285 lines
7.8 KiB
285 lines
7.8 KiB
* Youtube Embed Plugin
* @author Jonnas Fonini <contato@fonini.net>
* @version 0.5
( function() {
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'youtube',
lang: [ 'en', 'pt' ],
init: function( editor )
editor.addCommand( 'youtube', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'youtube' ) );
editor.ui.addButton( 'youtube',
label : editor.lang.youtube.button,
toolbar : 'insert',
command : 'youtube',
icon : this.path + 'images/icon.png'
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'youtube', function ( instance )
return {
title : editor.lang.youtube.title,
minWidth : 500,
minHeight : 200,
contents :
id : 'youtubePlugin',
expand : true,
elements :
id : 'txtEmbed',
type : 'textarea',
label : editor.lang.youtube.txtEmbed,
autofocus : 'autofocus',
onChange : function ( api )
if ( this.getValue().length > 0 )
this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtUrl' ).disable();
else {
this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtUrl' ).enable();
validate : function ()
if ( this.isEnabled() )
if ( !this.getValue() )
alert( editor.lang.youtube.noCode );
return false;
if ( this.getValue().length === 0 || this.getValue().indexOf( 'http://' ) === -1 )
alert( editor.lang.youtube.invalidEmbed );
return false;
type : 'html',
html : editor.lang.youtube.or + '<hr>'
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '70%', '15%', '15%' ],
children :
id : 'txtUrl',
type : 'text',
label : editor.lang.youtube.txtUrl,
onChange : function ( api )
if ( this.getValue().length > 0 )
this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtEmbed' ).disable();
else {
this.getDialog().getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtEmbed' ).enable();
validate : function ()
if ( this.isEnabled() )
if ( !this.getValue() )
alert( editor.lang.youtube.noCode );
return false;
if ( this.getValue().length === 0 || ytVidId(this.getValue()) === false )
alert( editor.lang.youtube.invalidUrl );
return false;
type : 'text',
id : 'txtWidth',
width : '60px',
label : editor.lang.youtube.txtWidth,
'default' : '640',
validate : function ()
if ( this.getValue() )
var width = parseInt ( this.getValue() ) || 0;
if ( width === 0 )
alert( editor.lang.youtube.invalidWidth );
return false;
else {
alert( editor.lang.youtube.noWidth );
return false;
type : 'text',
id : 'txtHeight',
width : '60px',
label : editor.lang.youtube.txtHeight,
'default' : '360',
validate : function ()
if ( this.getValue() )
var height = parseInt ( this.getValue() ) || 0;
if ( height === 0 )
alert( editor.lang.youtube.invalidHeight );
return false;
else {
alert( editor.lang.youtube.noHeight );
return false;
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '55%', '45%' ],
children :
id : 'chkRelated',
type : 'checkbox',
'default' : 'checked',
label : editor.lang.youtube.chkRelated
id : 'chkSecure',
type : 'checkbox',
label : editor.lang.youtube.chkSecure
type : 'hbox',
widths : [ '55%', '45%' ],
children :
id : 'chkPrivacy',
type : 'checkbox',
label : editor.lang.youtube.chkPrivacy
id : 'chkOlderCode',
type : 'checkbox',
label : editor.lang.youtube.chkOlderCode
onOk: function()
var content = '';
if ( this.getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtEmbed' ).isEnabled() )
content = this.getValueOf( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtEmbed' );
else {
var url = this.getValueOf( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtUrl' );
var width = this.getValueOf( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtWidth' );
var height = this.getValueOf( 'youtubePlugin', 'txtHeight' );
var related = true;
var video = url.match(/(v=|\/)([\w-]+)(&.+)?$/);
if ( this.getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'chkSecure' ).getValue() === true )
url = 'https://';
else {
url = 'http://';
if ( this.getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'chkPrivacy' ).getValue() === true )
url += 'www.youtube-nocookie.com/';
else {
url += 'www.youtube.com/';
url += 'embed/' + video[2];
if ( this.getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'chkRelated' ).getValue() === false )
url += '?rel=0';
related = false;
if ( this.getContentElement( 'youtubePlugin', 'chkOlderCode' ).getValue() === true )
url = url.replace('embed/', 'v/');
url = url.replace(/&/g, '&');
if (related === true)
url += '?';
url += 'hl=pt_BR&version=3';
content = '<object width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '">';
content += '<param name="movie" value="' + url + '"></param>';
content += '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>';
content += '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>';
content += '<embed src="' + url + '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" ';
content += 'width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" allowscriptaccess="always" ';
content += 'allowfullscreen="true"></embed>';
content += '</object>';
else {
content = '<iframe width="' + width + '" height="' + height + '" src="' + url + '" ';
content += 'frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
var instance = this.getParentEditor();
instance.insertHtml( content );
* JavaScript function to match (and return) the video Id
* of any valid Youtube Url, given as input string.
* @author: Stephan Schmitz <eyecatchup@gmail.com>
* @url: http://stackoverflow.com/a/10315969/624466
function ytVidId( url )
var p = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:embed\/|v\/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=))((\w|-){11})(?:\S+)?$/;
return ( url.match( p ) ) ? RegExp.$1 : false;