# RuCaptcha
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This is a Captcha gem for Rails Applications which generates captcha image by C code.
## Example
## Feature
- No dependencies. No ImageMagick. No RMagick;
- For Rails Application;
- Simple, Easy to use;
- High performance.
## Usage
Put rucaptcha in your `Gemfile`:
gem 'rucaptcha'
Create `config/initializers/rucaptcha.rb`
RuCaptcha.configure do
# Color style, default: :colorful, allows: [:colorful, :black_white]
# self.style = :colorful
# Custom captcha code expire time if you need, default: 2 minutes
# self.expires_in = 120
# [Requirement / 重要]
# Store Captcha code where, this config more like Rails config.cache_store
# default: Read config info from `Rails.application.config.cache_store`
# But RuCaptcha requirements cache_store not in [:null_store, :memory_store, :file_store]
# 默认:会从 Rails 配置的 cache_store 里面读取相同的配置信息,并尝试用可以运行的方式,用于存储验证码字符
# 但如果是 [:null_store, :memory_store, :file_store] 之类的,你可以通过下面的配置项单独给 RuCaptcha 配置 cache_store
self.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
# Chars length, default: 5, allows: [3 - 7]
# self.length = 5
# enable/disable Strikethrough.
# self.strikethrough = true
RuCaptcha 没有使用 Rails Session 来存储验证码信息,因为 Rails 的默认 Session 是存储在 Cookie 里面,如果验证码存在里面会存在 [Replay attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replay_attack) 漏洞,导致验证码关卡被攻破。
所以我在设计上要求 RuCaptcha 得配置一个可以支持分布式的后端存储方案例如:Memcached 或 Redis 以及其他可以支持分布式的 cache_store 方案。
同时,为了保障易用性,默认会尝试使用 `:file_store` 的方式,将验证码存在应用程序的 `tmp/cache/rucaptcha/session` 目录(但请注意,多机器部署这样是无法正常运作的)。
所以,我建议大家使用的时候,配置上 `cache_store` (详见 [Rails Guides 缓存配置部分](https://ruby-china.github.io/rails-guides/caching_with_rails.html#%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE)的文档)到一个 Memcached 或 Redis,这才是最佳实践。
(RuCaptha do not use Rails Session to store captcha information. As the default session is stored in Cookie in Rails, there's a [Replay attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replay_attack) bug which may causes capthcha being destroyed if we store captcha in Rails Session.
So in my design I require RuCaptcha to configure a distributed backend storage scheme, such as Memcached, Redis or other cache_store schemes which support distribution.
Meanwhile, for the ease of use, RuCapthca would try to use `:file_store` by default and store the capthca in `tmp/cache/rucaptcha/session` directory (kindly note that it's not working if deploy on multiple machine).
For recommendation, configure the `cache_store`(more details on [Rails Guides Configuration of Cache Stores](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/caching_with_rails.html#configuration)) to Memcached or Redis, that would be the best practice.)
Controller `app/controller/account_controller.rb`
When you called `verify_rucaptcha?`, it uses value from `params[:_rucaptcha]` to validate.
class AccountController < ApplicationController
def create
@user = User.new(params[:user])
if verify_rucaptcha?(@user) && @user.save
redirect_to root_path, notice: 'Sign up successed.'
render 'account/new'
class ForgotPasswordController < ApplicationController
def create
# without any args
if verify_rucaptcha?
redirect_to '/forgot-password', alert: 'Invalid captcha code.'
> TIP: Sometimes you may need to keep last verified captcha code in session on `verify_rucaptcha?` method call, you can use `keep_session: true`. For example: `verify_rucaptcha? @user, keep_session: true`.
View `app/views/account/new.html.erb`