require 'rack' require 'rack-proxy' require 'cookiejar' module ReverseProxy class Client @@callback_methods = [ :on_response, :on_set_cookies, :on_success, :on_redirect, :on_missing, :on_error, :on_complete ] # Define callback setters @@callback_methods.each do |method| define_method(method) do |&block| self.callbacks[method] = block end end attr_accessor :url, :callbacks def initialize(url) self.url = url self.callbacks = {} # Initialize default callbacks with empty Proc @@callback_methods.each do |method| self.callbacks[method] = {} end yield(self) if block_given? end def request(env, options = {}, &block) options.reverse_merge!( headers: {}, path: nil, username: nil, password: nil ) source_request = # We can pass in a custom path uri = URI.parse("#{url}#{options[:path] || env['ORIGINAL_FULLPATH']}") # Initialize request target_request = Net::HTTP.const_get(source_request.request_method.capitalize).new(uri.request_uri) # Setup headers target_request_headers = extract_http_request_headers(source_request.env).merge(options[:headers]) target_request.initialize_http_header(target_request_headers) # Basic auth target_request.basic_auth(options[:username], options[:password]) if options[:username] and options[:password] # Setup body if target_request.request_body_permitted? \ && source_request.body source_request.body.rewind target_request.body_stream = source_request.body end target_request.content_length = source_request.content_length || 0 target_request.content_type = source_request.content_type if source_request.content_type # Hold the response here target_response = nil # Don't encode response/support compression which was # causing content length not match the actual content # length of the response which ended up causing issues # within Varnish (503) target_request['Accept-Encoding'] = nil # Make the request Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: (uri.scheme == "https")) do |http| target_response = http.request(target_request) end status_code = target_response.code.to_i payload = [status_code, target_response] callbacks[:on_response].call(payload) if set_cookie_headers = target_response.to_hash['set-cookie'] set_cookies_hash = {} set_cookie_headers.each do |set_cookie_header| set_cookie_hash = CookieJar::CookieValidation.parse_set_cookie(set_cookie_header) set_cookie_hash[:value] = CGI.unescape(set_cookie_hash[:value]) name = set_cookie_hash.delete(:name) set_cookies_hash[name] = set_cookie_hash end callbacks[:on_set_cookies].call(payload | [set_cookies_hash]) end case status_code when 200..299 callbacks[:on_success].call(payload) when 300..399 if redirect_url = target_response['Location'] callbacks[:on_redirect].call(payload | [redirect_url]) end when 400..499 callbacks[:on_missing].call(payload) when 500..599 callbacks[:on_error].call(payload) end callbacks[:on_complete].call(payload) payload end private def extract_http_request_headers(env) headers = env.reject do |k, v| !(/^HTTP_[A-Z_]+$/ === k) || v.nil? do |k, v| [reconstruct_header_name(k), v] end.inject( do |hash, k_v| k, v = k_v hash[k] = v hash end headers end def reconstruct_header_name(name) name.sub(/^HTTP_/, "").gsub("_", "-") end end end