class ModuleApp include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include OrbitCoreLib::ObjectTokenUtility include OrbitApp::ModuleAppMembershipTools field :key field :title field :sidebar_order,type: Integer,default: 0 def refetch_setting!(reg) # %w{module_label category base_url version organization author intro update_info create_date}.each do |field| # self[field.to_sym] = reg.send field # end self[:app_pages] = reg.get_app_pages self[:enable_frontend] = reg.get_enable_frontend self[:get_widget_style] = reg.get_widgets self[:using_default_widget] = !reg.get_default_widget.blank? self[:widgets] = reg.get_widgets end # def app_pages # get_registration.get_app_pages # end def enable_frontend? self[:enable_frontend] end def get_default_widget get_registration.get_default_widget end def get_widget_for_select widgets = get_widget_style ary = widgets.collect do |k,v| if k == 'default_widget' [I18n.t('widget.default_widget'),'default_widget'] else [I18n.t(v[:label]),k] end end end # def get_widget_style # get_registration.get_widgets # end def has_default_widget? self[:widgets].has_key? 'default_widget' end def label I18n.t(label_i18n) end def label_i18n reg = get_registration reg.nil? ? 'Init is not defined completely' : get_registration.get_label_i18n end # def needs_to_widget_option? # if self.widget_options # self.widget_options.has_key? widgets.first # else # false # end # end def using_default_widget? # !get_registration.get_default_widget.blank? self[:get_default_widget] end def widget_fields # binding.pry # raise 'Need to link with OrbitApp [type: Array]' get_registration.get_default_widget_fields end # def widgets # # get_registration.get_widgets # # get_registration.get_default_widget # end def widget_options(widget_path=nil) get_registration.get_widget_by_path(widget_path) # raise 'Need to link with OrbitApp [type: Hash]' end def widget_options_fields_i18n raise 'Need to link with OrbitApp [type: Hash]' end def widget_fields_link_method get_registration.get_link_methods # raise 'Need to link with OrbitApp [type: Hash]' end has_many :managers,as: :managing_app ,:class_name => "AppManager" ,:dependent => :destroy#,:foreign_key => "managing_app_id",:inverse_of => :managing_app has_many :sub_managers,as: :sub_managing_app ,:class_name => "AppManager", :dependent => :destroy#,:foreign_key => "sub_managing_app_id",:inverse_of => :sub_managing_app # # has_many :tags has_many :page_parts has_many :pages has_one :app_auth,dependent: :delete def get_tags get_registration.get_tags end def get_categories get_registration.get_categories end def module_name I18n.t(get_registration.get_label_i18n) end def get_registration OrbitApp::Module::Registration.find_by_key(key) end end