module Bundler class Settings def initialize(root = nil) @root = root @local_config = load_config(local_config_file) @global_config = load_config(global_config_file) end def [](key) the_key = key_for(key) value = (@local_config[the_key] || ENV[the_key] || @global_config[the_key]) is_bool(key) ? to_bool(value) : value end def []=(key, value) local_config_file or raise GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile" set_key(key, value, @local_config, local_config_file) end alias :set_local :[]= def delete(key) @local_config.delete(key_for(key)) end def set_global(key, value) set_key(key, value, @global_config, global_config_file) end def all env_keys = { |k| k =~ /BUNDLE_.*/ } keys = @global_config.keys | @local_config.keys | env_keys do |key| key.sub(/^BUNDLE_/, '').gsub(/__/, ".").downcase end end def local_overrides repos = {} all.each do |k| if k =~ /^local\./ repos[$'] = self[k] end end repos end def gem_mirrors all.inject({}) do |h, k| if k =~ /^mirror\./ uri = normalize_uri($') h[uri] = normalize_uri(self[k]) end h end end def locations(key) key = key_for(key) locations = {} locations[:local] = @local_config[key] if @local_config.key?(key) locations[:env] = ENV[key] if ENV[key] locations[:global] = @global_config[key] if @global_config.key?(key) locations end def pretty_values_for(exposed_key) key = key_for(exposed_key) locations = [] if @local_config.key?(key) locations << "Set for your local app (#{local_config_file}): #{@local_config[key].inspect}" end if value = ENV[key] locations << "Set via #{key}: #{value.inspect}" end if @global_config.key?(key) locations << "Set for the current user (#{global_config_file}): #{@global_config[key].inspect}" end return ["You have not configured a value for `#{exposed_key}`"] if locations.empty? locations end def without=(array) self[:without] = (array.empty? ? nil : array.join(":")) if array end def without self[:without] ? self[:without].split(":").map { |w| w.to_sym } : [] end # @local_config["BUNDLE_PATH"] should be prioritized over ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"] def path key = key_for(:path) path = ENV[key] || @global_config[key] return path if path && !@local_config.key?(key) if path = self[:path] "#{path}/#{Bundler.ruby_scope}" else Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir end end def allow_sudo? !@local_config.key?(key_for(:path)) end def ignore_config? ENV['BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG'] end private def key_for(key) key = key.to_s.sub(".", "__").upcase "BUNDLE_#{key}" end def is_bool(key) %w(frozen cache_all no_prune disable_local_branch_check).include? key.to_s end def to_bool(value) !(value.nil? || value == '' || value =~ /^(false|f|no|n|0)$/i) end def set_key(key, value, hash, file) key = key_for(key) unless hash[key] == value hash[key] = value hash.delete(key) if value.nil? FileUtils.mkdir_p(file.dirname) require 'bundler/psyched_yaml', "w") { |f| f.puts YAML.dump(hash) } end value end def global_config_file file = ENV["BUNDLE_CONFIG"] || File.join(Bundler.rubygems.user_home, ".bundle/config") end def local_config_file"config") if @root end def load_config(config_file) valid_file = config_file && config_file.exist? && ! if !ignore_config? && valid_file config_regex =/^(BUNDLE_.+): (?:['"](.*)['"]|(.+(?:\n(?!BUNDLE).+))|(.+))$/ config_pairs ={|m| { |n| n.gsub(/\n\s?/, "") } } Hash[config_pairs] else {} end end # TODO: duplicates Rubygems#normalize_uri # TODO: is this the correct place to validate mirror URIs? def normalize_uri(uri) uri = uri.to_s uri = "#{uri}/" unless uri =~ %r[/\Z] uri = URI(uri) raise ArgumentError, "Gem mirror sources must be absolute URIs (configured: #{mirror_source})" unless uri.absolute? uri end end end