module ApplicationHelper = ActiveSupport::TimeZone[+8.hours] FLASH_NOTICE_KEYS = [:error, :notice, :warning] def current_path(param_hash) request.referer.include?('?') ? [request.referer,param_hash.to_param].join('&') : [request.referer,param_hash.to_param].join('?') end def delayed_impressionist(object) # Resque.enqueue_at(1.minute.from_now,DelayedImpressionist,object) end def check_user_role_enable(attribute_fields) @user.attribute_values.collect{|t| attribute_fields.include?(t.attribute_field) }.include?(true) rescue false end def show_attribute_value(value) if value.kind_of? Hash result = [] value.each{|t| result.push(t.last)} result.join "," else value end end def create_guest_user u = nil User.without_callback(:create, :before, :initialize_desktop) do u = User.create(:name => "guest", :email => "guest_#{}#{rand(99)}") end u.admin = false u.skip_confirmation! => false) u end # if user is logged in, return current_user, else return guest_user def current_or_guest_user if current_user if session[:guest_user_id] User.find(session[:guest_user_id]).destroy rescue nil session[:guest_user_id] = nil end current_user else guest_user end end # find guest_user object associated with the current session, # creating one as needed def guest_user User.find(session[:guest_user_id].nil? ? session[:guest_user_id] = : session[:guest_user_id]) end def flash_messages return unless messages ={|k| FLASH_NOTICE_KEYS.include?(k)} formatted_messages = do |type| content_tag :div, :class => type.to_s do message_for_item(flash[type], flash["#{type}_item".to_sym]) end end raw(formatted_messages.join) end def link_back(custom_class=nil) case custom_class when nil link_to t('back'), get_go_back, :class => 'nav' else link_to t('back'), get_go_back, :class => custom_class end end # Clean the link back def get_go_back begin if request.url.include?('locale=') session[:last_page] else session[:last_page] = remove_locale(request.referer) end rescue eval(params[:controller].split('/').join('_') << '_url') end end # Remove the locale but keep all the other params def remove_locale(url) target = url.split('?') vars = target[1].split('&') rescue [] vars.delete_if {|var| var.include? 'locale=' } if vars.size > 0 target[0].to_s + '?' + vars.join('&') else target[0].to_s end end def add_locale(url, locale) if url.include?('?') url + "&locale=#{locale}" else url + "?locale=#{locale}" end end def message_for_item(message, item = nil) if item.is_a?(Array) message % link_to(*item) else message % item end end def add_attribute(partial, f, attribute) new_object = f.object.send(attribute).build fields = f.fields_for(attribute, new_object, :child_index => "new_#{attribute}") do |f| render :partial => partial, :object => new_object, :locals => {:f => f} end end def active_for_ob_auths_object(object_class,field = :object_auth_id) unless active_for_action("object_auths_new_interface","setting").nil? ob_auth = ObjectAuth.find params[field] ob_auth.obj_authable_type == object_class.to_s ? 'active' : nil end end def active_for_ob_auth(ob_auth_title,field = :object_auth_id) unless active_for_action("module_apps_new_interface","setting").nil? oa_auth = ObjectAuth.find params[field] oa_auth.title == ob_auth_title ? 'active' : nil end end def active_for_app_auth(app_title ='', opt={:controller_name => 'module_apps_new_interface',:action_name=>'setting',:field => :module_app_id}) unless active_for_action(opt[:controller_name],opt[:action_name]).nil? app = ModuleApp.find params[opt[:field]] app.title == app_title ? 'active' : nil else nil end end def active_for_controllers(*controller_names) (controller_names.include?(controller.controller_name) || controller_names.include?(request.fullpath)) ? 'active' : nil end def visible_for_controllers(*controller_names) (controller_names.include?(controller.controller_name) || controller_names.include?(request.fullpath)) ? '' : 'hide' end def active_for_action(controller_name, action_name) ((controller.controller_name.eql?(controller_name) || request.fullpath.eql?(controller_name)) && controller.action_name.eql?(action_name)) ? 'active' : nil end def page_metas(page) tmp_meta = {} metas = '' @site.site_metas.each do |meta| name, content = meta.get_name_content tmp_meta.merge!(name => content) end rescue nil page.page_metas.each do |meta| name, content = meta.get_name_content tmp_meta.merge!(name => content) end rescue nil tmp_meta.each_pair{|name, content| metas << "\n" } if !tmp_meta.blank? metas end def page_title(page) res = "