diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/desktop.js b/app/assets/javascripts/desktop.js
index 37c654c7..de5f7f71 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/desktop.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/desktop.js
@@ -13,4 +13,5 @@
//= require bootstrap
//= require orbitdesktopAPI
//= require orbitTimeline
-//= require orbitdesktop
\ No newline at end of file
+//= require orbitdesktop
+//= require desktop/journal_pages
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/desktop/journal_pages.js.erb b/app/assets/javascripts/desktop/journal_pages.js.erb
index e69de29b..4720686c 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/desktop/journal_pages.js.erb
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/desktop/journal_pages.js.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+orbitDesktop.prototype.initializeJournalPapers = function(target,url,cache){ // this init journal papers
+ this.initializeJournalPapers.formCallback = function(data){
+ if(data.success){
+ o.notify(data.msg,"success");
+ o.sub_menu_item($("div[content-type=menu] a").eq(0));
+ }else{
+ o.notify(data.msg,"alert");
+ }
+ }
+ this.initializeJournalPapers.list = function(){ // to open list part in journal papers page
+ var journalData;
+ var bindHandlers = function(){ // to bind handlers for list page
+ o.simple_drop_down();
+ o.tinyscrollbar_ext({
+ main: '.tinycanvas',
+ fill: '.list_t'
+ })
+ $("#journal_selection_options a").click(function(){
+ switch($(this).attr("href")){
+ case "all":
+ $(".list_item_action > .icon-check-empty").switchClass("icon-check-empty","icon-check",0);
+ break;
+ case "none":
+ $(".list_item_action > .icon-check").switchClass("icon-check","icon-check-empty",0);
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ })
+ $("#journal_view_selection a").click(function(){
+ switch($(this).attr("href")){
+ case "journal":
+ journalview();
+ break;
+ case "keywords":
+ keywordsview();
+ break;
+ case "title":
+ titleview();
+ break;
+ case "abstract":
+ abstractview();
+ break;
+ case "file":
+ fileview();
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ })
+ $("div[container=true]").on("click",".journal_paper_edit",function(){
+ $.ajax({
+ url : $(this).attr("href"),
+ type : "get",
+ success : function(data){
+ var prev_data = $("div[container=true]").html();
+ $("div[container=true]").html(data);
+ $(".bt-cancel").click(function(){
+ $("div[container=true]").html(prev_data);
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ return false;
+ })
+ }
+ var bindSecondaryHandlers = function(){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list a.icon-check-empty").click(function(){
+ if($(this).hasClass("icon-check-empty")){
+ $(this).switchClass("icon-check-empty","icon-check",0);
+ } else if($(this) .hasClass("icon-check")) {
+ $(this).switchClass("icon-check","icon-check-empty",0);
+ } else if($(this).hasClass("icon-star")){
+ $(this).removeClass("icon-star").addClass("icon-star-empty");
+ } else if($(this).hasClass("icon-star-empty")){
+ $(this).removeClass("icon-star-empty").addClass("icon-star");
+ }
+ return false;
+ })
+ }
+ var journalview = function(){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
+ var column = $('
+ counter = 1,
+ li;
+ $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
+ $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
+ li = $(''+journal.title+'
+ column.find("ul").append(li);
+ if(counter%5==0){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ column = $('');
+ }
+ counter++;
+ })
+ })
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ bindSecondaryHandlers();
+ }
+ var fileview = function(){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
+ var column = $(''),
+ counter = 1,
+ li = null;
+ $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
+ $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
+ li = null;
+ li = $('');
+ li.append(''+journal.title+'
+ $.each(paper.files,function(k,file){
+ var thistitle = file.title;
+ if(!file.title)
+ thistitle = "Untitled File";
+ var img = $('');
+ li.append(img);
+ })
+ li.append('Edit');
+ column.find("ul").append(li);
+ if(counter%5==0){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ column = $('');
+ }
+ counter++;
+ })
+ })
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ bindSecondaryHandlers();
+ }
+ var keywordsview = function(){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
+ var column = $(''),
+ counter = 1,
+ li;
+ $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
+ $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
+ li = $(''+paper.title+'
+ column.find("ul").append(li);
+ if(counter%5==0){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ column = $('');
+ }
+ counter++;
+ })
+ })
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ bindSecondaryHandlers();
+ }
+ var titleview = function(){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
+ var column = $(''),
+ counter = 1,
+ li;
+ $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
+ $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
+ li = $(''+paper.title+'
+ column.find("ul").append(li);
+ if(counter%5==0){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ column = $('');
+ }
+ counter++;
+ })
+ })
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ bindSecondaryHandlers();
+ }
+ var abstractview = function(){
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
+ var column = $(''),
+ li;
+ $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
+ $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
+ li = $(''+paper.title+'
+ column.find("ul").append(li);
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ column = $('');
+ })
+ })
+ $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
+ bindSecondaryHandlers();
+ }
+ var getData = function(){
+ $.getJSON("/desktop/journal_pages/get_journals_json",function(journals){
+ journalData = eval(journals);
+ journalview();
+ bindHandlers();
+ })
+ }
+ getData();
+ }
+ this.initializeJournalPapers.addpaper = function(){ // to open add pages in journal papers page
+ var bindHandlers = function(){ // to bind handlers for add page
+ o.simple_drop_down();
+ o.tinyscrollbar_ext({
+ main: '.tinycanvas',
+ fill: '.s_grid_con'
+ })
+ }
+ bindHandlers();
+ }
+ this.initializeJournalPapers.coAuthorformCallback = function(ruse){
+ this.initializeJournalPapers.formCallback = function(data){
+ if(data.success){
+ o.notify(data.msg,"success");
+ o.sub_menu_item($("div[content-type=menu] a").eq(0));
+ }else{
+ o.notify(data.msg,"alert");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.initializeJournalPapers.coauthor = function(){ // to open add pages in journal papers page
+ var bindHandlers = function(){ // to bind handlers for add page
+ o.simple_drop_down();
+ o.tinyscrollbar_ext({
+ main: '.tinycanvas',
+ fill: '.s_grid_con'
+ })
+ }
+ bindHandlers();
+ }
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js b/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
index 834e1931..bebaa016 100755
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
@@ -825,239 +825,7 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
- this.initializeJournalPapers = function(target,url,cache){ // this init journal papers
- this.initializeJournalPapers.formCallback = function(data){
- if(data.success){
- o.notify(data.msg,"success");
- o.sub_menu_item($("div[content-type=menu] a").eq(0));
- }else{
- o.notify(data.msg,"alert");
- }
- }
- this.initializeJournalPapers.list = function(){ // to open list part in journal papers page
- var journalData;
- var bindHandlers = function(){ // to bind handlers for list page
- o.simple_drop_down();
- o.tinyscrollbar_ext({
- main: '.tinycanvas',
- fill: '.list_t'
- })
- $("#journal_selection_options a").click(function(){
- switch($(this).attr("href")){
- case "all":
- $(".list_item_action > .icon-check-empty").switchClass("icon-check-empty","icon-check",0);
- break;
- case "none":
- $(".list_item_action > .icon-check").switchClass("icon-check","icon-check-empty",0);
- break;
- }
- return false;
- })
- $("#journal_view_selection a").click(function(){
- switch($(this).attr("href")){
- case "journal":
- journalview();
- break;
- case "keywords":
- keywordsview();
- break;
- case "title":
- titleview();
- break;
- case "abstract":
- abstractview();
- break;
- case "file":
- fileview();
- break;
- }
- return false;
- })
- $("div[container=true]").on("click",".journal_paper_edit",function(){
- $.ajax({
- url : $(this).attr("href"),
- type : "get",
- success : function(data){
- var prev_data = $("div[container=true]").html();
- $("div[container=true]").html(data);
- $(".bt-cancel").click(function(){
- $("div[container=true]").html(prev_data);
- })
- }
- })
- return false;
- })
- }
- var bindSecondaryHandlers = function(){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list a.icon-check-empty").click(function(){
- if($(this).hasClass("icon-check-empty")){
- $(this).switchClass("icon-check-empty","icon-check",0);
- } else if($(this) .hasClass("icon-check")) {
- $(this).switchClass("icon-check","icon-check-empty",0);
- } else if($(this).hasClass("icon-star")){
- $(this).removeClass("icon-star").addClass("icon-star-empty");
- } else if($(this).hasClass("icon-star-empty")){
- $(this).removeClass("icon-star-empty").addClass("icon-star");
- }
- return false;
- })
- }
- var journalview = function(){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
- var column = $(''),
- counter = 1,
- li;
- $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
- $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
- li = $(''+journal.title+'
- column.find("ul").append(li);
- if(counter%5==0){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- column = $('');
- }
- counter++;
- })
- })
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- bindSecondaryHandlers();
- }
- var fileview = function(){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
- var column = $(''),
- counter = 1,
- li = null;
- $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
- $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
- li = null;
- li = $('');
- li.append(''+journal.title+'
- $.each(paper.files,function(k,file){
- var thistitle = file.title;
- if(!file.title)
- thistitle = "Untitled File";
- var img = $('');
- li.append(img);
- })
- li.append('Edit');
- column.find("ul").append(li);
- if(counter%5==0){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- column = $('');
- }
- counter++;
- })
- })
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- bindSecondaryHandlers();
- }
- var keywordsview = function(){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
- var column = $(''),
- counter = 1,
- li;
- $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
- $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
- li = $(''+paper.title+'
- column.find("ul").append(li);
- if(counter%5==0){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- column = $('');
- }
- counter++;
- })
- })
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- bindSecondaryHandlers();
- }
- var titleview = function(){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
- var column = $(''),
- counter = 1,
- li;
- $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
- $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
- li = $(''+paper.title+'
- column.find("ul").append(li);
- if(counter%5==0){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- column = $('');
- }
- counter++;
- })
- })
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- bindSecondaryHandlers();
- }
- var abstractview = function(){
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").empty();
- var column = $(''),
- li;
- $.each(journalData,function(i,journal){
- $.each(journal.papers,function(j,paper){
- li = $(''+paper.title+'
- column.find("ul").append(li);
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- column = $('');
- })
- })
- $("#journal_p div#paper_list div.overview").append(column);
- bindSecondaryHandlers();
- }
- var getData = function(){
- $.getJSON("/desktop/journal_pages/get_journals_json",function(journals){
- journalData = eval(journals);
- journalview();
- bindHandlers();
- })
- }
- getData();
- }
- this.initializeJournalPapers.addpaper = function(){ // to open add pages in journal papers page
- var bindHandlers = function(){ // to bind handlers for add page
- o.simple_drop_down();
- o.tinyscrollbar_ext({
- main: '.tinycanvas',
- fill: '.s_grid_con'
- })
- }
- bindHandlers();
- }
- this.initializeJournalPapers.coAuthorformCallback = function(ruse){
- this.initializeJournalPapers.formCallback = function(data){
- if(data.success){
- o.notify(data.msg,"success");
- o.sub_menu_item($("div[content-type=menu] a").eq(0));
- }else{
- o.notify(data.msg,"alert");
- }
- }
- }
- this.initializeJournalPapers.coauthor = function(){ // to open add pages in journal papers page
- var bindHandlers = function(){ // to bind handlers for add page
- o.simple_drop_down();
- o.tinyscrollbar_ext({
- main: '.tinycanvas',
- fill: '.s_grid_con'
- })
- }
- bindHandlers();
- }
- };
this.initializeAppstore = function(target,url,cache){