en: module_name: cancerpredict: Predict Breast Cancer Tool cancerpredict: cancerpredict: adjust the predict breast cancer tool submitResult: see submit results of the users result_is_right: Is therapy choices in the right hand side of result block? text_descibe: text descibe font_size: font size small: small medium: medium large: large Input_fields: User input fields' contents tool_head_pictures: All the logos in the page of predict tool sort_num: sort num logo: logo image title: title of the page of predict tool title_text: title texts add_image: add image years: Years table_above_texts: Texts above table text_above_texts: Texts above text surgery_only_texts: Surgery only texts extra_texts: Extra texts extra_therapy_texts: Extra therapy texts danger_texts: Warning texts texts_between_Result_and_result_block: Texts between "Result" and "Result block" prev_page: Previous page next_page: Next page export_cancer_predict_tool_records: Export cancer predict tool records table: welcome: Welcome to The after breast cancer healing system of Taiwanprepare!\nTo start, please enter the relevant information below. Reset: Reset Submit: Submit age: Age at diagnosis Menopausal: Post Menopausal? ER: ER status HER2: HER2 status PR: PR status Tumoursize: Tumour size(mm) Tumourgrade: Tumour grade lymphnodes: lymph nodes positive: positive negative: negative yes: yes no: no unknown: unknown Results: Results Treatment: Event Additional_Benefit: Additional Benefit Overall_Survival: Probability(%) Surgeryonly: Readmission or death Hormonetherapy: Hormone therapy Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy years: years result: Results table: Table curve: Curves text: Texts Therapy_choice: Treatment options