module Bundler class CLI::Update attr_reader :options, :gems def initialize(options, gems) @options = options @gems = gems end def run sources = Array(options[:source]) groups = Array(options[:group]).map(&:to_sym) Bundler.ui.level = "warn" if options[:quiet] if gems.empty? && sources.empty? && groups.empty? # We're doing a full update Bundler.definition(true) else unless Bundler.default_lockfile.exist? raise GemfileLockNotFound, "This Bundle hasn't been installed yet. " \ "Run `bundle install` to update and install the bundled gems." end # cycle through the requested gems, just to make sure they exist names ={ |s| } gems.each do |g| next if names.include?(g) require "bundler/cli/common" raise GemNotFound, Bundler::CLI::Common.gem_not_found_message(g, names) end if groups.any? specs = Bundler.definition.specs_for groups sources.concat( end Bundler.definition(:gems => gems, :sources => sources) end Bundler::Fetcher.disable_endpoint = options["full-index"] opts = options.dup opts["update"] = true opts["local"] = options[:local] Bundler.settings[:jobs] = opts["jobs"] if opts["jobs"] # rubygems plugins sometimes hook into the gem install process Gem.load_env_plugins if Gem.respond_to?(:load_env_plugins) Bundler.definition.validate_ruby! Installer.install Bundler.root, Bundler.definition, opts Bundler.load.cache if Bundler.root.join("vendor/cache").exist? if Bundler.settings[:clean] && Bundler.settings[:path] require "bundler/cli/clean" end Bundler.ui.confirm "Your bundle is updated!" without_groups_messages end private def without_groups_messages if Bundler.settings.without.any? require "bundler/cli/common" Bundler.ui.confirm Bundler::CLI::Common.without_groups_message end end end end