#this class handles user login and password. User has the attributes user name, email and password which he / she can choose class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include ActiveModel::SecurePassword field :user_name, type: String field :email, type: String field :password_digest, type: String field :confirmation_token, type: String field :reset_token, type: String has_many :assets has_many :user_actions, :dependent => :destroy index({ confirmation_token: 1}, { unique: true }) has_secure_password belongs_to :workgroup has_many :authorizations belongs_to :member_profile VALID_EMAIL_FORMAT = /\A[^@\s]+@([^@.\s]+\.)+[^@.\s]+\z/ validates :user_name, presence: true, uniqueness: true validates :password, presence: true, :on => :create, length: {:in => 8..20} validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true, format: { with: VALID_EMAIL_FORMAT } def generate_confirmation_token self.confirmation_token = SecureRandom.hex(5) self.save end def send_confirmation_email self.generate_confirmation_token ConfirmUserMailer.user_confirmation_email(self).deliver end def self.confirm_email(confirmation_token = nil) if confirmation_token user = self.find_by(confirmation_token: confirmation_token) rescue nil token_status = user.present? case token_status when true user.confirmation_token = nil user.save return {:success => "true", :id => user.id.to_s} when false return {:success => "false"} end else return {:success => "false"} end end def generate_reset_token self.reset_token = SecureRandom.hex(5) self.save end def send_password_reset_email self.generate_reset_token ResetPasswordMailer.reset_user_password(self).deliver end def self.check_password_token(reset_token = nil) user = self.find_by(reset_token: reset_token) rescue nil token_status = user.present? if token_status true else false end end def update_password(password, password_confirmation) self.update_attributes(password: password, password_confirmation: password_confirmation, reset_token: nil) self.save end def is_confirmed? if self.confirmation_token.present? false else true end end def is_admin? if (self.workgroup.present? && self.workgroup.key.eql?("admin")) true else false end end def is_manager?(module_app) if ((module_app.user_module_managers.include?(self.id) rescue nil) && (!self.is_admin?)) true else false end end def is_sub_manager?(module_app) module_app_categories = module_app.categories.map {|c| c.id} rescue nil authorized_categories = self.authorizations.map {|a| a.category.id if (a.category.present? && a.workgroup.key.eql?("sub_managers"))} intersection = (module_app_categories & authorized_categories) if ((intersection.count > 0 if intersection.present?) && !self.is_admin? && !self.is_manager?(module_app)) true else false end end def is_manager_with_role?(module_app) user_roles = self.member_profile.role_ids.map {|r| r} authorized_roles = module_app.role_managers rescue [] intersection = (user_roles & authorized_roles) if ((intersection.count > 0 if intersection.present?) && !self.is_admin? && !self.is_manager?(module_app) && !self.is_sub_manager?(module_app)) true else false end end def user_workgroup(module_app) if self.is_admin? "Admin" elsif (self.is_manager?(module_app) || is_manager_with_role?(module_app)) "Manager" elsif self.is_sub_manager?(module_app) "Sub Manager" end end def self.not_admins workgroup = Workgroup.find_by(key: "admin") self.where(:workgroup_id.ne => workgroup.id) end end