This repository has been archived on 2024-03-16. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

597 lines
17 KiB

_locale: English
not_sub_manager: Access Denied for you are not SubManager for this app
not_manager: Access Denied for you are not SubManager for this app
not_authed_user: Access Denied for you are not User for this app
object: Access Denied for you don't have permission for this object
not_admin: Access Denied for you are not Admin
account_settings: Account settings
action: Action
ab_fx: FX
banner_best_size: Banner Best Size
best_size: Best size
new_image: New image
not_showing: Not showing
picture_list: Picture List
sec_place_holder: Enter 3 if 3 sec
showing: Showing
success_destroy_ad_image: Image successfully destroyed
trans_unit_sec: sec
transition_sec: Transition time
update_banner: Update Banner
widget_info_for_ad_image_size: "Best size with: %{best_size}"
ad_banner: AD Banner
add: Add
add_item: Add item
add_to_bookmark: Add this to bookmark
admin: Admin
all_content: All Content
all_file: All File
all_member: All Member
always_display_title: Always displayed in the title bar
list_setting_result: Authorization List
add_manager_fail: Manager successfully added
add_manager_ok: Adding manager failed
add_sub_manager_fail: Sub-manager successfully added
add_sub_manager_ok: Adding sub-manager failed
can_not_add_this_user: This user cannot be added
fail: Removal of manager failed
success: Manager successfully removed
fail: Removal of sub-manager failed
success: Sub-manager successfully removed
failed_no_user: Failed, no user
not_pass: Not pass
not_pass_reason: Not pass reason
pass: Pass
setting: Approval setting
stat: Approval status
user_list: Unit
approval_: Approval
asset: Asset
add_manager: Add Manager
add_sub_manager: Add SubManager
add_to_block_list: Add to block List
add_to_privilege_list: Add to privilege List
all_member: All Member
auth_by: - Authorized by %{user_display_name}
by_role: By Role
by_sub_role: By SubRole
author: Author
back: Back
basic: Basic
browse: Browse
cancel: Cancel
cant_delete_self: You can not delete yourself.
cant_empty_star: Cannot be empty (*)
cant_revoke_self_admin: You can not revoke your admin role yourself.
categories: Categories
category: Category
category_auth: Category Authorization
clear: Clear
content: Content
link: Error when creating link.
page: Error when creating page.
fail: Creation failed
asset_category: Asset category was successfully created.
link: Link was successfully created.
page: Page was successfully created.
user: User was successfully created.
create_: Create
data: Data
bulletin: Announcement
news_bulletin: News
page_context: Page
web_link: Link
dashboard_: Dashboard
deadline: Deadline
default_css: Default CSS
delete: Delete
delete_file: Delete file
description: Description
desktop: Desktop
disable: Disable
dots: ●●●●●●
download: Download
downloaded: Downloaded
edit: Edit
asset: Editing asset
design: Editing design
link: Editing link
page: Editing page
email: Email
enable: Enable
enabled_for: Enabled for
end: End
end_date: End date
at_least_one: must at least have one value
size: File size
type: File type
upload: File upload
file_: File
file_type: File Type
forgot_password: Forgot your password?
frequency: Frequency
help: Help
hidden: Hidden
hide: Hide
hits: Hits
homepage: Homepage
horizontal: Horizontal
hot: Hot
image: Image
info: Information
intro: Introduction
is_published: Is published
item: Item
key: Key
last_modified: Last modified
layout: Layout
link: Link
ad_banner: AdBanner list
asset: Asset list
info: User information list
link: Link list
purchase: Purchases list
role: User roles list
user: Users list
list_: List
list_lower: list
text_field: Text Field
select: Select
date: Date
text_area: Text Area
radio_button: Radio button
checkbox: Checkbox
login: Login
logout: Logout
address: Address
authentication: Authentication
domain: Domain
enable_starttls_auto: Enable Start TLS Auto
password: Password
port: Port
setting: Mail settings
tls: TLS
user_name: User Name
manager: Manager
manager: Manager
me: Me
member: Member
menu_enabled_for: Menu enabled for
close: Close
preview: Preview
module: Module
module_authorization: Module Authorization
more_plus: more+
most_visited_page: Most Visited Page
multilingual: Multilingual
name: Name
nccu_ldap_uid: NCCU LDAP Account
asset: New asset
banner: New banner
design: New design
link: New link
page: New page
user: New user
info: New user information
role: New user role
news: News
no_: "No"
no_deadline: No deadline
a_object_must_have_only_one_object_auth_profile_for_each_action: ''
list_title_of_users: authorization list
new_object_auth: New authorization
off_upcase: "OFF"
on_upcase: "ON"
options: Options
or_lower: or
organization: Organization
page: Page
module_widget: Plug-in Module Widget
public_r_tag: System Widget
text: Text Area
passed: Approved
password: Password
# : <<<<<<< HEAD
pending: Pending
picture: Picture
postdate: Postdate
posted_by: Posted by
preview: Preview
purchase: Purchase
# : =======
register: Register
remember_me: Remember me
search_google: Search Google
show: Show
submit: Submit
sure?: Are you sure?
update: Update
update_failed: Update failed
view: View
view_count: View count
yes_: "Yes"
add_to_bookmark: Add this to bookmark
all_content: All Content
all_file: All File
all_member: All Member
content: Content
data: Data
file: File
file_type: File Type
hits: Hits
item: Item
member: Member
module: Module
most_visited_page: Most Visited Page
# : >>>>>>> various_bugs
quantity: Quantity
quick_edit: Quick edit
recent_update: Recent Update
referral_in_links: Referral in Links
register: Register
registered: Registered
rejected: Rejected
rejected_reason: 'Reason:'
rejected_reason_empty: "Approval rejected, no referencable information"
related_links: Related Links
role: Role
Roles: Roles
ruling_site: Ruling Site
domains: Google Search Domains
not_found: "NOT FOUND"
result_get: "Searched about ' %{search_word} ' Found %{item_num} items"
sitesearch: Google Site Search
too_many: "Search about ' %{search_word} 'resulted more than %{exceed_num} items maybe try to search with more specific terms?"
unit_get: "Listed items created by :%{unit_name} Found %{item_num} items"
search_nccu: Search NCCU
setup_member: Member setup
show: Show
description: Site description
description_help: ''
footer: Site footer
footer_help: ''
info: Site information
keywords: Site keywords
keywords_help: ''
language: Site language
search: Site Search
search_help: Please Enter the search argument for Google search.
settings: Site setting
sub_menu: Site sub-menu
title: Site title
title_help: ''
site_: Site
site_info: Site Info
sitemap: Sitemap
site_name: Site Name
start: Start
start_date: Start date
statistics: Statistics
status: Status
structure: Structure
sub_manager: SubManager
subtitle: Subtitle
submit: Submit
submit_approval: Submit approval
submit_user_list: Submit user list
sure?: "Are you sure?"
can_not_display_due_to_no_context: "Can not display due to no context for English"
limit_of_upload_file_size: "Upload file must be less than: %{best_size}"
module_page_lang_not_support: "We are sorry, this page is not available for English"
not_previewable: "Preview not support"
preview_only_for_img: "Preview only supprt with file type: jpg, png, gif, bmp"
system_info: System information
tag_cloud: Tag cloud
tags: Tags
template: Template
template_name: Template name
text: Text
theme: Theme
themes: Themes
title: Title
top: Top
total_visitors: Total Visitors
traffic: Traffic
type: Type
unit_name: Unit name
up_to_date: Up-to-date
link: Error when updating link.
fail: Update failed
content: Content was successfully updated.
link: Link was successfully updated.
page: Page was successfully updated.
user: User was successfully updated.
success_: Successfully updated
update_: Update
update_at: Update at
url: URL
use_status: ''
user: User
version: Version
vertical: Vertical
view: View
view_count: View count
visitors_this_month: This month's visitors
visitors_this_week: This week's visitors
visitors_this_year: This year's visitors
visitors_today: Today's visitors
yes_: "Yes"
# : <<<<<<< HEAD
date: Date
file: File
file_description: Description
file_name: Name
link_name: Name
picture: Picture
selected_file: File
# : =======
at_least_one: must at least have one value
# admin:
# access:
# denied:
# app:
# not_sub_manager: Access Denied for you are not SubManager for this app
# not_manager: Access Denied for you are not SubManager for this app
# not_authed_user: Access Denied for you are not User for this app
# not_admin: Access Denied for you are not Admin
# object: "Access Denied for you don't have permission for this object"
# action: Action
# ad_banner: AD Banner
# orbit_gallery: Gallery
# calendar: Calendar
# ad:
# sec_place_holder: Enter 3 if 3 sec
# ab_fx: FX
# all_banners: AdBanner list
# banner_best_size: Banner Best Size
# best_size: Best size
# new_banner: New banner
# new_image: New image
# showing: Showing
# not_showing: NotShowing
# picture_list: Picture List
# title: Title
# transition_sec: Transition time
# trans_unit_sec: sec
# update_banner: Update Banner
# widget_info_for_ad_image_size: "Best size with: %{best_size}"
# add: Add
# add_item: Add item
# add_language: Add language
# add_drop_down_item: +Add Menu Item
# admin: Admin
# action: Action
# all_articles: List
# always_display_title: Always displayed in the title bar
# announcement: Announcement
# asset: Asset
# assets:
# file: File
# album: Album
# video: Video
# book: Book
# attributes: Attributes
# author: Author
# calendar: Calendar
# gprs: GPS
# cant_delete_self: You can not delete yourself.
# cant_revoke_self_admin: You can not revoke your admin role yourself.
# category: Category
# choose_file: Choose a file...
# class: Class
# content: Content
# create_error_link: Error when creating link.
# create_error_page: Error when creating page.
# create_success_home: Homepage was successfully created.
# create_success_layout: Layout was successfully created.
# create_success_link: Link was successfully created.
# create_success_page: Page was successfully created.
# create_success_snippet: Snippet was successfully created.
# create_success_user: User was successfully created.
# data: Data
# dashboard: Dashboard
# delete_language: Delete language
# description: Description
# design: Template
# disable_language: Disable language
# editing_home: Editing homepage
# editing_layout: Editing layout
# editing_link: Editing link
# editing_page: Editing page
# editing_snippet: Editing snippet
# editing_info: Editing user information
# editing_role: Editing user role
# email: Email
# enable_language: Enable language
# enabled_for: Enabled for
# file_name: Filename
# file_size: File size
# file_upload: File upload
# format: Format
# home: Home
# id: ID
# info: Information
# intro: Introduction
# is_published: Is published
# item: Item
# key: Key
# keywords: Keywords
# language: Language
# layout: Layout
# layout_name: Layout name
# links: Links
# link: Links
# list_assets: Assets list
# list_designs: Designs list
# list_items: Items list
# list_puchases: Purchases list
# list_snippets: Snippets list
# list_users: Users list
# list_infos: User information list
# list_roles: User roles list
# mail_address: Address
# mail_port: Port
# mail_domain: Domain
# mail_authentication: Authentication
# mail_user_name: User Name
# mail_password: Password
# mail_tls: TLS
# mail_enable_starttls_auto: Enable Start TLS Auto
# member: Member
# menu_enabled_for: Menu enabled for
# module:
# authorization: Module Authorization
# move_down: Move down
# move_up: Move up
# multilingual: Multilingual
# my_avatar: My Avatar
# no_home_page: You don't have a homepage
# no_layout: You don't have a layout
# name: Name
# nccu: NCCU Custom
# nccu_c:
# nccu_ldap_uid: NCCU LDAP Account
# new_asset: New asset
# new_component: New component
# new_design: New design
# new_home: New homepage
# new_layout: New layout
# new_link: New link
# new_page: New page
# new_snippet: New snippet
# new_user: New user
# new_info: New user information
# new_role: New user role
# news: News
# non_multilingual: Non multilingual
# object_auth:
# list_title_of_users: %{auth_title} Auth List
# update_done: Update done,reulst showing in list
# update_failed: Update failed
# options: Options
# orig_upload_file: Original filename
# page: Page
# page_context:
# edit: Edit
# ob_auth:
# edit: Category authorization
# page_part_kinds:
# text: Text Area
# public_r_tag: System Widget
# module_widget: Plug-in Module Widget
# position: Position
# published?: Published?
# purchase: Purchase
# registered: Registered
# role: Role
# roles: Roles
# setup_member: Member setup
# setup_translations: Translations setup
# setup_designs: Designs setup
# site: Site
# site_description: Site description
# site_footer: Site footer
# site_settings: Site Setting
# site_sub_menu: Site sub-menu
# site_title: Site title
# super_pages: Super pages
# structure: Structure
# : >>>>>>> various_bugs
tags: Tags
url: URL
# : <<<<<<< HEAD
# : =======
user: User
sys_basic_form: User system info
password: Password
password_confirmation: Password Confirmation
email: User account
all_member: All Member
manager: Manager
sub_mamanger: SubManager
by_role: By Role
by_sub_role: By SubRole
block_list: Block List
privilege_list: Privilege List
add_manager: Add Manager
add_sub_manager: Add SubManager
add_to_block_list: Add to block List
add_to_privilege_list: Add to privilege List
auth_by: -AuthBy %{user_display_name}
info: User information
panel: User panel
role: User role
bulletin: Announcement
news_bulletin: News
page_context: Page
web_link: Link
close: Close
preview: Preview
not_previewable: "Preview not support"
limit_of_upload_file_size: "Upload file must be less than: %{best_size}"
preview_only_for_img: "Preview only supprt with file type:jpg,png,gif,bmp"
can_not_display_due_to_no_context: "Can not display due to no context for English"
module_page_lang_not_support: "We are sorry, this page is not available for English"
not_found: "NOT FOUND"
domains: Google Search Domains
site_search: Site Search
sitesearch: Google Site Search
site_setting_help: Please Enter the search argument for Google search.
result_get: "Searched about ' %{search_word} ' Found %{item_num} items"
too_many: "Search about ' %{search_word} 'resulted more than %{exceed_num} items maybe try to search with more specific terms?"
unit_get: "Listed items created by :%{unit_name} Found %{item_num} items"
# : >>>>>>> various_bugs