require 'rails' require 'action_controller' require 'active_support/all' require 'rucaptcha/rucaptcha' require 'rucaptcha/version' require 'rucaptcha/configuration' require 'rucaptcha/controller_helpers' require 'rucaptcha/view_helpers' require 'rucaptcha/cache' require 'rucaptcha/engine' module RuCaptcha class << self def config return @config if defined?(@config) @config = = :colorful @config.expires_in = 2.minutes if Rails.application @config.cache_store = Rails.application.config.cache_store else @config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store end @config.cache_store @config end def configure(&block) config.instance_exec(&block) end def generate() style = == :colorful ? 1 : 0 self.create(style) end def check_cache_store! cache_store = RuCaptcha.config.cache_store store_name = cache_store.is_a?(Array) ? cache_store.first : cache_store if [:memory_store, :null_store, :file_store].include?(store_name) RuCaptcha.config.cache_store = [:file_store, Rails.root.join('tmp/cache/rucaptcha/session')] puts " RuCaptcha's cache_store requirements are stored across processes and machines, such as :mem_cache_store, :redis_store, or other distributed storage. But your current set is #{cache_store}, it has changed to :file_store for working. NOTE: :file_store is still not a good way, it only works with single server case. Please make config file `config/initializers/rucaptcha.rb` to setup `cache_store`. More infomation please read GitHub RuCaptcha README file. " end end end end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do ActionController::Base.send :include, RuCaptcha::ControllerHelpers end ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do include RuCaptcha::ViewHelpers end