/*! * jquery.tzineClock.js - Tutorialzine Colorful Clock Plugin * * Copyright (c) 2009 Martin Angelov * http://tutorialzine.com/ * * Licensed under MIT * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * Launch : December 2009 * Version : 1.0 * Released: Monday 28th December, 2009 - 00:00 */ (function($){ // A global array used by the functions of the plug-in: var gVars = {}; // Extending the jQuery core: $.fn.tzineClock = function(opts){ // "this" contains the elements that were selected when calling the plugin: $('elements').tzineClock(); // If the selector returned more than one element, use the first one: var container = this.eq(0); if(!container) { try{ console.log("Invalid selector!"); } catch(e){} return false; } if(!opts) opts = {}; var defaults = { /* Additional options will be added in future versions of the plugin. */ }; /* Merging the provided options with the default ones (will be used in future versions of the plugin): */ $.each(defaults,function(k,v){ opts[k] = opts[k] || defaults[k]; }) // Calling the setUp function and passing the container, // will be available to the setUp function as "this": setUp.call(container); return this; } function setUp() { // The colors of the dials: var colors = ['orange','blue','green']; var tmp; for(var i=0;i<3;i++) { // Creating a new element and setting the color as a class name: tmp = $('<div>').attr('class',colors[i]+' clock').html( '<div class="display"></div>'+ '<div class="front left"></div>'+ '<div class="rotate left">'+ '<div class="bg left"></div>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="rotate right">'+ '<div class="bg right"></div>'+ '</div>' ); // Appending to the container: $(this).append(tmp); // Assigning some of the elements as variables for speed: tmp.rotateLeft = tmp.find('.rotate.left'); tmp.rotateRight = tmp.find('.rotate.right'); tmp.display = tmp.find('.display'); // Adding the dial as a global variable. Will be available as gVars.colorName gVars[colors[i]] = tmp; } // Setting up a interval, executed every 1000 milliseconds: setInterval(function(){ var currentTime = new Date(); var h = currentTime.getHours(); var m = currentTime.getMinutes(); var s = currentTime.getSeconds(); animation(gVars.green, s, 60); animation(gVars.blue, m, 60); animation(gVars.orange, h, 24); },1000); } function animation(clock, current, total) { // Calculating the current angle: var angle = (360/total)*(current+1); var element; if(current==0) { // Hiding the right half of the background: clock.rotateRight.hide(); // Resetting the rotation of the left part: rotateElement(clock.rotateLeft,0); } if(angle<=180) { // The left part is rotated, and the right is currently hidden: element = clock.rotateLeft; } else { // The first part of the rotation has completed, so we start rotating the right part: clock.rotateRight.show(); clock.rotateLeft.show(); rotateElement(clock.rotateLeft,180); element = clock.rotateRight; angle = angle-180; } rotateElement(element,angle); // Setting the text inside of the display element, inserting a leading zero if needed: clock.display.html(current<10?'0'+current:current); } function rotateElement(element,angle) { // Rotating the element, depending on the browser: var rotate = 'rotate('+angle+'deg)'; if(element.css('MozTransform')!=undefined) element.css('MozTransform',rotate); else if(element.css('WebkitTransform')!=undefined) element.css('WebkitTransform',rotate); // A version for internet explorer using filters, works but is a bit buggy (no surprise here): else if(element.css("filter")!=undefined) { var cos = Math.cos(Math.PI * 2 / 360 * angle); var sin = Math.sin(Math.PI * 2 / 360 * angle); element.css("filter","progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11="+cos+",M12=-"+sin+",M21="+sin+",M22="+cos+",SizingMethod='auto expand',FilterType='nearest neighbor')"); element.css("left",-Math.floor((element.width()-200)/2)); element.css("top",-Math.floor((element.height()-200)/2)); } } })(jQuery)