class AttributeAttrModel include Mongoid::Document field :key field :i18n_variable_id, :type => BSON::ObjectId, :index => true field :markup field :locale, :type => Boolean field :list_options, :type => Array embedded_in :user_attribute_model, :inverse_of => :attribute_attr_models validates_uniqueness_of :key # Destroy the i18n_variable def destroy_i18n_variable self.i18n_variable.destroy rescue nil end # Get the i18n_variable def i18n_variable @i18n_variable ||= I18nVariable.find(self.i18n_variable_id) rescue nil end # Update or create the i18n_variable record def i18n_variable=(attr) if self.i18n_variable_id self.i18n_variable.update_attributes(attr) else var ={:key => self.key, :document_class => self.class, :parent_id => self.user_attribute_model.i18n_variable_id})) self.i18n_variable_id = end end # Convert the string list_options into an array def select_list_options=(var) self.list_options = var.gsub(' ', '').split(',') end # Convert the array list_options into a string def select_list_options self.list_options.to_a.join(', ') end # Check if the attribute_attr is set to be destroyed def should_destroy? should_destroy.to_i == 1 rescue nil end end