class AttributeField include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps field :key field :markup field :locale, :type => Boolean, :default => true field :list_options, :type => Array field :built_in, :type => Boolean, :default => false field :disabled, :type => Boolean, :default => false #field :title, localize: true field :locale_title, localize: true field :neutral_title belongs_to :attribute belongs_to :role has_many :attribute_values # validates_uniqueness_of :key def title_translations if locale return locale_title_translations else return Hash[{|d| [d,neutral_title]}] end end def title_translations=(var) if locale self.locale_title = var end end def title if locale return self.locale_title else return self.neutral_title end end def title=(var) binding.pry if locale self.locale_title = var else self.neutral_title = var end end # Convert the string list_options into an array def select_list_options=(var) self.list_options = var.gsub(' ', '').split(',') end # Convert the array list_options into a string def select_list_options self.list_options.to_a.join(', ') end def is_built_in? self.built_in end def is_disabled? self.disabled end end