 * Tiny Scrollbar 1.8
 * http://www.baijs.nl/tinyscrollbar/
 * Copyright 2012, Maarten Baijs
 * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php
 * Date: 26 / 07 / 2012
 * Depends on library: jQuery
;( function( $ ) 
    $.tiny = $.tiny || { };

    $.tiny.scrollbar = {
        options: {
                axis         : 'y'    // vertical or horizontal scrollbar? ( x || y ).
            ,   wheel        : 40     // how many pixels must the mouswheel scroll at a time.
            ,   scroll       : true   // enable or disable the mousewheel.
            ,   lockscroll   : true   // return scrollwheel to browser if there is no more content.
            ,   size         : 'auto' // set the size of the scrollbar to auto or a fixed number.
            ,   sizethumb    : 'auto' // set the size of the thumb to auto or a fixed number.
            ,   invertscroll : false  // Enable mobile invert style scrolling
            ,   onMove       : function(){}

    $.fn.tinyscrollbar = function( params )
        var options = $.extend( {}, $.tiny.scrollbar.options, params );
        this.each( function()
            $( this ).data('tsb', new Scrollbar( $( this ), options ) ); 

        return this;

    $.fn.tinyscrollbar_update = function(sScroll)
        return $( this ).data( 'tsb' ).update( sScroll ); 

    function Scrollbar( root, options )
        var oSelf       = this
        ,   oWrapper    = root
        ,   oViewport   = { obj: $( '.viewport', root ) }
        ,   oContent    = { obj: $( '.overview', root ) }
        ,   oScrollbar  = { obj: $( '.scrollbar', root ) }
        ,   oTrack      = { obj: $( '.track', oScrollbar.obj ) }
        ,   oThumb      = { obj: $( '.thumb', oScrollbar.obj ) }
        ,   sAxis       = options.axis === 'x'
        ,   sDirection  = sAxis ? 'left' : 'top'
        ,   sSize       = sAxis ? 'Width' : 'Height'
        ,   iScroll     = 0
        ,   iPosition   = { start: 0, now: 0 }
        ,   iMouse      = {}
        ,   touchEvents = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement
        ,   UA          = $.browser

        function initialize()

            return oSelf;

        this.update = function( sScroll )
            oViewport[ options.axis ] = oViewport.obj[0][ 'offset'+ sSize ];
            oContent[ options.axis ]  = oContent.obj[0][ 'scroll'+ sSize ];
            oContent.ratio            = oViewport[ options.axis ] / oContent[ options.axis ];

            oScrollbar.obj.toggleClass( 'disable', oContent.ratio >= 1 );

            oTrack[ options.axis ] = options.size === 'auto' ? oViewport[ options.axis ] : options.size;
            oThumb[ options.axis ] = Math.min( oTrack[ options.axis ], Math.max( 0, ( options.sizethumb === 'auto' ? ( oTrack[ options.axis ] * oContent.ratio ) : options.sizethumb ) ) );
            oScrollbar.ratio = options.sizethumb === 'auto' ? ( oContent[ options.axis ] / oTrack[ options.axis ] ) : ( oContent[ options.axis ] - oViewport[ options.axis ] ) / ( oTrack[ options.axis ] - oThumb[ options.axis ] );
            iScroll = ( sScroll === 'relative' && oContent.ratio <= 1 ) ? Math.min( ( oContent[ options.axis ] - oViewport[ options.axis ] ), Math.max( 0, iScroll )) : 0;
            iScroll = ( sScroll === 'bottom' && oContent.ratio <= 1 ) ? ( oContent[ options.axis ] - oViewport[ options.axis ] ) : isNaN( parseInt( sScroll, 10 ) ) ? iScroll : parseInt( sScroll, 10 );

        function setSize()
            var sCssSize = sSize.toLowerCase();

            oThumb.obj.css( sDirection, iScroll / oScrollbar.ratio );
            oContent.obj.css( sDirection, -iScroll );
            iMouse.start = oThumb.obj.offset()[ sDirection ];

            oScrollbar.obj.css( sCssSize, oTrack[ options.axis ] );
            oTrack.obj.css( sCssSize, oTrack[ options.axis ] );
            oThumb.obj.css( sCssSize, oThumb[ options.axis ] );

        function setEvents()
            if( ! touchEvents )
                oThumb.obj.bind( 'mousedown', start );
                oTrack.obj.bind( 'mouseup', drag );
                oViewport.obj[0].ontouchstart = function( event )
                    if( 1 === event.touches.length )
                        start( event.touches[ 0 ] );

            if( options.scroll && window.addEventListener )
                oWrapper[0].addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', wheel, false );
                oWrapper[0].addEventListener( 'mousewheel', wheel, false );
                oWrapper[0].addEventListener( 'MozMousePixelScroll', function( event ){
                }, false);
            else if( options.scroll )
                oWrapper[0].onmousewheel = wheel;

        function start( event )
            $( "body" ).addClass( "noSelect" );
            // Disable select text under IE10
            if ( UA.msie < 10 ){
                $( "body" ).attr({
                    "onselectstart": "return false",
                    "ondragstart": "return false"
            oScrollbar.obj.addClass( "dragging" );

            var oThumbDir   = parseInt( oThumb.obj.css( sDirection ), 10 );
            iMouse.start    = sAxis ? event.pageX : event.pageY;
            iPosition.start = oThumbDir == 'auto' ? 0 : oThumbDir;
            if( ! touchEvents )
                $( document ).bind( 'mousemove', drag );
                $( document ).bind( 'mouseup', end );
                oThumb.obj.bind( 'mouseup', end );
                document.ontouchmove = function( event )
                    drag( event.touches[ 0 ] );
                document.ontouchend = end;        

        function wheel( event )
            if( oContent.ratio < 1 )
                var oEvent = event || window.event
                ,   iDelta = oEvent.wheelDelta ? oEvent.wheelDelta / 120 : -oEvent.detail / 3

                iScroll -= iDelta * options.wheel;
                iScroll = Math.min( ( oContent[ options.axis ] - oViewport[ options.axis ] ), Math.max( 0, iScroll ));

                oThumb.obj.css( sDirection, iScroll / oScrollbar.ratio );
                oContent.obj.css( sDirection, -iScroll );

                if( options.lockscroll || ( iScroll !== ( oContent[ options.axis ] - oViewport[ options.axis ] ) && iScroll !== 0 ) )
                    oEvent = $.event.fix( oEvent );

        function drag( event )
            if( oContent.ratio < 1 )
                if( options.invertscroll && touchEvents )
                    iPosition.now = Math.min( ( oTrack[ options.axis ] - oThumb[ options.axis ] ), Math.max( 0, ( iPosition.start + ( iMouse.start - ( sAxis ? event.pageX : event.pageY ) ))));
                     iPosition.now = Math.min( ( oTrack[ options.axis ] - oThumb[ options.axis ] ), Math.max( 0, ( iPosition.start + ( ( sAxis ? event.pageX : event.pageY ) - iMouse.start))));

                iScroll = iPosition.now * oScrollbar.ratio;
                oContent.obj.css( sDirection, -iScroll );
                oThumb.obj.css( sDirection, iPosition.now );
        function end()
            $( "body" ).removeClass( "noSelect" );
            // Enable select text under IE10
            if ( UA.msie < 10 ){
                $( "body" ).removeAttr( "onselectstart", "ondragstart" );
            oScrollbar.obj.removeClass( "dragging" );
            $( document ).unbind( 'mousemove', drag );
            $( document ).unbind( 'mouseup', end );
            oThumb.obj.unbind( 'mouseup', end );
            document.ontouchmove = document.ontouchend = null;

        return initialize();
