== Description Concurrency primitives that may be used in a cross-process way to coordinate share memory between processes. A small C library (libpsem) is compiled to support portable access to semaphores. This library is then accessed using FFI to implement Ruby classes ProcessShared::Semaphore, ProcessShared::BoundedSemaphore, ProcessShared::Mutex, and ProcessShared::SharedMemory. This is an incomplete work in progress. == License MIT == Install Install the gem with: gem install process_shared == Usage require 'process_shared' mutex = ProcessShared::Mutex.new mem = ProcessShared::SharedMemory.new(:int) # extends FFI::Pointer mem.put_int(0, 0) pid1 = fork do puts "in process 1 (#{Process.pid})" 10.times do sleep 0.01 mutex.synchronize do value = mem.get_int(0) sleep 0.01 puts "process 1 (#{Process.pid}) incrementing" mem.put_int(0, value + 1) end end end pid2 = fork do puts "in process 2 (#{Process.pid})" 10.times do sleep 0.01 mutex.synchronize do value = mem.get_int(0) sleep 0.01 puts "process 2 (#{Process.pid}) decrementing" mem.put_int(0, value - 1) end end end Process.wait(pid1) Process.wait(pid2) puts "value should be zero: #{mem.get_int(0)}" == Todo * Implement ConditionVariable * Implement optional override of core Thread/Mutex classes * Extend libpsem to win32? (See Python's processing library) * Break out tests that use PSem.getvalue() (which isn't supported on Mac OS X) so that the test suite will pass * Add finalizer to Mutex? (finalizer on Semaphore objects may be enough) or a method to explicitly close and release resources?