# encoding: utf-8 wb = xlsx_package.workbook wb.add_worksheet(name: "Annoucement") do |sheet| heading = sheet.styles.add_style(:b => true, :locked => true) example = sheet.styles.add_style(:i => true) row = [] row1 = [] row2 = [] row << t("category") row1 << "select" t = "" categories = @module_app.categories.asc(:created_at) categories.each_with_index do |cat,i| t = t + "#{i}" + " -> " + cat.title + ", " end if categories.count > 0 t = t + " Example : 0" else t = "Leave this field blank" end row2 << t row << t("tags") row1 << "select" t = "" tags = @module_app.tags.asc(:created_at) tags.each_with_index do |tag,i| t = t + "#{i}" + " -> " + tag.name + ", " end if tags.count > 0 t = t + " Example : 0,1,2" else t = "Leave this field blank" end row2 << t row << t("event_ann.start_date") row1 << "date" row2 << "Format: YYYY/MM/DD, Example: 2015/12/10" row << t("event_ann.end_date") row1 << "date" row2 << "Format: YYYY/MM/DD, Example: 2015/12/12" row << t("event_ann.event_date") row1 << "date" row2 << "Format: YYYY/MM/DD, Example: 2015/12/10" row << t("top") row1 << "boolean" row2 << "0 for false, 1 for true" row << t("hot") row1 << "boolean" row2 << "0 for false, 1 for true" row << t("hide") row1 << "boolean" row2 << "0 for false, 1 for true " row << t("image") row1 << "url" row2 << "http://www.example.com/images/example.png" row << t("image") + " " + t("description") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "" row << t("image") + " " + t("description") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "" row << t("title") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "" row << t("title") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "" row << t("subtitle") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("subtitle") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("speaker") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("speaker") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("host") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("host") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("content") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "editor" row2 << "" row << t("content") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "editor" row2 << "" row << t("notes") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("notes") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textarea" row2 << "" row << t("link") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';'. Example: http://rulingcom.com; http://google.com" row << t("link") + " " + t("url_alt") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';' with respective to the links in the link columns. Example : Rulingcom official site; Google search engine" row << t("link") + " " + t("url_alt") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';' with respective to the links in the link columns. Example : Rulingcom official site; Google search engine" row << t("file_") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';'. Example: http://www.example.com/images/example.png; http://www.example.com/images/example2.png" row << t("file_") + " " + t("description") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';' with respective to the links in the link columns. Example : Great view; Nice potrait" row << t("file_") + " " + t("description") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';' with respective to the links in the link columns. Example : Great view; Nice potrait" row << t("file_") + " " + t("alternative") + " - " + t("en") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';' with respective to the links in the link columns. Example : example1; example2" row << t("file_") + " " + t("alternative") + " - " + t("zh_tw") row1 << "textfield" row2 << "Seperate with ';' with respective to the links in the link columns. Example : example1; example2" sheet.add_row row, :style => heading sheet.add_row row1 sheet.add_row row2, :style => example @event_anns.each do |eanns| row = [] row << categories.to_a.index(eanns.category) t = [] eanns.tags.each do |tag| t << tags.to_a.index(tag) end row << t.join(",") row << (eanns.postdate.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") rescue "") row << (eanns.deadline.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") rescue "") row << (eanns.eventdate.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") rescue "") row << (eanns.is_top? ? 1 : 0) row << (eanns.is_hot? ? 1 : 0) row << (eanns.is_hidden? ? 1 : 0) row << ("http://" + request.host_with_port + eanns.image.url rescue "") row << eanns.image_description_translations["en"] row << eanns.image_description_translations["zh_tw"] row << eanns.title_translations["en"] row << eanns.title_translations["zh_tw"] row << eanns.subtitle_translations["en"] row << eanns.subtitle_translations["zh_tw"] row << eanns.speaker_translations["en"] row << eanns.speaker_translations["zh_tw"] row << eanns.host_translations["en"] row << eanns.host_translations["zh_tw"] row << eanns.text_translations["en"] row << eanns.text_translations["zh_tw"] row << eanns.notes_translations["en"] row << eanns.notes_translations["zh_tw"] links = eanns.bulletin_event_links.asc(:created_at) t = links.collect{|l|l.url} row << t.join(";") t = links.collect{|l|l.title_translations["en"]} row << t.join(";") t = links.collect{|l|l.title_translations["zh_tw"]} row << t.join(";") files = eanns.bulletin_event_files.asc(:created_at) t = files.collect{|f|("http://" + request.host_with_port + f.file.url rescue nil)} t.delete(nil) row << t.join(";") t = files.collect{|l|l.description_translations["en"]} row << t.join(";") t = files.collect{|l|l.description_translations["zh_tw"]} row << t.join(";") t = files.collect{|l|l.title_translations["en"]} row << t.join(";") t = files.collect{|l|l.title_translations["zh_tw"]} row << t.join(";") sheet.add_row row end end