en: payment: Payment Setting payment-log: Payment log payment_settup: pay_type: Payment type account: Payment account not_support_auto_close: Your browser dosn't support auto close window, please close by yourself. save_data: Save the information as pdf confirm_close_window: Are you sure to close window? close_window: Close window note: Please reserve the information on this page,if the transaction have problem, you can provide these information to us to deal with this Order faster card_type: Card Type general_card: 'General Card Transactions (VISA, MASTER, JCB)' union_card: 'UnionPay card transaction (Union Pay)' pay: Go to pay money pay_options: Payment term need_script: It need javascript to show content properly. 'true': success 'false': failed trading_module: Trading module orderNumber: Order Number amount: Amount user: Payment User trading_time: Trading time trading_result: Trading result hua_nan: Hua Nan Commercial Bank 'yes': Yes 'no': No add: Add modify: Modify add_key: Add Option delete: Delete test: Test test_all: Test all submit: Submit delete_key: delete Option get_check: Get check code hua_nan: form_url: Form's URL MerchantID: MerchantID(Number of length = 15) TerminalID: TerminalID(Number of length = 8) MerchantName: Name to show for member lidm: lidm merID: merID customize: customize PageVer: PageVer purchAmt: Total Amount txType_mask: Whether to let member can use installment txType: Whether to use installment NumberOfPay: Number of pay NumberOfPayOption: Number of pay Option encode: encode AutoCap: AutoCap store_id: Store Pass code checkValue: Check value