# pass the layout=false for not rendering the layouts and also can specify the methods to in the backend controller. # data-layout-content="arrayname" in layouts can be used to render data in the array require 'zhconv' require "uri" class PagesController < ApplicationController before_action :get_key layout :get_layout include PagesHelper before_filter :check_frontend_open, :only => [:home,:show] before_filter :check_authorization, :except => [:home,:show] before_filter :set_edit_mode def index @pages = Page.all # render json: @pages end def edit_view @manifest = @key @dataApi = "edit" view = get_view if File.exists?(view) render view end end def home @manifest = @key page = Page.first Thread.new do impressionist(page) page.inc(view_count: 1) end OrbitHelper.set_params params,current_user OrbitHelper.set_site_locale locale render :html => render_final_page("home",page,true).html_safe end def show display_type = "" path = request.path.split('/') if path.size <= 2 redirect_to root_path else if path.last.include? '-' params[:page_id] = path[-2] s = CGI.unescape(path[-1]) s.encode!('UTF-8') params[:slug] = s uid = path[-1].split("-").last uid = uid.split("?").first params[:uid] = uid params[:target_action] = params[:method] || "show" display_type = "show" else params[:page_id] = path[-1] params[:slug] = nil params[:uid] = nil params[:target_action] = params[:method] || "index" display_type = "index" OrbitHelper.set_page_number params[:page_no].to_i || 1 end page = Page.find_by_param(params[:page_id]) if !page.nil? if !page.enabled_for_mobile && !$mobile.blank? render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :layout => false, :status => :not_found return end if page.enabled_for.include? I18n.locale.to_s if page.page_type == "link" redirect_to page.external_url return end module_app = page.module.downcase.pluralize params[:target_controller] = "#{module_app}" if display_type == "index" params[:layout_type] = params[:method] || page.layout || "index" end params[:url] = page.url categories = [] if page.module == "member" if page.categories.first == "all" categories = ["all"] else page.categories.each do |c| category = Role.find(c) rescue nil if !category.nil? && !category.disabled categories << c end end end else page.categories.each do |c| category = Category.find(c) rescue nil if !category.nil? && !category.disable categories << c end end categories = ["all"] if categories.blank? end @manifest = @key OrbitHelper.set_params params,current_user OrbitHelper.set_site_locale locale OrbitHelper.set_this_module_app module_app.singularize OrbitHelper.set_page_categories categories || ["all"] OrbitHelper.set_page_tags page.tags || [] OrbitHelper.set_page_role_status page.role_status || [] OrbitHelper.set_member_sort_position page.member_sort_position OrbitHelper.set_page_data_count page.data_count if params[:layout].kind_of?(String) layout = to_bool(params[:layout]) else layout = true end Thread.new do impressionist(page) page.inc(view_count: 1) end render :html => render_final_page("#{module_app}/#{params[:target_action]}",page,layout).html_safe else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :layout => false, :status => :not_found end else render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :layout => false, :status => :not_found end end end def update_item_position @page = Page.find(params[:id]) new_parent_page = Page.find(params[:parent_id]) old_parent_page_id = @page.parent_page_id @page.parent_page_id = new_parent_page.id if new_parent_page.id != old_parent_page_id url = (new_parent_page.url == "/" ? "" : new_parent_page.url) @page.url = url + "/#{@page.page_id}" end @page.save params["children_ids"].each_with_index do |child,i| page = Page.find(child) page.number = i page.save end if new_parent_page.id != old_parent_page_id old_parent_page = Page.find(old_parent_page_id) # old_parent_page.child_page.each_with_index do |page,i| # page.number = i # page.save # end params["parent_children_ids"] = params["parent_children_ids"] || [] params["parent_children_ids"].each_with_index do |child, i| page = Page.find(child) page.number = i page.save end end render :json => {"success"=>true}.to_json end def preview render render_final_page end def destroy page = Page.find(params[:id]) @parent_pages = page.parent_pages_without_root page.destroy respond_to do |format| format.js end end def get_categories module_app = ModuleApp.find_by_key(params[:module]); if module_app.key.eql?("member") roles = Role.order_by(:_id=>'ASC').all.collect do |role| { "title" => role.title, "id" => role.id.to_s, "status" => RoleStatus.where(:role=>role).collect do |status| { "title" => status.title, "id" => status.id.to_s } end } end else if !module_app.key.eql?("page_content") categories = module_app.categories.enabled.collect do |cat| { "title" => cat.title, "id" => cat.id.to_s } end tags = module_app.tags.collect do |t| { "name" => t.name, "id" => t.id.to_s } end else categories = [] tags = [] end end roles = roles.nil? ? [] : roles categories = categories.nil? ? [] : categories tags = tags.nil? ? [] : tags if module_app.data_count.nil? render :json => {"categories" => categories, "tags" => tags,"roles" => roles,"layouts" => (get_layouts module_app.key),"data_count" => {"present"=>false}, "locale" => I18n.locale.to_s}.to_json else render :json => {"categories" => categories, "tags" => tags,"roles" => roles,"layouts" => (get_layouts module_app.key),"data_count" => {"present"=>true,"start"=>module_app.data_count.begin, "end" => module_app.data_count.end}, "locale" => I18n.locale.to_s}.to_json end end def new @page = Page.new( :enabled_for_mobile=>true, :menu_enabled_for=>["en", "zh_tw"], :enabled_for=>["en", "zh_tw"], :enabled_for_sitemap=>["en", "zh_tw"] ) @pages = Page.where(:page_id.ne => "" , :page_id.exists => true) @modules = ModuleApp.all.frontend_enabled.order_by(:key=>'asc') end def edit @page = Page.find(params[:id]) if params[:type] == "page" @pages = Page.where(:page_id.ne => "" , :page_id.exists => true) @modules = ModuleApp.all.frontend_enabled @module_app = ModuleApp.find_by_key(@page.module) rescue nil @categories = @module_app.categories.enabled rescue [] if @module_app.key.eql?("page_content") @categories = [] end @tags = @module_app.tags rescue [] if @module_app.key.eql?("member") @roles = Role.order_by(:_id=>'ASC').all.collect do |role| { "title" => role.title, "id" => role.id.to_s, "status" => RoleStatus.where(:role=>role) } end else @roles = [] end @layout_types = get_layouts @module_app.key end end def update @page = Page.find(params[:id]) @page.update_attributes(page_update_params) @page.save @parent_pages = @page.parent_pages_without_root respond_to do |format| format.js end end def create params['page']['page_id'] = params['page']['page_id'].gsub('-','_') @page = Page.new(page_params) @page.save! @parent_pages = @page.parent_pages_without_root respond_to do |format| format.js end end private def get_layouts(module_app) layout_types = [] f = File.join("#{Rails.root}/app/templates/#{@key}/modules/#{module_app}/info.json") if File.exists?f info = File.read(f) hash = JSON.parse(info) rescue {} frontends = hash["frontend"] || [] frontends.each do |frontend| frontend["thumbnail"] = "/assets/#{module_app}/thumbs/#{frontend["thumbnail"]}" layout_types << frontend end end if layout_types.empty? Dir.glob("#{Rails.root}/app/templates/#{@key}/modules/#{module_app}/*").each do |w| next if File.ftype(w).eql?("directory") w = File.basename(w, ".*") w = File.basename(w, ".*") if w[0,1] != "_" && w[0,1] != "s" && w != "info" layout_types << w end end end layout_types end def render_final_page(original_view=get_view,page,layout) final_html_for_render = "" if layout parts = $mobile.blank? ? (page.page_parts rescue []) : (page.mobile_page_parts rescue []) @part_partials = {} parts.each do |part| subparts = part.sub_parts.asc(:created_at) partials = [] subparts.each do |subpart| if subpart.kind == "module_widget" OrbitHelper.set_current_widget subpart OrbitHelper.set_widget_data_count subpart.data_count OrbitHelper.set_widget_module_app subpart.module OrbitHelper.set_widget_item_url subpart OrbitHelper.set_widget_title subpart.title OrbitHelper.set_widget_categories subpart.categories || ["all"] OrbitHelper.set_widget_tags subpart.tags || [] custom_value = subpart.custom_string_field || subpart.custom_array_field rescue nil if !custom_value.nil? OrbitHelper.set_widget_custom_value custom_value end if @editmode partials << "
" else widget_html = Rails.cache.fetch("subpart_#{subpart.module}_#{subpart.id.to_s}_"+I18n.locale.to_s,{ race_condition_ttl: 2, expires_in: 5.minutes}) do render_widget_for_frontend(subpart.module,subpart.widget_method,subpart.widget_type,subpart.id.to_s) end partials << widget_html end elsif subpart.kind == "text" if @editmode partials << "" else partials << subpart.content end end end @part_partials["data-pp='#{part.part_id}'"] = partials end @file = nil @layout_html = nil if original_view == "home" @file = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", "/home/index.html.erb") else @file = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", "/home/page.html.erb") end @layout_html = render_to_string(@file) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(@layout_html, nil, "UTF-8") @part_partials.each do |key, partial| html_string = "" partial.each do |p| if !p.nil? html_string = html_string + p end end pp = doc.css("*[#{key}]") if !pp.blank? pp = pp[0] pp.inner_html = html_string end end if @editmode pps = doc.css("*[data-pp]") pps.each do |pp| number = pp.attributes["data-pp"].value if pp.inner_html.strip == "" pp.inner_html = " " else inner_html = pp.inner_html pp.inner_html = inner_html + " " end end end if original_view != "home" viewarea = doc.css("*[data-content='true']")[0] viewarea.inner_html = render_to_string(original_view) rescue "" end link = doc.css("link")[0] link.attributes["href"].value = current_site.favicon.url.nil? ? "/assets/favicon.ico" : current_site.favicon.url final_html_for_render = doc.to_html else final_html_for_render = render_to_string(original_view) rescue "" end final_html_for_render = change_to_language(final_html_for_render) if @editmode session[:mobile] = $temp_mobile end format_date(final_html_for_render,(original_view == "home" ? "home" : page.module)) rescue final_html_for_render end def format_date(html,module_key) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html, nil, "UTF-8") doc.css("body").first.set_attribute("data-module",module_key) rescue nil dates = doc.css("*[date-format]") if dates.blank? return doc.to_html else dates.each do |d| format = d.attributes["date-format"].value date = DateTime.parse(d.inner_text) d.inner_html = d.inner_html.gsub(d.inner_text.strip, " " + date.strftime(format)) end return doc.to_html end end def get_widget_path(widget) file = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", "modules/#{widget}") end def get_view page = Page.find(params[:id]) rescue Page.root if page == Page.root @view = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", "home/index.html.erb") else module_name = page.module.downcase.singularize @view = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", "modules/#{module_name}/index.html.erb") end end def page_params page = Page.find(params[:page][:parent_page]) page.url = page.url == "/" ? "" : page.url @url = page.url + "/#{params[:page][:page_id]}" valid_locales = current_site.valid_locales rescue [] p = params.require(:page).permit(:number, :page_type, :page_id, :module, :layout, :parent_page, :data_count, :enabled_for_mobile, :member_sort_position, enabled_for_sitemap: [], enabled_for: [], menu_enabled_for: [], categories: [], tags: [], role_status: [], name_translations: valid_locales ,external_url_translations: valid_locales) p["url"] = @url if p["external_url_translations"] current_site.in_use_locales.each do |loc| p["external_url_translations"][loc.to_s] = p["external_url_translations"][loc.to_s].sub("http://" + request.host_with_port,"") if p["external_url_translations"][loc.to_s].present? end end p end def page_update_params valid_locales = current_site.valid_locales rescue [] p = params.require(:page).permit(:number, :page_type, :page_id, :module, :layout, :parent_page, :data_count, :enabled_for_mobile, :member_sort_position, enabled_for_sitemap: [], enabled_for: [],menu_enabled_for: [], categories: [], tags: [], role_status: [], name_translations: valid_locales, external_url_translations: valid_locales) p["role_status"] = p["role_status"] || [] p["categories"] = p["categories"] || [] p["tags"] = p["tags"] || [] p["enabled_for"] = p["enabled_for"] || [] p["menu_enabled_for"] = p["menu_enabled_for"] || [] p["enabled_for_sitemap"] = p["enabled_for_sitemap"] || [] p["enabled_for_mobile"] = p["enabled_for_mobile"] || 0 if p["external_url_translations"] current_site.in_use_locales.each do |loc| p["external_url_translations"][loc.to_s] = p["external_url_translations"][loc.to_s].sub("http://" + request.host_with_port,"") if p["external_url_translations"][loc.to_s].present? end end p end def get_layout if request[:action] == "edit_view" page = Page.find(params[:id]) if page.page_id == "" || page.page_id == nil false else File.join("../../templates", "#{@key}", "/home/page.html.erb") end # elsif request[:action] == "show" || request[:action] == "moduleShow" # File.join("../../templates", "themes", "#{@key}", '/home/page.html.erb') else false end end def to_bool(str) return true if str == "true" return false if str == "false" end def check_frontend_open if !current_site.frontend_open && current_user.blank? redirect_to '/admin/dashboards' end end def check_authorization if current_user.blank? or !current_user.is_admin? redirect_to '/admin/dashboards' end end def set_edit_mode @dataApi = "frontend" @editmode = false if !current_user.nil? and current_user.is_admin? if params[:editmode] == "on" @editmode = true @dataApi = "edit" end end end def change_to_language(final_html) if session[:zh_cn] final_html = ZhConv.convert("zh-cn", final_html) final_html.gsub!('/zh_tw/','/zh_cn/') final_html.sub!('繁体中文','繁体中文') end final_html end end