// JavaScript Document //harry //Inititialize function will initialize desktop //callback-method will be called after desktop controlled ajax call //container=true is the area where the view will be loaded //load = true is used to load the list element by default //response-type = "json"|"script"|"xml|html" default is json //autocomplete-list = "listname" an array from which autocomplete will be attached to its respective input or textarea $.extend($.expr[':'], { 'containsi': function (elem, i, match, array) { return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || '').toLowerCase().indexOf((match[3] || "").toLowerCase()) >= 0; } }); $.fn.sort = function(c) { return this.pushStack([].sort.apply(this, arguments), []); }; var sortAscending = function(a, b) { return $(a).find("h1").text() > $(b).find("h1").text() ? 1 : -1; }; var sortDescending = function(a, b) { return $(a).find("h1").text() < $(b).find("h1").text() ? 1 : -1; }; var orbitDesktop = function(dom){ orbitDesktopAPI.apply(this); // o = this; this.contentHolder = dom; this.themesettings = ""; this.theme = "4f8d3f493b67fcd05f086359"; this.transitionTime = 500; this.currenthtml = "desktop.html"; this.currentface = "home"; this.desktopData = {}; this.tp = ""; this.sectionList; this.data_method; this.initialize = function(){ var theme = o.theme; var custom = false; $.getJSON("/desktop/get_desktop_settings",{"get":"desktop","desktopid":o.desktopId},function(desktopSettings){ if(desktopSettings){ if(desktopSettings.theme!="custom"){ theme = desktopSettings.theme; }else{ theme = "4f8d3f493b67fcd05f086359"; custom = true; } o.theme = theme; loadTheme(desktopSettings.customtheme,desktopSettings.wallpaper); }else{loadTheme();} }) var loadTheme = function(customtheme,customwallpaper){ //This function will load the theme from database $.getJSON("/"+o.themefolder+"/"+theme+"/settings/"+theme+".json",function(ts){ o.themesettings = eval(ts); $('head').append( $('').attr('href', "/"+o.themefolder+"/"+theme+"/css/"+ts.css)); if(custom){ $("head").find("#dyn_css").remove(); $("head").append(customtheme); } $(document).ready(function(){ o.loadWallpaper(customwallpaper); o.bindDesktopEvents(); o.loadIconCache(); $(o.contentHolder).empty().load("/desktop/desktop",function(){ o.desktopData["d_desktop"] = ""; o.initializeDesktop("d_desktop","",false); }) }); }) } } this.changeTheme = function(theme){ // this function is used for changing theme o.theme = theme; $.getJSON("/"+o.themefolder+"/"+theme+"/settings/"+theme+".json",function(ts){ o.themesettings = eval(ts); $('head').find("#dyn_css").remove(); $('head').append( $('').attr('href', "/"+o.themefolder+"/"+theme+"/css/"+ts.css)); o.loadWallpaper(); o.loadIconCache(); }) }; this.bindDesktopEvents = function(){ //this function will bind the global handlers to thd desktop, for example doc $(".docklist a").click(function(){ var target = $(this).attr("id"); var url = $(this).attr("href"); o.data_method = $(this).attr("callback-method"); if(o.currenthtml!=target){ if(o.desktopData[o.currentface] == "undefined") o.desktopData[o.currentface] = ""; o.desktopData[o.currentface] = $(o.contentHolder).html(); $("#content").hide("drop",o.transitionTime,function(){ o.currenthtml = target; o.currentface = target; var cache = false; if(!o.desktopData[o.currentface]){ $(o.contentHolder).empty().load(url,function(){ if(typeof o.data_method != "undefined"){ if(o.data_method != "") window.o[o.data_method](target,url,cache); } o.sub_menu_item($(o.contentHolder).find("*[content-type=menu] a[load=true]")); }) }else{ $(o.contentHolder).html(o.desktopData[o.currentface]); o.sub_menu_item($(o.contentHolder).find("*[content-type=menu] a[load=true]")); cache = true; if(typeof o.data_method != "undefined"){ if(o.data_method != "") window.o[o.data_method](target,url,cache); } } }); } return false; }) $('body').on({ click: function(){ o.sub_menu_item($(this)); return false; }, mouseenter: function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass('active')){ $(this).switchClass('admtxt','thmc1 thmtxt',0); } }, mouseleave: function(){ var t = $(this).hasClass('active') ? 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