diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js b/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
index ab98d833..8ad2694d 100755
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
// JavaScript Document
//Inititialize function will initialize desktop
$.extend($.expr[':'], {
'containsi': function (elem, i, match, array) {
return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || '').toLowerCase().indexOf((match[3] || "").toLowerCase()) >= 0;
@@ -25,7 +23,6 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
this.contentHolder = dom;
this.themesettings = "";
this.theme = "4f8d3f493b67fcd05f086359";
-// this.themefolder = "themes";
this.transitionTime = 500;
this.currenthtml = "desktop.html";
this.currentface = "home";
@@ -137,11 +134,11 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
o.currentface = "home";
var bindHandlers = function(){ // this function will bind all the handlers in the desktop
var groupWrapperWidth = 0;
$("div#desktop .group").each(function(){groupWrapperWidth+=$(this).outerWidth(true);});
$("div#desktop #group_wrapper").css("width",groupWrapperWidth);
+ var first = true;
$("div#desktop .g_col").sortable({
connectWith: ".g_col",
tolerance: 'pointer' ,
@@ -149,37 +146,37 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
containment: '#group_wrapper',
helper: 'clone',
- var newpostitions = new Array;
- var groupids = new Array;
- $.each($("div#desktop .group"),function(i,grp){
- var groupone = new Array;
- groupids.push($(grp).attr("id"));
- $ul = $(grp).find(".g_col .element");
- $.each($ul,function(){
- groupone.push($(this).attr("id"));
- })
- newpostitions.push(groupone);
- });
- $.post("/desktop/newpositions",{"sectionid":o.sectionId,"newpos":newpostitions,"groupids":groupids});
+ first = true;
+ if(first){
+ first = false;
+ var newpostitions = new Array;
+ var groupids = new Array;
+ $.each($("div#desktop .group"),function(i,grp){
+ var groupone = new Array;
+ groupids.push($(grp).attr("id"));
+ $ul = $(grp).find(".g_col .element");
+ $.each($ul,function(){
+ groupone.push($(this).attr("id"));
+ })
+ newpostitions.push(groupone);
+ });
+ $.post("/desktop/newpositions",{"sectionid":o.sectionId,"newpos":newpostitions,"groupids":groupids});
+ }
var s = $(this).find('.element').length;
last = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).position(),
lasth = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).outerHeight(true);
if ((last.top+lasth)>528){
receive: function(event, ui){
var s = $(this).find('.element').length,
last = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).position(),
lasth = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).outerHeight(true);
if ((last.top+lasth)>528){
@@ -228,12 +225,12 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
bw = parseInt(brick[0].substr(1)),
bh = parseInt(brick[1].substr(1)),
bd = bw * bh;
if(bh==1 && bw==1){
}else if(bh!=1 && bw!=1){
single = true;
- }
+ }
@@ -755,15 +752,52 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
var connection = function(){
var bindHandlers = function(){
- $("#gmail_connect_btn").click(function(){
- var usernm = $("input#gmail_username").val(),
- pwd = $("input#gmail_password").val(),
- type = $(this).attr("href"),
- what = "edit";
- if(usernm!="" && pwd!="")
- saveaccount(usernm,pwd,type,what);
- });
+ $("#connection_setting ul a").click(function(){
+ var what = $(this).attr("for"),
+ type = $(this).attr("href"),
+ $ul = $("#"+type+"_connection"),
+ usernm = $ul.find("input[type=text]").val(),
+ pwd = $ul.find("input[type=password]").val();
+ switch(what){
+ case "save":
+ case "new":
+ if(usernm!="" && pwd!=""){
+ $ul.find("input[type=text]").replaceWith("
+ $ul.find("input[type=password]").replaceWith("••••••
+ $(this).text("Edit").attr("for","edit");
+ $(this).parent().find("a[for=delete]").show();
+ $ul.find("span.c_status").text("Connected").addClass("c_status_on");
+ if(what=="save")
+ what="edit";
+ saveaccount(usernm,pwd,type,what);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "edit":
+ var un = $ul.find("div.usrnm").text();
+ $ul.find("div.usrnm").replaceWith('');
+ $ul.find("div.pwd").replaceWith('');
+ $(this).text("Save").attr("for","save");
+ break;
+ case "delete":
+ var $this = $(this);
+ o.confirm({
+ message : "Are you sure that you want to remove this account?",
+ buttons : ["Yes","No"],
+ highlighted : 2
+ },function(reply){
+ if(reply){
+ $this.hide();
+ $ul.find("div.usrnm").replaceWith('');
+ $ul.find("div.pwd").replaceWith('');
+ $ul.find("span.c_status").text("No Connection").removeClass("c_status_on");
+ $this.parent().find("a[for=edit]").text("Connect").attr("for","new");
+ saveaccount("","",type,what);
+ }
+ })
+ break;
+ }
+ })
var $conlist = $('.s_form'),
conlist_w = $conlist.length * $conlist.outerWidth(true) + ($conlist.length - 1) * 25;
@@ -779,14 +813,32 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
var saveaccount = function(usernm,pwd,type,what){
- if(result[0].success=="true")
- o.notify("Gmail account connected!!","success",2);
- else
- o.notify("Gmail account connection failed!!","imp",2);
+ if(what!="delete"){
+ if(result[0].success=="true")
+ o.notify(type+" account connected!!","success",2);
+ else
+ o.notify(type+" account connection failed!!","imp",2);
+ }else{
+ if(result[0].success=="true")
+ o.notify(type+" account removed!!","success",2);
+ else
+ o.notify(type+" account removal failed!!","imp",2);
+ }
$("div#settings div#panel_r").load("/desktop/settingconnection",function(){
- bindHandlers();
+ $.getJSON("desktop/getaccounts",function(accounts){
+ $.each(accounts,function(i,account){
+ $ul = $("#"+account.type+"_connection");
+ $ul.find("input[type=text]").replaceWith(""+account.email+"
+ $ul.find("input[type=password]").replaceWith("••••••
+ $ul.find("a[for=new]").text("Edit").attr("for","edit");
+ $ul.find("a[for=delete]").show();
+ $ul.find("span.c_status").text("Connected").addClass("c_status_on");
+ })
+ bindHandlers();
+ })
@@ -940,4 +992,3 @@ orbitDesktop.prototype.currentUsername = "Harry";
var uselessfunction = function(){
diff --git a/app/controllers/otheraccounts_controller.rb b/app/controllers/otheraccounts_controller.rb
index a9e9b858..65a9b5a4 100644
--- a/app/controllers/otheraccounts_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/otheraccounts_controller.rb
@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ class OtheraccountsController< ApplicationController
when "new"
OtherAccount.create(user_id: current_user.id, email: @email, encrypted_password: @password, type: @account)
when "edit"
- @otheraccount = OtherAccount.where(:type.all => [@account],:user_id.all => [current_user.id])
+ @otheraccount = OtherAccount.where(:type.all => [@account],:user_id.all => [current_user.id]) rescue nil
@otheraccount.first.update_attributes(:email => @email, :encrypted_password => @password)
+ when "delete"
+ @otheraccount = OtherAccount.where(:type.all => [@account], :user_id.all => [current_user.id]) rescue nil
+ @otheraccount.destroy_all
a = Array.new
a << {"success"=>"true"}
@@ -23,19 +26,31 @@ class OtheraccountsController< ApplicationController
def gmail
- @gmailaccount = OtherAccount.where(:type.all => ["gmail"],:user_id.all => [current_user.id])
- @decrypted_password = @gmailaccount.first.encrypted_password.decrypt
- @email = @gmailaccount.first.email
- url = URI.parse("https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom")
- req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path)
- req.basic_auth @email, @decrypted_password
- req.content_type = 'text/xml'
+ @gmailaccount = OtherAccount.where(:type.all => ["gmail"],:user_id.all => [current_user.id]) rescue nil
+ if @gmailaccount.first != nil
+ @decrypted_password = @gmailaccount.first.encrypted_password.decrypt
+ @email = @gmailaccount.first.email
+ url = URI.parse("https://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom")
+ req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path)
+ req.basic_auth @email, @decrypted_password
+ req.content_type = 'text/xml'
- http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
- http.use_ssl = true
- response = http.start { |http| http.request(req) }
+ http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
+ http.use_ssl = true
+ response = http.start { |http| http.request(req) }
- root = Document.new(response.read_body).root
- render :text=>root
+ root = Document.new(response.read_body).root
+ render :text=>root
+ else
+ msg = "trueAccount setting problem."
+ respond_to do |m|
+ m.xml {render :xml=>msg}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def getaccounts
+ @accounts = OtherAccount.where(:user_id.all => [current_user.id])
+ render :json => @accounts.to_json
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/desktop/settings/connections.html.erb b/app/views/desktop/settings/connections.html.erb
index 3619a583..fd49915a 100644
--- a/app/views/desktop/settings/connections.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/desktop/settings/connections.html.erb
@@ -27,37 +27,39 @@