diff --git a/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/app/views/panel/personal_journal/desktop/journal_pages/_form.html.erb b/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/app/views/panel/personal_journal/desktop/journal_pages/_form.html.erb
index 431fe8ce7..cca8a6973 100644
--- a/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/app/views/panel/personal_journal/desktop/journal_pages/_form.html.erb
+++ b/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/app/views/panel/personal_journal/desktop/journal_pages/_form.html.erb
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@
- <%= label_tag("", "Total Pages", class: "s_grid_2 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :total_pages, size: "20", placeholder:"20", class: "s_grid_4 s_grid"%>
+ <%= label_tag("", t("personal_journal.total_pages"), class: "s_grid_2 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :total_pages, size: "20", placeholder:"20", class: "s_grid_4 s_grid"%>
- <%= label_tag("", t("personal_journal.total_pages"), class: "s_grid_2 s_grid") %><%= label_tag("", "from", class: "s_grid_1 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :form_to_start, size: "10", placeholder: "1", class: "s_grid_1 s_grid"%><%= label_tag("", "to", class: "s_grid_1 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :form_to_end, size: "10", placeholder: "20", class: "s_grid_1 s_grid"%>
+ <%= label_tag("", t("personal_journal.total_pages"), class: "s_grid_2 s_grid") %><%= label_tag("", t("personal_journal.from"), class: "s_grid_1 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :form_to_start, size: "10", placeholder: "1", class: "s_grid_1 s_grid"%><%= label_tag("", t("personal_journal.to"), class: "s_grid_1 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :form_to_end, size: "10", placeholder: "20", class: "s_grid_1 s_grid"%>
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
<%= f.text_area locale,
class: "s_grid_6 s_grid",
size: "20x2",
- placeholder: t("web_resource.authors"),
+ placeholder: t("personal_journal.authors"),
"autocomplete-list" => "coauthor_autocomplete_list",
value: (@writing_journal.authors_translations[locale] rescue nil) %>
<% end %>
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
- <%= f.text_field :tag, size: "20", value: "Tag", class: "s_grid_6 s_grid"%>
+ <%= f.text_field :tags, size: "20", placeholder: t("personal_journal.tags"), class: "s_grid_6 s_grid"%>
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
- <%= label_tag("", "Reference URL", class: "s_grid_2 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :url, size: "20", placeholder: "www.sample.com", class: "s_grid_4 s_grid"%>
+ <%= label_tag("", t("personal_journal.url"), class: "s_grid_2 s_grid") %><%= f.text_field :url, size: "20", placeholder: "www.sample.com", class: "s_grid_4 s_grid"%>
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@
- File |
- File Name |
- Action |
+ <%= t("personal_journal.file")%> |
+ <%= t("personal_journal.file_name")%> |
+ <%= t("personal_journal.description") %> |
@@ -193,14 +193,14 @@
diff --git a/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/en.yml b/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/en.yml
index 83dbd3280..8d95d4d80 100644
--- a/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -1,135 +1,31 @@
-# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
- _locale: English
- add: Add
- back: Back
- create: Create
- delete: Delete
- disable: Disable
- downloaded: Downloaded
- download: Download
- edit: Edit
- enable: Enable
- hide: Hide
- homepage: Homepage
- no_: "No"
- nothing: Nothing
- show: Show
- sure?: Are you sure?
- update: Update
- yes_: "Yes"
- announcement:
- sure?: Sure?
+ personal_journal:
+ paper_title : "Paper Title"
+ journal_title : "Journal Title"
+ authors : "Authors"
+ tags : "Tags"
+ year : "Year"
+ language : "Language"
+ isbn : "ISSN(ISBN)"
+ vol_no : "Vol.No"
+ issue_no : "Issue.No"
+ form_to_start : "From"
+ form_to_end : "To"
+ total_pages : "Total Pages"
+ keywords : "Keywords"
+ abstract : "Abstract"
+ publication_date : "Date of Publication"
+ url : "Reference URL"
+ note : "Note"
+ level_type : "Level Type"
+ author_type : "Author Type"
+ from : "From"
+ to : "To"
+ file : "File"
+ file_name : "File name"
+ description : "File Description"
- web_resource:
- list_lower: list
- list_link: Links list
- # admin:
- # action: Action
- # add_language: Add language
- # admin: Admin
- # action: Action
- # announcement: Announcement
- # asset: Asset
- # attributes: Attributes
- # cant_delete_self: You can not delete yourself.
- # cant_revoke_self_admin: You can not revoke your admin role yourself.
- # class: Class
- # content: Content
- # create_error_link: Error when creating link.
- # create_error_page: Error when creating page.
- # create_success_home: Homepage was successfully created.
- # create_success_layout: Layout was successfully created.
- # create_success_link: Link was successfully created.
- # create_success_page: Page was successfully created.
- # create_success_snippet: Snippet was successfully created.
- # create_success_user: User was successfully created.
- # data: Data
- # delete_language: Delete language
- # description: Description
- # design: Design
- # disable_language: Disable language
- # editing_home: Editing homepage
- # editing_layout: Editing layout
- # editing_link: Editing link
- # editing_page: Editing page
- # editing_snippet: Editing snippet
- # editing_user_info: Editing user information
- # editing_user_role: Editing user role
- # email: Email
- # enable_language: Enable language
- # file_name: Filename
- # file_size: File size
- # format: Format
- # home: Home
- # id: ID
- # info: Information
- # is_published: Is published
- # item: Item
- # key: Key
- # language: Language
- # layout: Layout
- # layout_name: Layout name
- # list_assets: Assets list
- # list_designs: Designs list
- # list_items: Items list
- # list_puchases: Purchases list
- # list_snippets: Snippets list
- # list_users: Users list
- # list_user_infos: User information list
- # list_user_roles: User roles list
- # member: Member
- # move_down: Move down
- # move_up: Move up
- # multilingual: Multilingual
- # my_avatar: My Avatar
- # no_home_page: You don't have a homepage
- # no_layout: You don't have a layout
- # name: Name
- # new_asset: New asset
- # new_component: New component
- # new_home: New homepage
- # new_layout: New layout
- # new_link: New link
- # new_page: New page
- # new_snippet: New snippet
- # new_user: New user
- # new_user_info: New user information
- # new_user_role: New user role
- # non_multilingual: Non multilingual
- # options: Options
- # orig_upload_file: Original filename
- # position: Position
- # published?: Published?
- # purchase: Purchase
- # registered: Registered
- # role: Role
- # roles: Roles
- # title: Title
- # translation: Translation
- # type: Type
- # up_to_date: Up-to-date
- # update_error_link: Error when updating link.
- # update_error_page: Error when updating page.
- # update_success_content: Content was successfully updated.
- # update_success_home: Homepage was successfully updated.
- # update_success_layout: Layout was successfully updated.
- # update_success_link: Link was successfully updated.
- # update_success_page: Page was successfully updated.
- # update_success_snippet: Snippet was successfully updated.
- # update_success_user: User was successfully updated.
- # url: URL
- # user: User
- # user_info: User information
- # user_panel: User panel
- # user_role: User role
- panel:
diff --git a/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/zh_tw.yml b/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/zh_tw.yml
index a0104cbd1..e3426bbba 100644
--- a/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/zh_tw.yml
+++ b/vendor/built_in_modules/personal_journal/config/locales/zh_tw.yml
@@ -1,243 +1,29 @@
- _locale: 中文
- add: 新增
- back: 回去
- create: 創造
- delete: 刪除
- disable: 禁用
- edit: 編輯
- enable: 啟用
- hide: 隱藏
- homepage: 首頁
- no_: "No"
- nothing: 無
- show: 顯示
- sure?: 您肯定嗎?
- update: 更新
- yes_: "Yes"
- web_resource:
- list_lower: 列表
- list_link: 鏈接列表
- category: 分類
- name: 名稱
- describe: 描述
- url: 路徑
- edit: 編輯
- delete: 刪除
- cate_auth: 分類授權
-# Chinese (Taiwan) translations for Ruby on Rails
-# by tsechingho (http://github.com/tsechingho)
- date:
- formats:
- default: "%Y-%m-%d"
- short: "%b%d日"
- long: "%Y年%b%d日"
- day_names: [星期日, 星期一, 星期二, 星期三, 星期四, 星期五, 星期六]
- abbr_day_names: [日, 一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六]
- month_names: [~, 一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月, 十一月, 十二月]
- abbr_month_names: [~, 1月, 2月, 3月, 4月, 5月, 6月, 7月, 8月, 9月, 10月, 11月, 12月]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
+ personal_journal:
+ paper_title : "論文名稱"
+ journal_title : "期刊名稱"
+ authors : "作者"
+ tags : "領域"
+ year : "年度"
+ language : "語言"
+ isbn : "ISSN(ISBN)"
+ vol_no : "卷數"
+ issue_no : "期數"
+ form_to_start : "起"
+ form_to_end : "訖"
+ total_pages : "總頁數"
+ keywords : "關鍵字"
+ abstract : "摘要"
+ publication_date : "發表日期"
+ url : "參考連結"
+ note : "記事"
+ level_type : "期刊類別"
+ author_type : "作者類別"
+ from : "起"
+ to : "訖"
+ file : "檔案"
+ file_name : "檔案名稱"
+ description : "描述"
- time:
- formats:
- default: "%Y年%b%d日 %A %H:%M:%S %Z"
- short: "%b%d日 %H:%M"
- long: "%Y年%b%d日 %H:%M"
- am: "上午"
- pm: "下午"
- datetime:
- distance_in_words:
- half_a_minute: "半分鐘"
- less_than_x_seconds:
- one: "不到一秒"
- other: "不到 %{count} 秒"
- x_seconds:
- one: "一秒"
- other: "%{count} 秒"
- less_than_x_minutes:
- one: "不到一分鐘"
- other: "不到 %{count} 分鐘"
- x_minutes:
- one: "一分鐘"
- other: "%{count} 分鐘"
- about_x_hours:
- one: "大約一小時"
- other: "大約 %{count} 小時"
- x_days:
- one: "一天"
- other: "%{count} 天"
- about_x_months:
- one: "大約一個月"
- other: "大約 %{count} 個月"
- x_months:
- one: "一個月"
- other: "%{count} 個月"
- about_x_years:
- one: "大約一年"
- other: "大約 %{count} 年"
- over_x_years:
- one: "一年多"
- other: "%{count} 年多"
- almost_x_years:
- one: "接近一年"
- other: "接近 %{count} 年"
- prompts:
- year: "年"
- month: "月"
- day: "日"
- hour: "時"
- minute: "分"
- second: "秒"
- number:
- format:
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 3
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- currency:
- format:
- format: "%u %n"
- unit: "NT$"
- separator: "."
- delimiter: ","
- precision: 2
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- percentage:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- precision:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- human:
- format:
- delimiter: ""
- precision: 1
- significant: false
- strip_insignificant_zeros: false
- storage_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- byte:
- one: "Byte"
- other: "Bytes"
- kb: "KB"
- mb: "MB"
- gb: "GB"
- tb: "TB"
- decimal_units:
- format: "%n %u"
- units:
- # 10^-21 zepto, 10^-24 yocto
- atto: "渺" # 10^-18
- femto: "飛" # 10^-15 毫微微
- pico: "漠" # 10^-12 微微
- nano: "奈" # 10^-9 毫微
- micro: "微" # 10^-6
- mili: "毫" # 10^-3 milli
- centi: "厘" # 10^-2
- deci: "分" # 10^-1
- unit: ""
- ten:
- one: "十"
- other: "十" # 10^1
- hundred: "百" # 10^2
- thousand: "千" # 10^3 kilo
- million: "百萬" # 10^6 mega
- billion: "十億" # 10^9 giga
- trillion: "兆" # 10^12 tera
- quadrillion: "千兆" # 10^15 peta
- # 10^18 exa, 10^21 zetta, 10^24 yotta
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " 和 "
- last_word_connector: ", 和 "
- select:
- prompt: "請選擇"
- activerecord:
- errors:
- template: # ~ 2.3.5 backward compatible
- header:
- one: "有 1 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- other: "有 %{count} 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- body: "以下欄位發生問題:"
- full_messages:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: "沒有包含在列表中"
- exclusion: "是被保留的關鍵字"
- invalid: "是無效的"
- confirmation: "不符合確認值"
- accepted: "必須是可被接受的"
- empty: "不能留空"
- blank: "不能是空白字元"
- too_long: "過長(最長是 %{count} 個字)"
- too_short: "過短(最短是 %{count} 個字)"
- wrong_length: "字數錯誤(必須是 %{count} 個字)"
- not_a_number: "不是數字"
- not_an_integer: "必須是整數"
- greater_than: "必須大於 %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "必須大於或等於 %{count}"
- equal_to: "必須等於 %{count}"
- less_than: "必須小於 %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "必須小於或等於 %{count}"
- odd: "必須是奇數"
- even: "必須是偶數"
- taken: "已經被使用"
- record_invalid: "校驗失敗: %{errors}"
- activemodel:
- errors:
- template:
- header:
- one: "有 1 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- other: "有 %{count} 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- body: "以下欄位發生問題:"
- errors:
- format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
- messages:
- inclusion: "沒有包含在列表中"
- exclusion: "是被保留的關鍵字"
- invalid: "是無效的"
- confirmation: "不符合確認值"
- accepted: "必須是可被接受的"
- empty: "不能留空"
- blank: "不能是空白字元"
- too_long: "過長(最長是 %{count} 個字)"
- too_short: "過短(最短是 %{count} 個字)"
- wrong_length: "字數錯誤(必須是 %{count} 個字)"
- not_a_number: "不是數字"
- not_an_integer: "必須是整數"
- greater_than: "必須大於 %{count}"
- greater_than_or_equal_to: "必須大於或等於 %{count}"
- equal_to: "必須等於 %{count}"
- less_than: "必須小於 %{count}"
- less_than_or_equal_to: "必須小於或等於 %{count}"
- odd: "必須是奇數"
- even: "必須是偶數"
- template:
- header:
- one: "有 1 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- other: "有 %{count} 個錯誤發生使得「%{model}」無法被儲存。"
- body: "以下欄位發生問題:"
- helpers:
- select:
- prompt: "請選擇"
- submit:
- create: "新增%{model}"
- update: "更新%{model}"
- submit: "儲存%{model}"