# require 'spec_helper' # require 'ruby-debug' # describe AppAuth do # before(:all) do # @app_ary = [ # {"name" => "G_app_1" , "all" => false,"blockusers" => ["a_bad_stud@rulingcom.com"]}, # {"name" => "G_app_2" , "all" => true,"blockusers" => ["a_bad_stud@rulingcom.com"]}, # {"name" => "G_app_3_for_bad" , "all" => true,"blockusers" => []} # ] # @app_ary.each do |t| # a = ModuleApp.new :title => t["name"] # blocked_users = t["blockusers"].collect do |b_user| # User.first(conditions:{email:b_user}) # end # a.create_app_auth :all=> t["all"],:blocked_users => blocked_users # a.save! # end # @good_stud_become_bad = User.first(conditions:{email:"a_good_stud@rulingcom.com"}) # @bad_stud_become_good = User.first(conditions:{email:"a_bad_stud@rulingcom.com"}) # @g_app_1 = ModuleApp.first(conditions:{title:"G_app_1"}) # @g_app_2 = ModuleApp.first(conditions:{title:"G_app_2"}) # @g_app_3 = ModuleApp.first(conditions:{title:"G_app_3_for_bad"}) # end # describe "[Init status check]" do # it "bad_stud_become_good status " do # @bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should_not include @g_app_1.app_auth # @bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should_not include @g_app_2.app_auth # @bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should include @g_app_3.app_auth # end # it "good_stud_become_bad status " do # @good_stud_become_bad.avb_apps.should_not include @g_app_1.app_auth # @good_stud_become_bad.avb_apps.should include @g_app_2.app_auth # @good_stud_become_bad.avb_apps.should include @g_app_3.app_auth # end # end # describe ".add_user_to_black_list sutd" do # it "When good stud is blocked with app1 and app2" do # @g_app_1.app_auth.add_user_to_black_list @good_stud_become_bad # @g_app_2.app_auth.add_user_to_black_list @good_stud_become_bad # @good_stud_become_bad.avb_apps.should_not include @g_app_1.app_auth # @good_stud_become_bad.avb_apps.should_not include @g_app_2.app_auth # end # end # describe ".remove_user_from_black_list sutd" do # it "When bad stud is authed with app1 and app2" do # @g_app_1.app_auth.remove_user_from_black_list @bad_stud_become_good # @g_app_2.app_auth.remove_user_from_black_list @bad_stud_become_good # #@bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should include @g_app_1.app_auth # @bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should include @g_app_2.app_auth # end # end # describe ".add_user_to_privilege_list sutd" do # it "When bad stud is auth for one more app" do # @bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should_not include @g_app_1.app_auth #shouldn't have at first time since app1 is not sat for all # @g_app_1.app_auth.add_user_to_privilege_list @bad_stud_become_good #change status # @bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should include @g_app_1.app_auth #check # end # end # describe ".remove_user_from_privilege_list sutd" do # it "admin mistake. remove user from privilege list" do # @g_app_1.app_auth.remove_user_from_privilege_list @bad_stud_become_good # @bad_stud_become_good.avb_apps.should_not include @g_app_1.app_auth # end # end # after(:all) do # @app_ary.each do |item| # ModuleApp.first(conditions: {title: item["name"]}).destroy # end # end # end