diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js b/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
index 9bdacd51..1977fcb3 100755
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/orbitdesktop.js
@@ -135,63 +135,48 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
o.currenthtml = target;
o.currentface = "home";
- var extraspace = 300;
- var currentElement, elementParent, targetParent, tempElement, widthcheck;
- widthcheck = false;
var bindHandlers = function(){ // this function will bind all the handlers in the desktop
- var groupWrapperWidth = 0;
- var groupWrapperHeight = 0;
- $('div#desktop div.group').width(528);
- $("div#desktop .element").mousedown(function(){
- currentElement = $(this);
- elementParent = $(this).parent();
- })
- $("div#desktop .group").mouseenter(function(){
- targetParent = $(this);
- })
- $("div#desktop .group").each(function(){groupWrapperWidth+=$(this).width();})
- groupWrapperWidth+=200;
- groupWrapperHeight = $(".group").height() + 20;
- // groupWrapperHeight = (groupWrapperHeight > ($(window).height()-extraspace))? $(window).height()-extraspace:groupWrapperHeight;
+ var groupWrapperWidth = 0;
+ $("div#desktop .group").each(function(){groupWrapperWidth+=$(this).outerWidth(true);});
$("div#desktop #group_wrapper").css("width",groupWrapperWidth);
- var first = true;
- $("div#desktop .grp").sortable({
- connectWith: ".grp",
+ $("div#desktop .g_col").sortable({
+ connectWith: ".g_col",
tolerance: 'pointer' ,
- revert:true,
+ revert: 300,
+ containment: '#group_wrapper',
+ helper: 'clone',
- o.tp = targetParent.height();
- var currentElementWidth = currentElement.width();
- var targetElementWidth = targetParent.width();
- if(targetParent.height()>540){
- //targetParent.width(currentElement.width());
- var newWidth = targetElementWidth+currentElementWidth;
- targetParent.css("max-width",newWidth);
- var newParentWidth = $("div#desktop #group_wrapper").width()+currentElementWidth;
- $("div#desktop #group_wrapper").css("width",newParentWidth);
- }else if(targetParent.height()<540){
- var newWidth = targetElementWidth - (540-targetElementWidth);
- targetParent.css("max-width",newWidth);
- var newParentWidth = $("div#desktop #group_wrapper").width()+currentElementWidth;
- $("div#desktop #group_wrapper").css("width",newParentWidth);
- }
- first = true;
+ var newpostitions = new Array;
+ var groupids = new Array;
+ $.each($("div#desktop .group"),function(i,grp){
+ var groupone = new Array;
+ groupids.push($(grp).attr("id"));
+ $ul = $(grp).find(".g_col .element");
+ $.each($ul,function(){
+ groupone.push($(this).attr("id"));
+ })
+ newpostitions.push(groupone);
+ });
+ $.post("/desktop/newpositions",{"sectionid":o.sectionId,"newpos":newpostitions,"groupids":groupids});
- if(first){
- first = false;
- var newpostitions = new Array;
- var groupids = new Array;
- $.each($("div#desktop .group"),function(i,grp){
- var groupone = new Array;
- groupids.push($(grp).attr("id"));
- $ul = $(grp).find("ul.grp li");
- $.each($ul,function(){
- groupone.push($(this).attr("id"));
- })
- newpostitions.push(groupone);
- });
- $.post("/desktop/newpositions",{"sectionid":o.sectionId,"newpos":newpostitions,"groupids":groupids})
+ var s = $(this).find('.element').length,
+ last = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).position(),
+ lasth = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).outerHeight(true);
+ if ((last.top+lasth)>528){
+ $(this).sortable('cancel');
+ }
+ },
+ receive: function(event, ui){
+ var s = $(this).find('.element').length,
+ last = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).position(),
+ lasth = $(this).find('.element').eq(s-1).outerHeight(true);
+ if ((last.top+lasth)>528){
+ $(ui.sender).sortable('cancel');
@@ -222,7 +207,17 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
var opacity = ["op05","op06","op07","op08","op09"];
- var $group = $('
+ // var $group = $(''),
+ var colindex = 0,
+ $group = $(''),
+ $col = $(''),
+ $li,
+ bdsum = 0,
+ bwsum = 0,
+ bhsum = 0;
+ $group.append($col);
var tilecolor = tilecolors[Math.floor(Math.random()*tilecolors.length)];
var op = opacity[Math.floor(Math.random()*opacity.length)];
@@ -232,8 +227,26 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
$li = $('![]('+o.iconPath+tile.data_content+'.png)
$li = $(''+tile.title+'
- $group.find("ul").append($li);
- })
+ // $group.find("ul").append($li);
+ // column experiment start
+ var brick = tile.shape.replace(' holder_f','').split(' '),
+ bw = parseInt(brick[0].substr(1)),
+ bh = parseInt(brick[1].substr(1)),
+ bd = bw * bh;
+ bdsum+=bd;
+ bwsum+=bw;
+ bhsum+=bh;
+ if( bdsum > 8 ){
+ bdsum = 0, bhsum = 0, colindex+=1;
+ $group.append('');
+ $group.find('.col'+colindex).eq(colindex).append($li);
+ } else {
+ $group.find('.col'+colindex).eq(0).append($li);
+ }
+ });
$("div#desktop div#group_wrapper").append($group);
@@ -258,7 +271,7 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
$("div#desktop ul#section_list li.section_name").click(function(){
$("div#desktop li.section_name").show();
- $("div#desktop span#section_heading").text($(this).text());
+ $("#desktop #section_heading").text($(this).text());
o.sectionId = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
@@ -298,10 +311,12 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
o.currentface = "apps_manager";
var searchArray,allApps;
var bindHandlers = function(){ // bind handler for app manager page
- $("div#app_manager #group_wrapper").css("min-width",$(window).width()-100);
- $("div#app_manager .group_search").css("width",$(window).width()-200);
+ var gn = $('.g_col').length,
+ gw = $('.g_col').outerWidth(true);
+ $("#app_manager #group_wrapper").css("width",gn*gw);
+ // $("div#app_manager .group_search").css("width",$(window).width()-200);
//for textbox search
- $("div#app_manager #searchbox").focus(function(){$(this).val("");}).keyup(function(e){
+ $("#app_manager #searchbox").focus(function(){$(this).val("");}).keyup(function(e){
$("div#app_manager .search_result").empty();
$("div#app_manager #seperator").hide();
@@ -340,11 +355,27 @@ var orbitDesktop = function(dom){
var loadApps = function(){ //this load apps for sorting and searching
+ var count = 0, colindex = 0;
+ $('#app_list').append('');
- var $div;
- $div = $('![]('+o.iconPath+app.data_content+'.png)
- $("#app_list").append($div);
+ var $app;
+ count++;
+ $app = $('![]('+o.iconPath+app.data_content+'.png)
+ if( count > 4 ){
+ count = 1, colindex+=1;
+ $('#app_list').append('');
+ $('.g_col.col'+ colindex).append($app);
+ } else {
+ $('.g_col.col'+ colindex).append($app);
+ }
+ console.log(count, colindex);
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/desktopmain.css b/app/assets/stylesheets/desktopmain.css
index b86c88af..406d6266 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/desktopmain.css
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/desktopmain.css
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ a:focus { outline: none; }
.appholder {
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
- padding-bottom: 12px;
.holder_f .appholder {
position: absolute;
@@ -359,7 +358,7 @@ a:focus { outline: none; }
float: left;
margin-right: 24px;
- max-width: 800px;
+ /*max-width: 800px;*/
@@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ a:focus { outline: none; }
float: left;
- margin-right: 36px;
+ margin-right: 24px;
max-width: 340px;
.g_sep { width: 11px; border-left: solid 1px #fff; }
@@ -468,9 +467,12 @@ a:focus { outline: none; }
color: #fff;
+#group_wrapper {}
+.grp { height:528px; }
+.g_col {
+ height: 516px;
+ float: left;
- min-height:528px;
\ No newline at end of file
+.g_col_w1 { width: 132px; }
+.g_col_w2 { width: 264px; }
+.ui-sortable-placeholder { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); visibility: visible !important; }
\ No newline at end of file