class AttributeField include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::Attributes::Dynamic include ::AttributeFieldsHelper field :key, type: String field :af_count field :title, type: String, localize: true field :markup, default: "text_field" field :option_list, type: Hash,default: {} field :markup_options, type: Hash field :built_in, type: Boolean, default: false field :disabled, type: Boolean, default: false field :to_delete, type: Boolean,default: false field :to_search, type: Boolean, default: false field :to_show,type: Boolean,default: true field :typeA, type: Hash, default: {cross_lang: false} field :typeB, type: Hash, default: {} field :typeC, type: Hash, default: {calendar: "west_calendar", format: "format3"} field :typeD, type: Hash, default: {cross_lang: false} field :typeE, type: Hash, default: {} belongs_to :role has_many :attribute_values, autosave: true, dependent: :destroy before_save :check_option_list def markup_value get_data["option_list"] end def add_more (get_data["add_more"] == "true" ? true : false) rescue false end def locale get_data["cross_lang"] == "true" ? false : true end def self_defined_markup_options? (self.role.method(self[:key].pluralize.to_sym) && self.role.method(self[:key].pluralize+"_for_"+markup)) rescue false end def option_list if self_defined_markup_options? #Class need to have corresponding field and value agent # Ex: For "status" the class must have field called "statuses" for the relation and "statuses_for_select" for the select function method = self.role.method(self[:key].pluralize+"_for_"+markup) return ( rescue {}) elsif self[:option_list].nil? || (self[:option_list].empty?) return {} else return self[:option_list] end end def markup_options=(var) self[:markup_options] = (eval(var) rescue {}) end def markup_options if self[:markup_options].nil? return {} else Hash[self[:markup_options].map{|key,val|[key.to_sym,val]}] rescue {} end end def panel panel = LIST[:markups][self[:markup]]["panel"] end def get_data self[panel] end def typeA=(var) check_add_more_convert(var) check_cross_lang_convert(var,"typeA") self["typeA"] = var end def typeD=(var) check_cross_lang_convert(var,"typeD") self["typeD"] = var end def is_built_in? self.built_in end def is_disabled? self.disabled end def self.add_attribute_field(role,role_param, attribute_field_id=nil,field_status) @field_name = 'role' if field_status.eql?(true) @attribute_field_counter = role.attribute_fields.count rescue nil @attribute_field = self.find(attribute_field_id) rescue nil @attribute_field.update(role_param) @attribute_field[:af_count] = @attribute_field_counter else @attribute_field_counter = role.attribute_fields.count rescue nil @attribute_field = rescue nil @attribute_field[:af_count] = @attribute_field_counter end return @attribute_field end protected def check_cross_lang_convert(var,field) if self[field]["cross_lang"] != var["cross_lang"] case var["cross_lang"] when "true" #from no-add_more to add_more cross_lang_convert(:to_cross_lang) else #from add_more to no-add_more cross_lang_convert(:to_no_cross_lang) end # of case end # of if end def check_add_more_convert(var) if self["typeA"]["add_more"] != var["add_more"] case var["add_more"] when "true" #from no-add_more to add_more add_more_convert(:to_add_more) else #from add_more to no-add_more add_more_convert(:to_no_add_more) end # of case end # of if end def cross_lang_convert(opt) end def check_option_list self[:option_list] = self[panel]["option_list"] rescue nil end def add_more_convert(opt) end end