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Copyright (c) 2003-2011, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license
* A lightweight representation of an HTML element.
* @param {String} name The element name.
* @param {Object} attributes And object holding all attributes defined for
* this element.
* @constructor
* @example
CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element = function( name, attributes )
* The element name.
* @type String
* @example
this.name = name;
* Holds the attributes defined for this element.
* @type Object
* @example
this.attributes = attributes || ( attributes = {} );
* The nodes that are direct children of this element.
* @type Array
* @example
this.children = [];
var tagName = attributes[ 'data-cke-real-element-type' ] || name || '';
// Reveal the real semantic of our internal custom tag name (#6639).
var internalTag = tagName.match( /^cke:(.*)/ );
internalTag && ( tagName = internalTag[ 1 ] );
var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd,
isBlockLike = !!( dtd.$nonBodyContent[ tagName ]
|| dtd.$block[ tagName ]
|| dtd.$listItem[ tagName ]
|| dtd.$tableContent[ tagName ]
|| dtd.$nonEditable[ tagName ]
|| tagName == 'br' ),
isEmpty = !!dtd.$empty[ name ];
this.isEmpty = isEmpty;
this.isUnknown = !dtd[ name ];
/** @private */
this._ =
isBlockLike : isBlockLike,
hasInlineStarted : isEmpty || !isBlockLike
// Used to sort attribute entries in an array, where the first element of
// each object is the attribute name.
var sortAttribs = function( a, b )
a = a[0];
b = b[0];
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element.prototype =
* The node type. This is a constant value set to {@link CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT}.
* @type Number
* @example
* Adds a node to the element children list.
* @param {Object} node The node to be added. It can be any of of the
* following types: {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element},
* {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text} and
* {@link CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment}.
* @function
* @example
add : CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.add,
* Clone this element.
* @returns {CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element} The element clone.
* @example
clone : function()
return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element( this.name, this.attributes );
* Writes the element HTML to a CKEDITOR.htmlWriter.
* @param {CKEDITOR.htmlWriter} writer The writer to which write the HTML.
* @example
writeHtml : function( writer, filter )
var attributes = this.attributes;
// Ignore cke: prefixes when writing HTML.
var element = this,
writeName = element.name,
a, newAttrName, value;
var isChildrenFiltered;
* Providing an option for bottom-up filtering order ( element
* children to be pre-filtered before the element itself ).
element.filterChildren = function()
if ( !isChildrenFiltered )
var writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter();
CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, filter );
element.children = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml( writer.getHtml(), 0, element.clone() ).children;
isChildrenFiltered = 1;
if ( filter )
while ( true )
if ( !( writeName = filter.onElementName( writeName ) ) )
element.name = writeName;
if ( !( element = filter.onElement( element ) ) )
element.parent = this.parent;
if ( element.name == writeName )
// If the element has been replaced with something of a
// different type, then make the replacement write itself.
if ( element.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
element.writeHtml( writer, filter );
writeName = element.name;
// This indicate that the element has been dropped by
// filter but not the children.
if ( !writeName )
this.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
// The element may have been changed, so update the local
// references.
attributes = element.attributes;
// Open element tag.
writer.openTag( writeName, attributes );
// Copy all attributes to an array.
var attribsArray = [];
// Iterate over the attributes twice since filters may alter
// other attributes.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 2; i++ )
for ( a in attributes )
newAttrName = a;
value = attributes[ a ];
if ( i == 1 )
attribsArray.push( [ a, value ] );
else if ( filter )
while ( true )
if ( !( newAttrName = filter.onAttributeName( a ) ) )
delete attributes[ a ];
else if ( newAttrName != a )
delete attributes[ a ];
a = newAttrName;
if ( newAttrName )
if ( ( value = filter.onAttribute( element, newAttrName, value ) ) === false )
delete attributes[ newAttrName ];
attributes [ newAttrName ] = value;
// Sort the attributes by name.
if ( writer.sortAttributes )
attribsArray.sort( sortAttribs );
// Send the attributes.
var len = attribsArray.length;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i++ )
var attrib = attribsArray[ i ];
writer.attribute( attrib[0], attrib[1] );
// Close the tag.
writer.openTagClose( writeName, element.isEmpty );
if ( !element.isEmpty )
this.writeChildrenHtml.call( element, writer, isChildrenFiltered ? null : filter );
// Close the element.
writer.closeTag( writeName );
writeChildrenHtml : function( writer, filter )
// Send children.
CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.writeChildrenHtml.apply( this, arguments );