package gomail

import (

// Message represents an email.
type Message struct {
	header      header
	parts       []*part
	attachments []*file
	embedded    []*file
	charset     string
	encoding    Encoding
	hEncoder    mimeEncoder
	buf         bytes.Buffer

type header map[string][]string

type part struct {
	contentType string
	copier      func(io.Writer) error
	encoding    Encoding

// NewMessage creates a new message. It uses UTF-8 and quoted-printable encoding
// by default.
func NewMessage(settings ...MessageSetting) *Message {
	m := &Message{
		header:   make(header),
		charset:  "UTF-8",
		encoding: QuotedPrintable,


	if m.encoding == Base64 {
		m.hEncoder = bEncoding
	} else {
		m.hEncoder = qEncoding

	return m

// Reset resets the message so it can be reused. The message keeps its previous
// settings so it is in the same state that after a call to NewMessage.
func (m *Message) Reset() {
	for k := range m.header {
		delete(m.header, k)
	} = nil
	m.attachments = nil
	m.embedded = nil

func (m *Message) applySettings(settings []MessageSetting) {
	for _, s := range settings {

// A MessageSetting can be used as an argument in NewMessage to configure an
// email.
type MessageSetting func(m *Message)

// SetCharset is a message setting to set the charset of the email.
func SetCharset(charset string) MessageSetting {
	return func(m *Message) {
		m.charset = charset

// SetEncoding is a message setting to set the encoding of the email.
func SetEncoding(enc Encoding) MessageSetting {
	return func(m *Message) {
		m.encoding = enc

// Encoding represents a MIME encoding scheme like quoted-printable or base64.
type Encoding string

const (
	// QuotedPrintable represents the quoted-printable encoding as defined in
	// RFC 2045.
	QuotedPrintable Encoding = "quoted-printable"
	// Base64 represents the base64 encoding as defined in RFC 2045.
	Base64 Encoding = "base64"
	// Unencoded can be used to avoid encoding the body of an email. The headers
	// will still be encoded using quoted-printable encoding.
	Unencoded Encoding = "8bit"

// SetHeader sets a value to the given header field.
func (m *Message) SetHeader(field string, value ...string) {
	m.header[field] = value

func (m *Message) encodeHeader(values []string) {
	for i := range values {
		values[i] = m.encodeString(values[i])

func (m *Message) encodeString(value string) string {
	return m.hEncoder.Encode(m.charset, value)

// SetHeaders sets the message headers.
func (m *Message) SetHeaders(h map[string][]string) {
	for k, v := range h {
		m.SetHeader(k, v...)

// SetAddressHeader sets an address to the given header field.
func (m *Message) SetAddressHeader(field, address, name string) {
	m.header[field] = []string{m.FormatAddress(address, name)}

// FormatAddress formats an address and a name as a valid RFC 5322 address.
func (m *Message) FormatAddress(address, name string) string {
	if name == "" {
		return address

	enc := m.encodeString(name)
	if enc == name {
		for i := 0; i < len(name); i++ {
			b := name[i]
			if b == '\\' || b == '"' {
	} else if hasSpecials(name) {
		m.buf.WriteString(bEncoding.Encode(m.charset, name))
	} else {
	m.buf.WriteString(" <")

	addr := m.buf.String()
	return addr

func hasSpecials(text string) bool {
	for i := 0; i < len(text); i++ {
		switch c := text[i]; c {
		case '(', ')', '<', '>', '[', ']', ':', ';', '@', '\\', ',', '.', '"':
			return true

	return false

// SetDateHeader sets a date to the given header field.
func (m *Message) SetDateHeader(field string, date time.Time) {
	m.header[field] = []string{m.FormatDate(date)}

// FormatDate formats a date as a valid RFC 5322 date.
func (m *Message) FormatDate(date time.Time) string {
	return date.Format(time.RFC1123Z)

// GetHeader gets a header field.
func (m *Message) GetHeader(field string) []string {
	return m.header[field]

// SetBody sets the body of the message. It replaces any content previously set
// by SetBody, AddAlternative or AddAlternativeWriter.
func (m *Message) SetBody(contentType, body string, settings ...PartSetting) { = []*part{m.newPart(contentType, newCopier(body), settings)}

// AddAlternative adds an alternative part to the message.
// It is commonly used to send HTML emails that default to the plain text
// version for backward compatibility. AddAlternative appends the new part to
// the end of the message. So the plain text part should be added before the
// HTML part. See
func (m *Message) AddAlternative(contentType, body string, settings ...PartSetting) {
	m.AddAlternativeWriter(contentType, newCopier(body), settings...)

func newCopier(s string) func(io.Writer) error {
	return func(w io.Writer) error {
		_, err := io.WriteString(w, s)
		return err

// AddAlternativeWriter adds an alternative part to the message. It can be
// useful with the text/template or html/template packages.
func (m *Message) AddAlternativeWriter(contentType string, f func(io.Writer) error, settings ...PartSetting) { = append(, m.newPart(contentType, f, settings))

func (m *Message) newPart(contentType string, f func(io.Writer) error, settings []PartSetting) *part {
	p := &part{
		contentType: contentType,
		copier:      f,
		encoding:    m.encoding,

	for _, s := range settings {

	return p

// A PartSetting can be used as an argument in Message.SetBody,
// Message.AddAlternative or Message.AddAlternativeWriter to configure the part
// added to a message.
type PartSetting func(*part)

// SetPartEncoding sets the encoding of the part added to the message. By
// default, parts use the same encoding than the message.
func SetPartEncoding(e Encoding) PartSetting {
	return PartSetting(func(p *part) {
		p.encoding = e

type file struct {
	Name     string
	Header   map[string][]string
	CopyFunc func(w io.Writer) error

func (f *file) setHeader(field, value string) {
	f.Header[field] = []string{value}

// A FileSetting can be used as an argument in Message.Attach or Message.Embed.
type FileSetting func(*file)

// SetHeader is a file setting to set the MIME header of the message part that
// contains the file content.
// Mandatory headers are automatically added if they are not set when sending
// the email.
func SetHeader(h map[string][]string) FileSetting {
	return func(f *file) {
		for k, v := range h {
			f.Header[k] = v

// Rename is a file setting to set the name of the attachment if the name is
// different than the filename on disk.
func Rename(name string) FileSetting {
	return func(f *file) {
		f.Name = name

// SetCopyFunc is a file setting to replace the function that runs when the
// message is sent. It should copy the content of the file to the io.Writer.
// The default copy function opens the file with the given filename, and copy
// its content to the io.Writer.
func SetCopyFunc(f func(io.Writer) error) FileSetting {
	return func(fi *file) {
		fi.CopyFunc = f

func (m *Message) appendFile(list []*file, name string, settings []FileSetting) []*file {
	f := &file{
		Name:   filepath.Base(name),
		Header: make(map[string][]string),
		CopyFunc: func(w io.Writer) error {
			h, err := os.Open(name)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if _, err := io.Copy(w, h); err != nil {
				return err
			return h.Close()

	for _, s := range settings {

	if list == nil {
		return []*file{f}

	return append(list, f)

// Attach attaches the files to the email.
func (m *Message) Attach(filename string, settings ...FileSetting) {
	m.attachments = m.appendFile(m.attachments, filename, settings)

// Embed embeds the images to the email.
func (m *Message) Embed(filename string, settings ...FileSetting) {
	m.embedded = m.appendFile(m.embedded, filename, settings)