module Panel::Announcement::BackEnd::BulletinsHelper def show_reject_reason(bulletin) by_bulletin = bulletin.is_rejected by_user = (((bulletin.create_user_id == rescue nil) or is_manager? or is_admin?) by_bulletin && by_user end def show_form_status_field(bulletin) #by_bulletin = (!bulletin.is_expired? and bulletin.is_pending?) by_user = ((bulletin.bulletin_category.authed_users('fact_check').include?(current_user) rescue nil) or is_manager? or is_admin?) by_user end def show_approval_link(bulletin) by_bulletin = (!bulletin.is_expired? and bulletin.is_pending?) by_user = ((bulletin.bulletin_category.authed_users('fact_check').include?(current_user) rescue nil) or is_manager? or is_admin?) by_bulletin and by_user end def show_delete_link(bulletin) if !current_user.nil? by_bulletin = (bulletin.create_user_id == ) by_user = (is_manager? or is_admin?) by_bulletin or by_user else false end end def show_bulletin_title_at_index (bulletin) if bulletin.is_checked? link_to bulletin.title, panel_announcement_front_end_bulletin_path(bulletin, :category_id => rescue '' else bulletin.title end end def file_picture_preview_setting(file_path) res= "" ext = File.extname(file_path) unless file_path.nil? case ext when ".jpg",".jpeg",".png",".gif" #res = '' #res.html_safe {"data-content" => "#{image_tag file_path}" } else {"data-content" => t("sys.not_previewable") } end end end end