
27 lines
934 B

er_email: Email_ER
Group: Group
Title: Title
Content: Content
Files: Files
approval_setting: Approval Setting
approve_email_er_fail: Approval Fail
approve_email_er_success: Approve Successfully
create_email_er_success: Create Successfully
email_confirm: Sent mail to confirm
email_have_confirm: Have confirmed
email_no_confirm: Unconfirmed
mail_resend: Resend
test_send_email: Test Send Email
mail_subject: Mail Subject
mail_content: Mail Content
mail_sentdate: Email Time
mail_to: Email To
mail_to_note: Remember to fill in or choose the people you want to send, or the system couldn't send off.
other_mailaddress: Other Email
other_mailaddress_note: Divide different email accounts with ","
other_mailaddress_note_limit: maximum 1000 characters
email_file_limit: File upload size is limited to 1MB
created_user: Creator