(function( $ ) { $.fn.muImageResize = function( params ) { var _defaultSettings = { width:300, height:300, wrap_fix:true // Let image display like in-line. }; var _set = $.extend(_defaultSettings, params); var isIE7 = $.browser.msie && (7 == ~~ $.browser.version); //var anyDynamicSource = $(this).attr("src"); //$(this).attr("src",anyDynamicSource+ "?" + new Date().getTime()); // Just bind load event once per element. return this.one('load', function() { // Remove all attributes and CSS rules. this.removeAttribute( "width" ); this.removeAttribute( "height" ); this.style.width = this.style.height = ""; var ow, oh; //[workaround] - msie need get width early if ($.browser.msie) { // Get original size for calcutation. ow = this.width; oh = this.height; } if (_set.wrap_fix) { $(this).wrap(function(){ return '<div style="width:'+_set.width+'px; height:'+_set.height+'px; display:inline-block;" />'; }); } if (!$.browser.msie) { // Get original size for calcutation. ow = this.width; oh = this.height; } // if cannot get width or height. if (0==ow || 0==oh){ $(this).width(_set.width); $(this).height(_set.height); }else{ // Merge position settings var sh_margin_type=''; // if original image's width > height. if (ow > oh) { p = oh / _set.height; oh = _set.height; ow = ow / p; // original image width smaller than settings. if (ow < _set.width){ // need to resize again, // because new image size range must can cover settings' range, than we can crop it correctly. p = ow / _set.width; ow = _set.width; oh = oh / p; // the crop range would be in the center of new image size. sh = (oh-_set.height)/2; t=sh+'px'; r=_set.width+'px'; b=(_set.height+sh)+'px'; l='0px'; // need to be adjust top position latter. sh_margin_type = 'margin-top'; // original image width bigger than settings. }else{ // new image range can cover settings' range. sh = (ow-_set.width)/2; t='0px'; r=(_set.width+sh)+'px'; b=_set.height+'px'; l=sh+'px'; // need to be adjust left position latter. sh_margin_type = 'margin-left'; } // ref above, change width to height then do same things. }else{ p = ow / _set.width; ow = _set.width; oh = oh / p; if (oh < _set.height) { p = oh / _set.height; oh = _set.height; ow = ow / p; sh = (ow-_set.width)/2; t='0px'; r=(_set.width+sh)+'px'; b=_set.height+'px'; l=sh+'px'; sh_margin_type = 'margin-left'; }else{ sh = (oh-_set.height)/2; t=sh+'px'; r=_set.width+'px'; b=(_set.height+sh)+'px'; l='0px'; sh_margin_type = 'margin-top'; } } // Resize img. $(this).width(ow); $(this).height(oh); // Crop img by set clip style. $(this).css('clip','rect('+t+' '+r+' '+b+' '+l+')'); var osh = 0; if('auto' != $(this).css(sh_margin_type)){ osh = parseInt($(this).css(sh_margin_type)); } if (0 < sh) {sh*=-1;} sh += osh; $(this).css(sh_margin_type, sh+'px'); $(this).css('position','absolute'); } $(this).fadeIn('slow'); }) .one( "error", function() { //$(this).hide(); }) .each(function() { $(this).hide(); // Trigger load event (for Gecko and MSIE) if ( this.complete || $.browser.msie ) { $( this ).trigger( "load" ).trigger( "error" ); } }); }; })( jQuery );