class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base protect_from_forgery include ParserFrontEnd, ParserBackEnd, ApplicationHelper include OrbitApp::ErrorHandlers::PageErrorHandler include OrbitApp::ErrorHandlers::ObjectAuthErrorHandler include OrbitApp::ErrorHandlers::ModuleAppErrorHandler rescue_from ObjectAuthError, :with => :render_object_auth_error rescue_from ModuleAppError, :with => :render_module_app_error rescue_from PageError, :with => :render_page_error layout :layout_by_resource helper :admin, :orbit_form before_filter :set_site, :set_locale, :prepare_for_mobile helper_attr :site_valid_locales def check_backend_openness if !Me.backend_openness_on redirect_to '/users/sign_in' if not (authenticate_user! and is_member? ) end end def site_restart Resque.enqueue(RestartServer) end def set_current_user User.current = current_or_guest_user UserActionRecoder.perform(current_or_guest_user,params) end def front_end_available(module_app_title='') app_controller = ModuleApp.first(conditions: {:key => module_app_title} ) unless app_controller.enable_frontend? render :nothing => true end end def get_all_app_engines ary = ["vender/plugins/new_blog"] app_engines = ary.collect{|t| Rails::Engine.find t } app_engines.each{ |t| # t. } end def flaten_controller ary=[] Find.find(File.join(Rails.root , 'vendor/plugins/')) { |name| require_dependency(name) if /_controller\.rb$/ =~ name ary << name } ary end # Find the parent for the given item def find_parent_item @parent_item = Item.first(:conditions => { :id => BSON::ObjectId(params[:parent_id]) }) rescue nil end def auth_failed_in_backend #redirect_to admin_dashboards_url redirect_to root_path end def for_admin_only if is_admin? true else flash[:error] = t("access.denied.not_admin") auth_failed_in_backend end end def for_app_manager if is_manager? true else flash[:error] = t("") auth_failed_in_backend end end def for_app_sub_manager if (@module_app.sub_managing_users.include?(current_or_guest_user) || is_manager?) true else flash[:error] = t("") auth_failed_in_backend end end def for_app_user if (@module_app.app_auth.auth_users.include?(current_or_guest_user) || for_app_sub_manager ) true else flash[:error] = t("") auth_failed_in_backend end end def check_object_premission(obj,title) flash[:error] = t("access.denied.object") auth_failed_in_backend unless (obj.get_object_auth_by_title(title).auth_users.include?(current_or_guest_user) || is_manager? || is_admin? ) end # Render the page def render_page(args=nil) if @item respond_to do |format| format.html { render :text => parse_page_content(@item,args), :layout => 'page_layout' } format.rss { render_main_rss } { redirect_to mobile_path(:app => params[:app]) } end else render :text => '404 Not Found' end end def render_share object_class = params[:model].classify.constantize @object = object_class.find(params[:id]) module_app = ModuleApp.first(:conditions => {:key => params[:key]}) @item = @object.share_item #@item = Item.where(module_app_id:"tag" => {"$in" => [nil,'']},"category" => { "$in" => [nil,'']}).first #binding.pry @orig_url = "http://#{request.host_with_port}/#{@item.path}?id=#{}" render 'shared/render_share', :layout => false end protected # Set I18n.locale def set_locale # update session if passed session[:locale] = params[:locale] if params[:locale] browser_locale = condition = nil # check if locale is valid for non site pages if LIST[:forbidden_item_names].include?(env['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1].to_s) condition = VALID_LOCALES.include?(session[:locale]) elsif session[:locale] condition = @site_in_use_locales.include?(session[:locale]) else browser_locale = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].scan(/^[a-z]{2}/).first rescue nil condition = @site_in_use_locales.include?(browser_locale) end session[:locale] = condition ? (browser_locale || session[:locale]) : I18n.default_locale.to_s I18n.locale = session[:locale].to_sym end # Set the site variables def set_site # set site if exist or create site @site = Site.first || Site.create({:valid_locales => VALID_LOCALES, :in_use_locales => VALID_LOCALES}) session[:site] = @site_in_use_locales = site_locales_default_head(@site.in_use_locales) @site_valid_locales = site_locales_default_head(@site.valid_locales) end def set_current_item session[:current_page] = params[:id] || rescue nil end def decrypt_data(encrypted_data, encrypted_key, encrypted_iv) site = Site.find(session[:site]) if encrypted_data private_key = cipher ='aes-256-cbc') cipher.decrypt cipher.key = private_key.private_decrypt(encrypted_key) cipher.iv = private_key.private_decrypt(encrypted_iv) decrypted_data = cipher.update(encrypted_data) decrypted_data << else '' end end def get_homepage Page.root end def layout_by_resource if devise_controller? "devise" else "application" end end def site_locales_default_head(locales) if locales[0].eql? I18n.locale.to_s locales else a = shift_out = a.delete(I18n.locale.to_s) [shift_out] + a end end # called (once) when the user logs in, insert any code your application needs # to hand off from guest_user to current_user. def logging_in # For example: # guest_comments = guest_user.comments.all # guest_comments.each do |comment| # comment.user_id = # # end end def render_main_rss ret = '' ret << "/panel/#{@item.module_app.key}/front_end/#{@item.app_frontend_url}.rss" ret << "/#{params[:id]}" if params[:id] && !params[:id].eql?( categories_str=params[:category].collect{|t| "category_id[]=#{t}"}.join('&') tags_str=params[:tag].collect{|t| "tag_id[]=#{t}"}.join('&') categories_str = "&#{categories_str}" unless categories_str.blank? tags_str = "&#{tags_str}" unless tags_str.blank? ret << "?inner=true#{categories_str}#{tags_str}&page_main=#{params[:page_main]}" redirect_to ret end private def mobile_device? if session[:mobile_param] session[:mobile_param] == "1" else request.user_agent =~ /iPhone|iPod|Android/ end end def prepare_for_mobile if @site.mobile_on session[:mobile_param] = if request.path =~ /mobile/ '1' elsif params[:mobile] params[:mobile] else session[:mobile_param] end request.format = :mobile if mobile_device? end end end