class Panel::Announcement::BackEnd::BulletinsController < OrbitBackendController # include OrbitControllerLib::DivisionForDisable before_filter :clean_values, :only => [:create, :update] open_for_visitor :only => [:index, :show, :get_sorted_and_filtered_bulletins] before_filter :only => [ :new, :create, :edit, :update ] do |controller| @categories = get_categories_for_form end def preview params['bulletin']['image'] = nil bulletin = params @preview_obj = bulletin.to_preview render '/shared/preview/preview.html.erb',:layout=>false end def index @tags = get_tags @categories = get_categories_for_index @statuses = get_statuses category_ids = @categories.collect{|t|} @bulletins = get_sorted_and_filtered("bulletin", => category_ids) respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.js { } format.xml { render :xml => @bulletins } end end # GET /bulletins/1 # GET /bulletins/1.xml def show @bulletin = Bulletin.find(params[:id]) @tags = get_tags respond_to do |format| format.html # show.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @bulletin } end end # GET /bulletins/new # GET /bulletins/new.xml def new if(session[:in_validate_object].blank?) @bulletin = => else @bulletin = session[:in_validate_object] session[:in_validate_object] = {} end @link_url = panel_announcement_back_end_bulletins_path @tags = get_tags respond_to do |format| format.html # new.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @bulletin } end end # GET /bulletins/1/edit def edit @bulletin = Bulletin.find(params[:id]) @tags = get_tags is_authorized_sub_manager = @bulletin.category.auth_sub_manager.authorized_user_ids rescue nil if !(is_manager? || is_admin? || is_authorized_sub_manager.include?( redirect_to :action => :index else # @summary_variable = @bulletin.summary_variable @link_url = panel_announcement_back_end_bulletin_path(@bulletin) @tags = get_tags end end # POST /bulletins # POST /bulletins.xml def create @tags = get_tags @bulletin =[:bulletin]) @bulletin.deadline = nil if (@bulletin.deadline < @bulletin.postdate rescue nil) @bulletin.create_user_id = @bulletin.update_user_id = # if(is_manager? || is_admin?) # @bulletin.is_checked = true # @bulletin.is_rejected = false # @bulletin.de_pending # end respond_to do |format| if format.html { redirect_to(panel_announcement_back_end_bulletins_url, :notice => t('announcement.create_bulletin_success')) } format.xml { render :xml => @bulletin, :status => :created, :location => @bulletin } # format.js format.js { @info = {"success"=>"true","redirect_url"=>panel_announcement_back_end_bulletins_url} flash[:notice] = t('bulletin.create_bulletin_success') render "/shared/preview/after_create.js.erb" } else format.html { render :action => "new" } format.xml { render :xml => @bulletin.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } format.js { @info = {"success"=>"false","redirect_url"=>new_panel_announcement_back_end_bulletin_url(:bulletin => @bulletin)} session[:in_validate_object] = @bulletin render "/shared/preview/after_create.js.erb" } end end end # PUT /bulletins/1 # PUT /bulletins/1.xml def update @bulletin = Bulletin.find(params[:id]) params[:bulletin][:tag_ids] = (params[:bulletin][:tag_ids] ? params[:bulletin][:tag_ids] : []) delete_out_invalid_date_from_params respond_to do |format| if @bulletin.update_attributes(params[:bulletin]) format.html { redirect_to(panel_announcement_back_end_bulletins_url, :notice => t('bulletin.update_bulletin_success')) } format.js { render 'toggle_enable' } format.xml { head :ok } else @tags = get_tags format.html { render :action => "edit" } format.xml { render :xml => @bulletin.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end end # DELETE /bulletins/1 # DELETE /bulletins/1.xml def destroy @bulletin = Bulletin.find(params[:id]) # @bulletin.bulletin_files.destroy @bulletin.destroy respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to(panel_announcement_back_end_bulletins_url) } # format.xml { head :ok } format.js end end def delete if params[:ids] bulletins = Bulletin.any_in(:_id => params[:ids]).destroy_all end redirect_to panel_announcement_back_end_bulletins_url(:filter => params[:filter], :direction => params[:direction], :sort => params[:sort], :sort_options => params[:sort_options]) end protected def delete_out_invalid_date_from_params if((params[:bulletin]["deadline(1i)"] && params[:bulletin]["deadline(1i)"].blank?) or (params[:bulletin]["deadline(2i)"] && params[:bulletin]["deadline(2i)"].blank?) or (params[:bulletin]["deadline(3i)"] && params[:bulletin]["deadline(3i)"].blank?)) params[:bulletin].delete("deadline(1i)") params[:bulletin].delete("deadline(2i)") params[:bulletin].delete("deadline(3i)") params[:bulletin].delete("deadline(4i)") params[:bulletin].delete("deadline(5i)") @bulletin.deadline = nil end rescue nil end def clean_values if params[:bulletin] params[:bulletin][:bulletin_links_attributes].each_with_index do |link, index| params[:bulletin][:bulletin_links_attributes].delete(index.to_s) if link[1]['url'].blank? and link[1]['title_translations'].blank? end rescue nil params[:bulletin][:bulletin_files_attributes].each_with_index do |link, index| params[:bulletin][:bulletin_files_attributes].delete(index.to_s) if link[1]['file'].blank? and link[1]['title_translations'].blank? end rescue nil end end end