# encoding: utf-8 class Bulletin include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::MultiParameterAttributes has_one :title, :class_name => "I18nVariable", :as => :language_value, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_one :subtitle, :class_name => "I18nVariable", :as => :language_value, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_one :text, :class_name => "I18nVariable", :as => :language_value, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :class_name => "AnnouncementTag" field :postdate , :type => Date field :deadline , :type => Date # field :url field :create_user_id field :update_user_id field :is_top, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :is_hot, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :is_hidden, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :is_checked, :type => Boolean, :default => nil field :not_checked_reason field :public, :type => Boolean, :default => true scope :can_display,where(is_checked: true) mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader belongs_to :bulletin_category # embeds_many :bulletin_links, :cascade_callbacks => true # embeds_many :bulletin_files, :cascade_callbacks => true has_many :bulletin_links, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy has_many :bulletin_files, :autosave => true, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :bulletin_files, :allow_destroy => true accepts_nested_attributes_for :bulletin_links, :allow_destroy => true validates_presence_of :title before_save :set_key after_save :save_bulletin_links after_save :save_bulletin_files def self.search( search = nil, category_id = nil ) if category_id.to_s.size > 0 and search.to_s.size > 0 key = /#{search}/ find(:all, :conditions => {title: key, bulletin_category_id: category_id}).desc( :is_top, :postdate ) elsif category_id.to_s.size > 0 and search.to_s.size < 1 find(:all, :conditions => {bulletin_category_id: category_id}).desc( :is_top, :postdate ) elsif search.to_s.size > 0 and category_id.to_s.size < 1 key = /#{search}/ find(:all, :conditions => {title: key}).desc( :is_top, :postdate ) else find(:all).desc( :is_top, :postdate) end end def self.widget_datas( category_id = nil ) date_now = Time.now # find(:all, :conditions => {:postdate => {"$lte" => Date.today}, deadline: nil} ).desc( :is_top, :postdate) # where( :postdate.lte => date_now ).where( :deadline => nil ).desc(:is_top, :postdate) # any_of({ :title => "test" },{:deadline => nil, :title => "123"}) if category_id.to_s.size > 0 find(:all, :conditions => {bulletin_category_id: category_id}).any_of( {deadline: nil,:postdate.lte => date_now} , {:deadline.gte => date_now,:postdate.lte => date_now} ).desc( :is_top, :postdate) else any_of( {deadline: nil,:postdate.lte => date_now} , {:deadline.gte => date_now,:postdate.lte => date_now} ).desc( :is_top, :postdate) end end def is_expired? Date.today > self.deadline ? true : false rescue false #some dates might sat as nil so rescue false end def is_top? self.is_top end def is_hot? self.is_hot end def is_hidden? self.is_hidden end def is_checked? self.is_checked end def is_check_rejected? self.is_checked == false end def save_bulletin_links self.bulletin_links.each do |t| if t.should_destroy t.destroy end end end def save_bulletin_files self.bulletin_files.each do |t| if t.should_destroy t.destroy end end end def title @title ||= I18nVariable.first(:conditions => {:key => 'title', :language_value_id => self.id, :language_value_type => self.class}) rescue nil end def subtitle @subtitle ||= I18nVariable.first(:conditions => {:key => 'subtitle', :language_value_id => self.id, :language_value_type => self.class}) rescue nil end def text @text ||= I18nVariable.first(:conditions => {:key => 'text', :language_value_id => self.id, :language_value_type => self.class}) rescue nil end def self.filter(bulletins) bulletins.each do |bulletin| p "#{bulletin.id}/#{bulletin.is_top}/#{bulletin.is_hot}/#{bulletin.is_hidden}" end return nil end def sorted_tags tags.order_by(I18n.locale, :asc) end protected def set_key if title.new_record? title.key = 'title' end if subtitle.new_record? subtitle.key = 'subtitle' end if text.new_record? text.key = 'text' end end end