member_registration: Registration Approval
member_role: Member Roles
menu_enabled_for: Menu enabled for
address: Address
api_reminder: Make API available for Mobile Apps
change: Change
default_color: Default Color
enabled_reminder: "Please be informed that if you already got a responsive web design (RWD) template, the standard mobile version will be in place of the RWD template once you enable it. You can still disable it anytime as your wish."
mobile_site_icon: Mobile Site Icon
or: OR
phone_number: Phone Number
remove_icon: Remove Icon
select_announcement_categories: Select Announcement Categories
select_image: Select Image
select_orbit_bar_color: Select Orbit Bar Color
mobile_settings: Mobile Setting
module: Module
modules: Modules
module_authorization: Module Authorization
monthly_traffic: Monthly Traffic
more_plus: more+
most_visited_page: Most Visited Page
multilingual: Multilingual
name: Name
need_home: You need a home page
neutral_title: Neutral title
neutral_for: Neutral for
asset: New asset
banner: New banner
design: New design
info: New user information
link: New link
page: New page
role: New role
sub_role: New sub role
user: New user
new_: New
no_: "No"
no_deadline: No deadline
nothing: Nothing
a_object_must_have_only_one_object_auth_profile_for_each_action: ''
list_title_of_users: authorization list
new_object_auth: New authorization
off_upcase: "OFF"
on_upcase: "ON"
options: Options
or_lower: or
organization: Organization
page: Page
module_widget: Plug-in Module Widget
none: None
public_r_tag: System Widget
text: Text Area
passed: Approved
password: Password
password_change: Change password
password_confirmation: Password confirmation
password_current: Current password
pending: Pending
author : "Author"
edit_brief_intro : "Edit Brief Intro."
brief_intro : "Brief Intro."
complete_list : "Complete List"
frontend_page : "Frontend Page"
phone_number: "Phone Number"
picture: Picture
placeholder: Field Hint
plugins: Plugins
postdate: Postdate
posted_by: Posted by
preference: Preference
backend_open: All users can visit backend pages
change: Change
classification: Classification
frontend_open: "If Checked, the frontend will be open for all users."
favicon: Favicon
icon: Icon
language: Language
lang_detection: Enable User Language Detection
lang_enabled: Enable Language
lang_default: Default Language
lang_detection: Enable User Language Detection
nav_enabled: Enable Sidebar Sub Nav
openness: Openness
orbitbar_theme: OrbitBar Theme
select_image: Select Image
sidebar_nav: Sidebar Nav
system_email: System Email
preview: Preview
profile: Profile
publications: Publications
purchase: Purchase
quantity: Quantity
quick_edit: Quick edit
recent_update: Recent Update
referral_in_links: Referral in Links
register: Register
registered: Registered
rejected: Rejected
rejected_reason: 'Reason:'
rejected_reason_empty: "Approval rejected, no referencable information"
related_links: Related Links
role: Role
role_field: Role Field
role_info: " Role Info."
roles: Roles
ruling_site: Ruling Site
save_and_close: Save and close
domains: Google Search Domains
not_found: "NOT FOUND"
result_get: "Searched about ' %{search_word} ' Found %{item_num} items"
sitesearch: Google Site Search
too_many: "Search about ' %{search_word} 'resulted more than %{exceed_num} items maybe try to search with more specific terms?"
unit_get: "Listed items created by :%{unit_name} Found %{item_num} items"
anaytics_code: Google Analytics Code
description: Description
keywords: Keywords
syntax: Google Search Syntax
search_: Search
search_engine: Search Engine
search_google: Search Google
select_all: Select All
setup_member: Member setup
server_usage: Server Usage
show: Show
index: Index
summary: Summary
thumbnail: Thumbnail
settings: Site Setting
backend_openness_on: Backend Openness
mobile_api_openness_on: Mobile API Openness
default_image: Site default image
description: Site description
description_help: Description Guide
footer: Site footer
footer_help: Footer Guide
frontend_closed: Frontend Closed
frontend_open: Frontend Open
enable_personal_desktop: Enable Personal Desktop
header: Site header
info: Site information
keywords: Site keywords
keywords_help: Keyword Guide
language: Site language
mobile_version: Enable Mobile Web
announcement: Announcement
openness: Openness
search: Site Search
search_help: Please Enter the search argument for Google search.
settings: Site setting
sub_menu: Site sub-menu
system_preference: System Preference
tab_backups: Backups
tab_commits: Commits
tab_summary: Summary
tab_logs: Logs
code_update_at: Code Update histroy
disk_space: Disk Free
no_data: No Data
version: Version
weekness_report: Weekness Report
terms_of_use: Terms of Use
terms_of_use_content: Terms of Use Content
terms_display_in_footer: Display in footer
title: Site Title
title_help: Site Title Guide
site_: Site
site_info: Site Info
site_map: Site Map
sitemap: Sitemap
site_name: Site Name
site_structure: Structure
site_title_always_display: "Site title will be always displayed in the title bar of the browser, page tile will be after site title."
sitemap_menu_in_header: Sitemap menu in header
size: Size
start: Start
start_date: Start date
statistics: Statistics
status: Status
structure: Structure
sub_manager: SubManager
sub_role: Sub Role
sub_role_field: Sub Role Field
sub_role_info: " Sub Role Info."
subtitle: Subtitle
submit: Submit
submit_approval: Submit approval
submit_user_list: Submit user list
sure?: "Are you sure?"
can_not_display_due_to_no_context: "Can not display due to no context for English"
limit_of_upload_file_size: "Upload file must be less than: %{best_size}"
module_page_lang_not_support: "We are sorry, this page is not available for English"
not_previewable: "Preview not support"
preview_only_for_img: "Preview only supprt with file type: jpg, png, gif, bmp"
sys_basic_form: System Required Info.
sys_basic_id_form: System Account Info.
system_info: System information
tag_cloud: Tag cloud
tags: Tags
template: Template
templates: Templates
template_name: Template name
terms_of_use: Terms of Use
text: Text
theme: Theme
themes: Themes
title: Title
to_search: Set as Search Key
to_show: Display in frontend
top: Top
total_visitors: Total Visitors
traffic: Traffic
type: Field Type
unit_name: Unit name
unzip_success: "App unzip procress is finished, please restart the server to apply effect"
up_to_date: Up-to-date
link: Error when updating link.
fail: Update failed
co_author: Co-author was successfully updated.
content: Content was successfully updated.
link: Link was successfully updated.
page: Page was successfully updated.
paper: Paper was successfully updated.
user: User was successfully updated.
success_: Successfully updated
update_: Update
update_at: Update at
update_manager: Update Manager
available_updates: Available Updates
check_update: Check Update
checking_update: Checking for Updates
system_update: Install Updates
update_done: System is update to date
update_faild: Update failed. Merge is require in the update. Please login to server and update manually.
update_history: Update Histroy
update_status: Update Status
updating_orbit: Updating Orbit. Please wait.
restart_server: Restarting Server. Please wait.
upload: Upload
url: URL
use_status: Use Statue
user: User
user_actions: User log
time: Time
name: Account
page: Access Page and Action
admin_change_password: You cannot change your own password here!
avatar: Profile Picture
change_passwd: Password
setting_privilege: Privilege
email: Email
first_name: First Name
last_name: Last Name
male: Male
name: Name
valid_old_password: Current password doesn't match confirmation
new_password: New password
new_password_note: At least 6 characters
new_password_confirmation: Confirm new password
female: Female
unknown: Information Not Available
office_tel: Office Tel No.
office_tel_note: Public available
sid: ID No.
sid_note: Faculty ID No. or Student ID No.
sex: Gender
user_id: User Account
user_id_note: Should be more than 3 characters and less than 50 characters
user_id_not_null: User account cannot be null
user_id_length: User account should be more than 3 characters
user_id_error: Someone already use that user account
user_basic_id_form: Account Info.
user_basic_data: Personal Profile
version: Version
vertical: Vertical
view: View
view_count: View count
visitors_count: Visits
visitors_this_month: This month's visitors
visitors_this_week: This week's visitors
visitors_this_year: This year's visitors
visitors_today: Today's visitors
yes_: "Yes"