require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' class TestFileSystem def read_template_file(template_path) case template_path when "product" "Product: {{ product.title }} " when "locale_variables" "Locale: {{echo1}} {{echo2}}" when "variant" "Variant: {{ variant.title }}" when "nested_template" "{% include 'header' %} {% include 'body' %} {% include 'footer' %}" when "body" "body {% include 'body_detail' %}" when "nested_product_template" "Product: {{ nested_product_template.title }} {%include 'details'%} " when "recursively_nested_template" "-{% include 'recursively_nested_template' %}" else template_path end end end class IncludeTagTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Liquid def setup Liquid::Template.file_system = end def test_include_tag_with assert_equal "Product: Draft 151cm ", Template.parse("{% include 'product' with products[0] %}").render( "products" => [ {'title' => 'Draft 151cm'}, {'title' => 'Element 155cm'} ] ) end def test_include_tag_with_default_name assert_equal "Product: Draft 151cm ", Template.parse("{% include 'product' %}").render( "product" => {'title' => 'Draft 151cm'} ) end def test_include_tag_for assert_equal "Product: Draft 151cm Product: Element 155cm ", Template.parse("{% include 'product' for products %}").render( "products" => [ {'title' => 'Draft 151cm'}, {'title' => 'Element 155cm'} ] ) end def test_include_tag_with_local_variables assert_equal "Locale: test123 ", Template.parse("{% include 'locale_variables' echo1: 'test123' %}").render end def test_include_tag_with_multiple_local_variables assert_equal "Locale: test123 test321", Template.parse("{% include 'locale_variables' echo1: 'test123', echo2: 'test321' %}").render end def test_include_tag_with_multiple_local_variables_from_context assert_equal "Locale: test123 test321", Template.parse("{% include 'locale_variables' echo1: echo1, echo2: more_echos.echo2 %}").render('echo1' => 'test123', 'more_echos' => { "echo2" => 'test321'}) end def test_nested_include_tag assert_equal "body body_detail", Template.parse("{% include 'body' %}").render assert_equal "header body body_detail footer", Template.parse("{% include 'nested_template' %}").render end def test_nested_include_with_variable assert_equal "Product: Draft 151cm details ", Template.parse("{% include 'nested_product_template' with product %}").render("product" => {"title" => 'Draft 151cm'}) assert_equal "Product: Draft 151cm details Product: Element 155cm details ", Template.parse("{% include 'nested_product_template' for products %}").render("products" => [{"title" => 'Draft 151cm'}, {"title" => 'Element 155cm'}]) end def test_recursively_included_template_does_not_produce_endless_loop infinite_file_system = do def read_template_file(template_path) "-{% include 'loop' %}" end end Liquid::Template.file_system = assert_raise(Liquid::StackLevelError) do Template.parse("{% include 'loop' %}").render! end end def test_dynamically_choosen_template assert_equal "Test123", Template.parse("{% include template %}").render("template" => 'Test123') assert_equal "Test321", Template.parse("{% include template %}").render("template" => 'Test321') assert_equal "Product: Draft 151cm ", Template.parse("{% include template for product %}").render("template" => 'product', 'product' => { 'title' => 'Draft 151cm'}) end end