add default value for terms of use in site.rake(need to find a way to break line in the terms)
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,12 +19,28 @@ namespace :site do
task :necessary_data => :environment do
site = Site.first
site.title = 'RulingOrbit Demo Site'
# home_trans = I18nVariable.create!( :document_class => 'Home', :key => 'home', :en => 'Homepage', :zh_tw => '首頁')
design = Design.first
site = Site.first
|||| = design
site.terms_of_use_translations = {"en"=>"1. The copyright of the documents in this web site is belonged to RulingDigital Inc.. It is free for non-commercial use and required to register the source “RulingDigital Inc.”. 2. Documents specified above follow the rules of separate authorization regulations.
3. We will make every effort to ensure that the data of the web pages is immediate and correct but it cannot guarantee any responsibilities. We have the authorities to change the contents of the web pages without notice in advance. Therefore, please contact the people who are in charge to make sure whatever you may concern, like the date or qualification of the tests.
4. The web site is free of any software virus but not guaranteed. We are not responsible for any loss or damage however caused by the downloaded data from this web.
5. Hyperlinks to other websites are provided as a convenience only, and imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those other web sites.
6. This web site does not use cookies and also not track individual visitors to our web site. If you provide personally identifiable information about yourself, we will not use the information for any purpose other than to respond to your inquiry.
7. The revision of the regulations is not notified in advance. Any user who has opinions or suggestions to the rules of this website, please contact the webmaster.",
"zh_tw"=>"1. 本網站所刊載資料之著作權,除另有規定外,屬於 銳綸數位股份有限公司(下稱「本單位」)。任何人得為非營利目的自由使用。但使用時,不得變更其內容、詆毀或減損本單位名譽,且必須註明來源為「銳綸數位股份有限公司」。
2. 具有上傳資料權限之使用者,得自行決定其資料之著作權歸屬與授權規則。本網站之使用者,應遵守之,並了解本單位對此資料不負任何法律責任。
3. 本單位盡力維護本網站資料之即時性與正確性,但對此不負任何責任。本單位有權不經事先公告,變更網站內容。因此,凡使用者認為涉及其利益之事項,例如考試資格或日期、畢業學分等,請逕與本單位相關業務人員確認。
4. 本單位盡力維護本網站資料不含任何電腦病毒。但對於任何因下載本網站資料所致電子資訊系統或其他之損害,本單位不負任何責任。
5. 本網站所提供對其他網站之超連結,僅為使用者之便利。該被連結之他網站,並非本網站之一部分。本單位不保證所連結之他網站存在,亦不對該網站之任何內容、超連結等負責。
6. 本網站除為提供個人服務之必要外,不使用 cookies ,也不追蹤使用者之網路使用。使用者主動提供之個人資料,除指定目的與分析本網站使用習慣外,不作其他用途。
7. 本使用規則之修改變更,不預先公告。若使用者對於本規則或本網站有任何意見或建議,請與網站管理員聯繫。"}
theme = design.themes.first
home = :design_id =>, :name => 'home', :is_published => true, :theme_id => nil, :menu_enabled_for => {"zh_tw"=>"true", "en"=>"true"} )
Reference in New Issue