class MembersController < ApplicationController helper_method :current_user def index page_roles = OrbitHelper.page_categories page_role_status = OrbitHelper.page_role_status params = OrbitHelper.params page = Page.where(:page_id => params[:page_id]).first rescue nil fields_to_show = page.custom_array_field if !page.nil? rescue [] fields_to_show = [ {"key"=>"name", "type"=>"profile","sort_order"=>2,"link_to_show"=>true}, {"key"=>"email", "type"=>"profile"}, {"key"=>"office_tel", "type"=>"profile"} ] if fields_to_show.blank? member_sort_position = OrbitHelper.member_sort_position sort = nil if !member_sort_position # sort = "data['list_order']" # else # sort = fields_to_show # .collect.with_index{|field,idx| {'sort_order'=>field['sort_order'], 'index'=>idx}} # .select{|field|!field['sort_order'].blank?} # .sort_by{|field|field['sort_order']} # .collect.with_index{|field| "data['profile_data'][#{field['index']}]['sort_value'] rescue 0"} # # sort = "[(data['first_name'][0])]" # sort = '[('+sort.join('),(')+')]' fields_to_show.each_with_index do |field, idx| if field["key"] == "name" # sort = "[(data['profile_data'][idx]['sort_value'] rescue 0)]" sort = idx end end end if page_roles.include?("all") roles = Role.all.asc(:key).collect do |role| { "title" => role.title, "id" => } end else page_role_status.each do |status_id| page_roles << RoleStatus.find(status_id) end roles = Role.where( => page_roles.uniq).asc(:key).collect do |role| { "title" => role.title, "id" =>, "status" => RoleStatus.where(:role_id=>role,>page_role_status).asc(:key).to_a } end end tag = nil role_list = [] roles.each do |role| status_list = [] if !role['status'].blank? role['status'].each do |status| member_profiles = get_members_by_status(status, sort, fields_to_show, member_sort_position, params) status_list << { "status-title" => status.title, "members" => member_profiles } if !member_profiles.blank? end else # Members with status role_status = RoleStatus.order_by(:key=>"asc").where(:role_id=>role['id']) role_status_ids = role_status.collect{|status|} role_status.each do |status| member_profiles = get_members_by_status(status, sort, fields_to_show, member_sort_position, params) next if member_profiles.blank? status_list << { "status-title" => status.title, "members" => member_profiles } end # Members without status member_profiles = [] if params[:tag].blank? MemberProfile.not_in(>role_status_ids).where(>[role['id']]).collect do |profile| if profile.user.nil? member_profiles << get_member_data(profile, fields_to_show) elsif profile.user.approved member_profiles << get_member_data(profile, fields_to_show) end end else tag = MemberTag.find(params[:tag]) rescue nil MemberProfile.not_in(>role_status_ids).where(>[role['id']], => []).collect do |profile| if profile.user.nil? member_profiles << get_member_data(profile, fields_to_show) elsif profile.user.approved member_profiles << get_member_data(profile, fields_to_show) end end if !tag.nil? end if member_sort_position member_profiles = member_profiles.sort_by{|data| (data['list_order'])} rescue member_profiles else member_profiles = member_profiles.sort_by{|data| (data['profile_data'][sort]['sort_value'] rescue 0)} rescue member_profiles end status_list << { "status-title" => role['title'], "members" => member_profiles } if !member_profiles.blank? end role_list << { "role-title" => role['title'], "status-list" => status_list } end { "roles" => role_list, "extras" => { "widget-title"=>((params[:tag].blank? ? t(:member_) : (tag.nil? ? "Tag not found" : t(:member_) + " - Filtered by #{tag.title}")) rescue t(:member_)) } } end def get_members_by_status(status, sort=nil, fields_to_show, member_sort_position, params) member_profiles = [] mps = [] if params[:tag].blank? mps = status.member_profiles.asc(:first_name) else tag = MemberTag.find(params[:tag]) rescue nil mps = status.member_profiles.where( => []).asc(:first_name) if !tag.nil? end mps.each do |member| if member.user.nil? member_profiles << get_member_data(member, fields_to_show) elsif member.user.approved member_profiles << get_member_data(member, fields_to_show) end end if member_sort_position return member_profiles.sort_by{|data| (data['list_order'])} rescue member_profiles else return member_profiles.sort_by{|data| (data['profile_data'][sort]['sort_value'] rescue 0)} rescue member_profiles end end def get_member_data(member, fields_to_show) image = member.avatar.present? ? member.avatar.thumb.url : ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path('member-pic.png') { 'profile_data'=>member_data(member, fields_to_show), 'list_order' => member.position, 'name' =>, 'image'=>image, "link_to_show" => OrbitHelper.url_to_show(member.to_param) } end def show params = OrbitHelper.params member = MemberProfile.find_by(uid: params[:uid]) page = Page.where(:page_id => params[:page_id]).first rescue nil profile_data = [] fields_to_show = [] fields_to_show = page.custom_array_field_for_show rescue [] #role status member.roles.where(:disabled => false).asc("_id").collect do |role| role_status = member.role_statuses.where(role_id:{|t|t.title.to_s}.join(',') rescue '' profile_data = profile_data.push({"key"=>"role_status", "title"=>"", "value"=> role_status, "title_class"=>"member-data-title-role-status", "value_class"=>"member-data-value-role-status"}) if !role_status.blank? if fields_to_show.blank? attribute_field = role.attribute_fields.where(:key => 'job_title').first profile_data = profile_data + member_data(member, [{"id"=>, "key"=> attribute_field.key, "type"=>"role"}]) if !attribute_field.blank? and !attribute_field.to_show.blank? end end if fields_to_show.blank? fields_to_show = [ {"key"=>"name", "type"=>"profile"}, {"key"=>"office_tel", "type"=>"profile"}, {"key"=>"email", "type"=>"profile"} ] profile_data = profile_data + member_data(member, fields_to_show) profile_fields_to_show = [] # member info infos = MemberInfo.order('created_at DESC') infos.each do |info| info.member_profile_fields.each do |member_profile_field| profile_fields_to_show << {"id"=>, "key"=> member_profile_field.key, "type"=>"custom"} if !member_profile_field.to_show.blank? end end profile_data = profile_data + member_data(member, profile_fields_to_show) # member role role_fields_to_show = [] member.roles.where(:disabled => false).asc("_id").collect do |role| role.attribute_fields.where( => 'job_title').asc("_id").each do |attribute_field| role_fields_to_show << {"id"=>, "key"=> attribute_field.key, "type"=>"role"} if !attribute_field.to_show.blank? end end profile_data = profile_data + member_data(member, role_fields_to_show) else profile_data = profile_data + member_data(member, fields_to_show) auto ={|pd| pd if pd["key"] == "autobiography"} if !auto.blank? auto = auto.first profile_data.delete(auto) end end # member plugin # plugins = (current_site.personal_plugins_sort.blank? ? OrbitApp::Plugin::Registration.all : OrbitApp::Plugin::Registration.sort_by_array(current_site.personal_plugins_sort)) rescue nil if current_site.personal_plugins_sort.blank? plugins = OrbitApp::Plugin::Registration.all rescue nil else plugin_list = OrbitApp::Plugin::Registration.all.collect{|p| p.module_app_name} plugin_list = current_site.personal_plugins_sort | plugin_list plugins = OrbitApp::Plugin::Registration.sort_by_array(plugin_list) rescue nil end plugin_list = plugins.collect.with_index do |plugin, idx| intro = PersonalPluginIntro.find_by(member_profile_id:, _type: "#{plugin.app_name}Intro") rescue nil if intro.nil? or intro.complete_list plugin_data = plugin.app_name.constantize.where(member_profile_id: member,:is_hidden=>false) rescue nil # pd = plugin_data.collect do |p| # slug_title = ["JournalPaper","WritingConference"].include?(plugin.app_name) ? p.create_link : p.slug_title # { # "data_title" => slug_title, # "link_to_show" => OrbitHelper.url_to_plugin_show(p.to_param,plugin.module_app_name.underscore) # } # end pd = [] has_plugin_method = plugin.app_name.constantize.respond_to?("get_plugin_datas_to_member") rescue false if !has_plugin_method && (plugin.app_name == 'JournalPaper' or plugin.app_name == 'WritingConference' or plugin.app_name == 'Book') pd_title = {} temp_pds = plugin_data.sort_for_frontend rescue nil temp_pds = plugin_data.where(:is_hidden=>false).desc(:year) if temp_pds.nil? # for old sites without plugins update plugin_datas = temp_pds.collect do |p| { "pd_datas" => [{ "data_title" => "#{p.create_link}" }] } end else datas = plugin.app_name.constantize.get_plugin_datas_to_member(plugin_data) pd_title = datas[0] rescue {} plugin_datas = datas[1] rescue {} end end if !intro.blank? if !intro.brief_intro.blank? pdi = [] pdi << {"data_intro_title" => intro.text.html_safe} end if intro.complete_list.blank? complete_display = "hide" pd_title = {} plugin_datas = {} end if intro.brief_intro.blank? brief_display = "hide" pdi = {} end else pdi = [{"data_intro_title" => ''}] if !plugin_datas.blank? end { "plugin_data" => pd, "pd_title" => pd_title, "plugin_datas" => plugin_datas, "plugin_data_intro" => pdi, "complete_display" => complete_display, "brief_display" => brief_display, "plugin_name" => plugin.module_app_name.underscore, "plugin_title" => t('module_name.'+plugin.module_app_name.underscore), "plugin_class" => idx==0 ? "active" : "" } end plugin_list = plugin_list.reject{|plugin| plugin['plugin_datas'].blank? and plugin['plugin_data_intro'].blank?} vlog_module = ModuleApp.find_by_key("vlog") rescue nil if !vlog_module.nil? && !member.user.nil? plugin_data = VLog.where(create_user_id: rescue nil if plugin_data.count > 0 datas = VLog.get_plugin_datas_to_member(plugin_data) pd_title = datas[0] rescue {} plugin_datas = datas[1] rescue {} plugin_list << { "plugin_data" => [], "pd_title" => pd_title, "plugin_datas" => plugin_datas, "plugin_data_intro" => {}, "complete_display" => nil, "brief_display" => nil, "plugin_name" => vlog_module.get_registration.key, "plugin_title" => t("vlog.vlog"), "plugin_class" => "" } end end if !auto.blank? if plugin_list.empty? plugin_list << {"plugin_data"=>[], "pd_title"=>[{"plugin_data_title"=>auto["title"]}], "plugin_datas"=>[{"pd_datas"=>[{"data_title"=>auto["value"]}]}], "plugin_name" => auto["key"],"plugin_class" => "active", "plugin_title" => auto["title"], "plugin_data_intro"=>[{"data_intro_title"=>""}], "complete_display"=>nil, "brief_display"=>nil} else plugin_list.first["plugin_class"] = "" plugin_list.unshift({"plugin_data"=>[], "pd_title"=>[{"plugin_data_title"=>auto["title"]}], "plugin_datas"=>[{"pd_datas"=>[{"data_title"=>auto["value"]}]}], "plugin_name" => auto["key"],"plugin_class" => "active", "plugin_title" => auto["title"], "plugin_data_intro"=>[{"data_intro_title"=>""}], "complete_display"=>nil, "brief_display"=>nil}) end end { "plugins" => plugin_list, "profile_data" => profile_data, "data" => { "image" => member.avatar.present? ? member.avatar.url : ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path('member-pic.png'), "name" => } } end def member_data(member, fields_to_show) profile_data = [] fields_to_show.each do |field| privacy_approved_status = true if field['type'] != 'role' field_key = field["key"] else field_key = field["id"] end privacy_approved_status = false if member.get_privacy_type_for_field(field_key) != "public" if !OrbitHelper.current_user.nil? if(member.get_privacy_type_for_field(field_key) == "logged_in") privacy_approved_status = true elsif(member.get_privacy_type_for_field(field_key) == "locked") if == || OrbitHelper.current_user.is_admin? privacy_approved_status = true end end end if member.get_privacy_type_for_field(field_key) == "default" if field['type'] != 'role' privacy_approved_status = true #Todo: set not role field's default privacy_approved_status else case AttributeField.find(field["id"]).privacy_default when 'public' privacy_approved_status = true when 'logged_in' privacy_approved_status = true if !OrbitHelper.current_user.nil? when 'locked' if !OrbitHelper.current_user.nil? privacy_approved_status = true if == || OrbitHelper.current_user.is_admin? end end end end case field['type'] when 'profile' next if !privacy_approved_status field_data = member.get_attribute_data(field) rescue {} when 'custom' if !field['id'].blank? next if !privacy_approved_status field_data = member.member_profile_field_values.find_by(:member_profile_field_id=>field['id'],:key=>field['key']).get_field_value rescue {"value" => " "} else field_data = member.member_profile_field_values.find_by(:key=>field['key']).get_field_value rescue {"value" => " "} end when 'role' if !field['id'].blank? next if !privacy_approved_status av = member.attribute_values.find_by(:attribute_field_id=>field['id'],:key=>field['key']) rescue nil field_data = {"value" => " "} if !av.nil? r = av.attribute_field.role rescue nil if !r.nil? if member.roles.include?(r) field_data = av.get_field_value rescue {"value" => " "} else field_data = {"value" => " "} end else field_data = {"value" => " "} end else field_data = {"value" => " "} end else avs = member.attribute_values.where(:key=>field['key']) rescue nil field_data = {"value" => " "} avs.each do |av| if !av.nil? r = av.attribute_field.role rescue nil if !r.nil? if member.roles.include?(r) field_data = av.get_field_value rescue {"value" => " "} break else field_data = {"value" => " "} end else field_data = {"value" => " "} end else field_data = {"value" => " "} end end end end next if field_data.blank? or field_data['value'].blank? or (OrbitHelper.params[:target_action] == "show" && field_data['value'] == " ") if field['sort_order'] field_data['sort_value'] = field_data['val'].blank? ? field_data['value'] : field_data['val'] if !field_data['sort_value'].is_a?(Hash) if field_data['sort_value'].is_a?(Integer) || (field_data['sort_value'].is_i? rescue false) field_data['sort_value'] = field_data['sort_value'].to_i rescue field_data['sort_value'] else if I18n.locale == :zh_tw field_data['sort_value'] = field_data['sort_value'].strip.encode("Big5") rescue "簡".encode("Big5") end end end end @current_field_value = field_data['value'] if (@current_field_value.gsub(' ','').strip rescue nil) == "" @locale = I18n.locale @site_in_use_locales = current_site.in_use_locales @new_field_data = @site_in_use_locales.each_with_index do |locale,i| I18n.locale = locale @new_field_data = member.get_attribute_data(field) rescue {} break if @new_field_data['value'].to_s.gsub(' ','').strip !="" end field_data['value'] = @new_field_data['value'].nil? ? " " :@new_field_data['value'] I18n.locale = @locale end if field['link_to_show'] if field_data['value'] == ' ' #需jquery刪除空白欄位 field_data['value'] = "" #若無網站連結,刪除實驗室網站字樣 field_data['title'] = "" #無網站連結,則不顯示 elsif field_data['value'].include? 'href=' field_data['value'] = "" else field_data['value'] = "#{field_data['value']}" end #field_data['value'] = "#{field_data['value']}" end if field['max_length'] field_data['value'] = (field_data['value'].length > field['max_length']) ? field_data['value'][0..field['max_length']]+'...' : field_data['value'] end field_data['title_class'] = "member-data-title-"+field['key'].underscore.gsub('_','-') field_data['value_class'] = "member-data-value-"+field['key'].underscore.gsub('_','-') next if field_data['value'] == "" || field_data['value'] == ' ' profile_data.push(field_data) end return profile_data end end