# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: _locale: English add: Add back: Back create: Create delete: Delete disable: Disable edit: Edit enable: Enable hide: Hide homepage: Homepage no_: "No" nothing: Nothing show: Show sure?: Are you sure? update: Update yes_: "Yes" admin: add_language: Add language admin: Admin action: Action announcement: Announcement asset: Asset attribute: Attribute attributes: Attributes class: Class create_success_home: Homepage was successfully created. create_success_layout: Layout was successfully created. create_success_link: Link was successfully created. create_success_page: Page was successfully created. create_success_snippet: Snippet was successfully created. content: Content data: Data delete_language: Delete language description: Description disable_language: Disable language editing_home: Editing homepage editing_layout: Editing layout editing_link: Editing link editing_page: Editing page editing_snippet: Editing snippet editing_user_attribute: Editing user attribute enable_language: Enable language file_name: Filename filr_size: File size format: Format is_published: Is published item: Item key: Key language: Language layout: Layout layout_name: Layout name list_assets: Assets list list_items: Items list list_layouts: Layouts list list_snippets: Snippets list list_user_attributes: User attributes list move_down: Move down move_up: Move up multilingual: Multilingual no_home_page: You don't have a homepage no_layout: You don't have a layout name: Name new_asset: New asset new_component: New component new_home: New homepage new_layout: New layout new_link: New link new_page: New page new_snippet: New snippet new_user_attribute: New user attribute non_multilingual: Non multilingual options: Options orig_upload_file: Original filename position: Position published?: Published? title: Title translation: Translation type: Type user_attribute: User attribute update_success_home: Homepage was successfully updated. update_success_layout: Layout was successfully updated. update_success_link: Link was successfully updated. update_success_page: Page was successfully updated. update_success_snippet: Snippet was successfully updated. panel: action: Action attributes: Attributes email: Email home: Home list_users: Users list my_avatar: My Avatar name: Name new_user: New user user: User user_panel: User panel