module PagesHelper def parse_pp_tags(file) opened_file = doc = Nokogiri::HTML(opened_file, nil, "UTF-8") opened_file.close pps = doc.css("*[data-pp]") pps.each do |pp| pp.content = "

" end doc.to_html end def render_widget_for_frontend(controller_name, widget_method, widget_file, subpart_id=nil) def widget_parsing_repeats_again(elements,d,level) newhtml = [] oldhtml = [] elements.each do |el| html_to_render = "" data_name = el.attr("data-list") wrap_elements = el.css("*[data-list][data-level='#{level}']") if d["#{data_name}"] d["#{data_name}"].each_with_index do |item,i| element = el.inner_html if wrap_elements.count > 0 htmls = widget_parsing_repeats_again(wrap_elements,d["#{data_name}"][i], level + 1) htmls[0].each_with_index do |html,i| element = element.gsub(html,htmls[1][i]) end end item.each do |key,value| if !value.kind_of?(Array) value = value.nil? ? "" : value element = element.gsub("{{#{key}}}",value.to_s.html_safe) element = element.gsub("%7B%7B#{key}%7D%7D",value.to_s) end end html_to_render = html_to_render + element end temp = el.to_s oldhtml << temp temp = temp.gsub(el.inner_html, html_to_render) newhtml << temp end end [oldhtml,newhtml] end @key = Site.first.template if @key.nil? controller_name = controller_name.downcase.singularize f = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", 'modules', "#{controller_name}", "_#{widget_file}.html.erb"); if !File.exists?f f = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", 'widgets', "#{controller_name}", "_#{widget_file}.html.erb"); if !File.exists?f f = File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'templates', "#{@key}", 'modules', "#{controller_name}", "_widget.html.erb"); if File.exists?f f = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", 'modules', "#{controller_name}", "_widget.html.erb"); else return "
Maybe the administrator has changed the theme, please select the widget design again from the page settings.
".html_safe end else f = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", 'widgets', "#{controller_name}", "_#{widget_file}.html.erb"); end else f = File.join('../templates', "#{@key}", 'modules', "#{controller_name}", "_#{widget_file}.html.erb"); end s = render_to_string(f) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(s, nil, "UTF-8") if !subpart_id.nil? doc.css("body").children.first.set_attribute("data-subpart-id", subpart_id) rescue nil end wrap_elements = doc.css("*[data-repeat]") controller = "#{controller_name.capitalize.pluralize}_controller" OrbitHelper.set_current_widget_module controller_name begin data = controller.send("#{widget_method}") #rescue nil rescue Exception => e write_widget_debug_file(e,controller_name,widget_method,subpart_id) end if !data.nil? wrap_elements = doc.css("*[data-list][data-level='0']") htmls = widget_parsing_repeats_again(wrap_elements,data,1) html = doc.to_s htmls[0].each_with_index do |h,i| html = html.gsub(h,htmls[1][i]) end extras = data['extras'] || {} extras["widget-title"] = OrbitHelper.widget_title extras.each do |key,value| html = html.gsub("{{#{key}}}",value.to_s.html_safe) html = html.gsub("%7B%7B#{key}%7D%7D",value.to_s) end html.html_safe else return "
No content to show.
".html_safe end end def write_widget_debug_file(e,controller_name,action_name,sub_part) directory_name = "tmp/debug" Dir.mkdir(directory_name) unless File.exists?(directory_name) fn = "#{directory_name}/#{controller_name}_#{action_name}_#{(sub_part if !sub_part.nil?)}.html" error_trace_spans = "" e.backtrace.each do |bt| error_trace_spans = error_trace_spans + "#{bt}
" end con = "#{controller_name.capitalize.pluralize}_controller".classify.constantize, "w"){ |file| file.puts " Debug result

Error Message


Request Details

Url : #{request.url}
Controller : #{con.to_s}
Action : #{action_name.capitalize}
SubPart Id : #{sub_part}

Error Trace



" } end end