(function () { "use strict"; function e() { } function t(e, t) { for (var n = e.length; n--;)if (e[n].listener === t) return n; return -1 } var n = e.prototype; n.getListeners = function (e) { var t, n, i = this._getEvents(); if ("object" == typeof e) { t = {}; for (n in i) i.hasOwnProperty(n) && e.test(n) && (t[n] = i[n]) } else t = i[e] || (i[e] = []); return t }, n.flattenListeners = function (e) { var t, n = []; for (t = 0; e.length > t; t += 1)n.push(e[t].listener); return n }, n.getListenersAsObject = function (e) { var t, n = this.getListeners(e); return n instanceof Array && (t = {}, t[e] = n), t || n }, n.addListener = function (e, n) { var i, r = this.getListenersAsObject(e), o = "object" == typeof n; for (i in r) r.hasOwnProperty(i) && -1 === t(r[i], n) && r[i].push(o ? n : { listener: n, once: false }); return this }, n.on = n.addListener, n.addOnceListener = function (e, t) { return this.addListener(e, { listener: t, once: true }) }, n.once = n.addOnceListener, n.defineEvent = function (e) { return this.getListeners(e), this }, n.defineEvents = function (e) { for (var t = 0; e.length > t; t += 1)this.defineEvent(e[t]); return this }, n.removeListener = function (e, n) { var i, r, o = this.getListenersAsObject(e); for (r in o) o.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i = t(o[r], n), -1 !== i && o[r].splice(i, 1)); return this }, n.off = n.removeListener, n.addListeners = function (e, t) { return this.manipulateListeners(false, e, t) }, n.removeListeners = function (e, t) { return this.manipulateListeners(true, e, t) }, n.manipulateListeners = function (e, t, n) { var i, r, o = e ? this.removeListener : this.addListener, s = e ? this.removeListeners : this.addListeners; if ("object" != typeof t || t instanceof RegExp) for (i = n.length; i--;)o.call(this, t, n[i]); else for (i in t) t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (r = t[i]) && ("function" == typeof r ? o.call(this, i, r) : s.call(this, i, r)); return this }, n.removeEvent = function (e) { var t, n = typeof e, i = this._getEvents(); if ("string" === n) delete i[e]; else if ("object" === n) for (t in i) i.hasOwnProperty(t) && e.test(t) && delete i[t]; else delete this._events; return this }, n.emitEvent = function (e, t) { var n, i, r, o, s = this.getListenersAsObject(e); for (r in s) if (s.hasOwnProperty(r)) for (i = s[r].length; i--;)n = s[r][i], o = n.listener.apply(this, t || []), (o === this._getOnceReturnValue() || n.once === true) && this.removeListener(e, s[r][i].listener); return this }, n.trigger = n.emitEvent, n.emit = function (e) { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.emitEvent(e, t) }, n.setOnceReturnValue = function (e) { return this._onceReturnValue = e, this }, n._getOnceReturnValue = function () { return this.hasOwnProperty("_onceReturnValue") ? this._onceReturnValue : true }, n._getEvents = function () { return this._events || (this._events = {}) }, "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function () { return e }) : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = e : this.EventEmitter = e }).call(this), function (e) { "use strict"; var t = document.documentElement, n = function () { }; t.addEventListener ? n = function (e, t, n) { e.addEventListener(t, n, false) } : t.attachEvent && (n = function (t, n, i) { t[n + i] = i.handleEvent ? function () { var t = e.event; t.target = t.target || t.srcElement, i.handleEvent.call(i, t) } : function () { var n = e.event; n.target = n.target || n.srcElement, i.call(t, n) }, t.attachEvent("on" + n, t[n + i]) }); var i = function () { }; t.removeEventListener ? i = function (e, t, n) { e.removeEventListener(t, n, false) } : t.detachEvent && (i = function (e, t, n) { e.detachEvent("on" + t, e[t + n]); try { delete e[t + n] } catch (i) { e[t + n] = void 0 } }); var r = { bind: n, unbind: i }; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(r) : e.eventie = r }(this), function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]; return e } function n(e) { return "[object Array]" === c.call(e) } function i(e) { var t = []; if (n(e)) t = e; else if ("number" == typeof e.length) for (var i = 0, r = e.length; r > i; i++)t.push(e[i]); else t.push(e); return t } function r(e, n) { function r(e, n, s) { if (!(this instanceof r)) return new r(e, n); "string" == typeof e && (e = document.querySelectorAll(e)), this.elements = i(e), this.options = t({}, this.options), "function" == typeof n ? s = n : t(this.options, n), s && this.on("always", s), this.getImages(), o && (this.jqDeferred = new o.Deferred); var a = this; setTimeout(function () { a.check() }) } function c(e) { this.img = e } r.prototype = new e, r.prototype.options = {}, r.prototype.getImages = function () { this.images = []; for (var e = 0, t = this.elements.length; t > e; e++) { var n = this.elements[e]; "IMG" === n.nodeName && this.addImage(n); for (var i = n.querySelectorAll("img"), r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; r++) { var s = i[r]; this.addImage(s) } } }, r.prototype.addImage = function (e) { var t = new c(e); this.images.push(t) }, r.prototype.check = function () { function e(e, r) { return t.options.debug && a && s.log("confirm", e, r), t.progress(e), n++, n === i && t.complete(), true } var t = this, n = 0, i = this.images.length; if (this.hasAnyBroken = false, !i) return this.complete(), void 0; for (var r = 0; i > r; r++) { var o = this.images[r]; o.on("confirm", e), o.check() } }, r.prototype.progress = function (e) { this.hasAnyBroken = this.hasAnyBroken || !e.isLoaded; var t = this; setTimeout(function () { t.emit("progress", t, e), t.jqDeferred && t.jqDeferred.notify(t, e) }) }, r.prototype.complete = function () { var e = this.hasAnyBroken ? "fail" : "done"; this.isComplete = true; var t = this; setTimeout(function () { if (t.emit(e, t), t.emit("always", t), t.jqDeferred) { var n = t.hasAnyBroken ? "reject" : "resolve"; t.jqDeferred[n](t) } }) }, o && (o.fn.imagesLoaded = function (e, t) { var n = new r(this, e, t); return n.jqDeferred.promise(o(this)) }); var f = {}; return c.prototype = new e, c.prototype.check = function () { var e = f[this.img.src]; if (e) return this.useCached(e), void 0; if (f[this.img.src] = this, this.img.complete && void 0 !== this.img.naturalWidth) return this.confirm(0 !== this.img.naturalWidth, "naturalWidth"), void 0; var t = this.proxyImage = new Image; n.bind(t, "load", this), n.bind(t, "error", this), t.src = this.img.src }, c.prototype.useCached = function (e) { if (e.isConfirmed) this.confirm(e.isLoaded, "cached was confirmed"); else { var t = this; e.on("confirm", function (e) { return t.confirm(e.isLoaded, "cache emitted confirmed"), true }) } }, c.prototype.confirm = function (e, t) { this.isConfirmed = true, this.isLoaded = e, this.emit("confirm", this, t) }, c.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) { var t = "on" + e.type; this[t] && this[t](e) }, c.prototype.onload = function () { this.confirm(true, "onload"), this.unbindProxyEvents() }, c.prototype.onerror = function () { this.confirm(false, "onerror"), this.unbindProxyEvents() }, c.prototype.unbindProxyEvents = function () { n.unbind(this.proxyImage, "load", this), n.unbind(this.proxyImage, "error", this) }, r } var o = e.jQuery, s = e.console, a = s !== void 0, c = Object.prototype.toString; "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["eventEmitter/EventEmitter", "eventie/eventie"], r) : e.imagesLoaded = r(e.EventEmitter, e.eventie) }(window); (function (window) { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; function noop() { } function defineBridget($) { if (!$) { return } function addOptionMethod(PluginClass) { if (PluginClass.prototype.option) { return } PluginClass.prototype.option = function (opts) { if (!$.isPlainObject(opts)) { return } this.options = $.extend(true, this.options, opts) } } var logError = typeof console === 'undefined' ? noop : function (message) { console.error(message) }; function bridge(namespace, PluginClass) { $.fn[namespace] = function (options) { if (typeof options === 'string') { var args = slice.call(arguments, 1); for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = this[i]; var instance = $.data(elem, namespace); if (!instance) { logError("cannot call methods on " + namespace + " prior to initialization; " + "attempted to call '" + options + "'"); continue } if (!$.isFunction(instance[options]) || options.charAt(0) === '_') { logError("no such method '" + options + "' for " + namespace + " instance"); continue } var returnValue = instance[options].apply(instance, args); if (returnValue !== undefined) { return returnValue } } return this } else { return this.each(function () { var instance = $.data(this, namespace); if (instance) { instance.option(options); instance._init() } else { instance = new PluginClass(this, options); $.data(this, namespace, instance) } }) } } } $.bridget = function (namespace, PluginClass) { addOptionMethod(PluginClass); bridge(namespace, PluginClass) }; return $.bridget } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('jquery-bridget/jquery.bridget', ['jquery'], defineBridget) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { defineBridget(require('jquery')) } else { defineBridget(window.jQuery) } })(window); (function (window) { var docElem = document.documentElement; var bind = function () { }; function getIEEvent(obj) { var event = window.event; event.target = event.target || event.srcElement || obj; return event } if (docElem.addEventListener) { bind = function (obj, type, fn) { obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false) } } else if (docElem.attachEvent) { bind = function (obj, type, fn) { obj[type + fn] = fn.handleEvent ? function () { var event = getIEEvent(obj); fn.handleEvent.call(fn, event) } : function () { var event = getIEEvent(obj); fn.call(obj, event) }; obj.attachEvent("on" + type, obj[type + fn]) } } var unbind = function () { }; if (docElem.removeEventListener) { unbind = function (obj, type, fn) { obj.removeEventListener(type, fn, false) } } else if (docElem.detachEvent) { unbind = function (obj, type, fn) { obj.detachEvent("on" + type, obj[type + fn]); try { delete obj[type + fn] } catch (err) { obj[type + fn] = undefined } } } var eventie = { bind: bind, unbind: unbind }; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('eventie/eventie', eventie) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = eventie } else { window.eventie = eventie } })(window); (function () { 'use strict'; function EventEmitter() { } var proto = EventEmitter.prototype; var exports = this; var originalGlobalValue = exports.EventEmitter; function indexOfListener(listeners, listener) { var i = listeners.length; while (i--) { if (listeners[i].listener === listener) { return i } } return -1 } function alias(name) { return function aliasClosure() { return this[name].apply(this, arguments) } } proto.getListeners = function getListeners(evt) { var events = this._getEvents(); var response; var key; if (evt instanceof RegExp) { response = {}; for (key in events) { if (events.hasOwnProperty(key) && evt.test(key)) { response[key] = events[key] } } } else { response = events[evt] || (events[evt] = []) } return response }; proto.flattenListeners = function flattenListeners(listeners) { var flatListeners = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < listeners.length; i += 1) { flatListeners.push(listeners[i].listener) } return flatListeners }; proto.getListenersAsObject = function getListenersAsObject(evt) { var listeners = this.getListeners(evt); var response; if (listeners instanceof Array) { response = {}; response[evt] = listeners } return response || listeners }; proto.addListener = function addListener(evt, listener) { var listeners = this.getListenersAsObject(evt); var listenerIsWrapped = typeof listener === 'object'; var key; for (key in listeners) { if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(key) && indexOfListener(listeners[key], listener) === -1) { listeners[key].push(listenerIsWrapped ? listener : { listener: listener, once: false }) } } return this }; proto.on = alias('addListener'); proto.addOnceListener = function addOnceListener(evt, listener) { return this.addListener(evt, { listener: listener, once: true }) }; proto.once = alias('addOnceListener'); proto.defineEvent = function defineEvent(evt) { this.getListeners(evt); return this }; proto.defineEvents = function defineEvents(evts) { for (var i = 0; i < evts.length; i += 1) { this.defineEvent(evts[i]) } return this }; proto.removeListener = function removeListener(evt, listener) { var listeners = this.getListenersAsObject(evt); var index; var key; for (key in listeners) { if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(key)) { index = indexOfListener(listeners[key], listener); if (index !== -1) { listeners[key].splice(index, 1) } } } return this }; proto.off = alias('removeListener'); proto.addListeners = function addListeners(evt, listeners) { return this.manipulateListeners(false, evt, listeners) }; proto.removeListeners = function removeListeners(evt, listeners) { return this.manipulateListeners(true, evt, listeners) }; proto.manipulateListeners = function manipulateListeners(remove, evt, listeners) { var i; var value; var single = remove ? this.removeListener : this.addListener; var multiple = remove ? this.removeListeners : this.addListeners; if (typeof evt === 'object' && !(evt instanceof RegExp)) { for (i in evt) { if (evt.hasOwnProperty(i) && (value = evt[i])) { if (typeof value === 'function') { single.call(this, i, value) } else { multiple.call(this, i, value) } } } } else { i = listeners.length; while (i--) { single.call(this, evt, listeners[i]) } } return this }; proto.removeEvent = function removeEvent(evt) { var type = typeof evt; var events = this._getEvents(); var key; if (type === 'string') { delete events[evt] } else if (evt instanceof RegExp) { for (key in events) { if (events.hasOwnProperty(key) && evt.test(key)) { delete events[key] } } } else { delete this._events } return this }; proto.removeAllListeners = alias('removeEvent'); proto.emitEvent = function emitEvent(evt, args) { var listeners = this.getListenersAsObject(evt); var listener; var i; var key; var response; for (key in listeners) { if (listeners.hasOwnProperty(key)) { i = listeners[key].length; while (i--) { listener = listeners[key][i]; if (listener.once === true) { this.removeListener(evt, listener.listener) } response = listener.listener.apply(this, args || []); if (response === this._getOnceReturnValue()) { this.removeListener(evt, listener.listener) } } } } return this }; proto.trigger = alias('emitEvent'); proto.emit = function emit(evt) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.emitEvent(evt, args) }; proto.setOnceReturnValue = function setOnceReturnValue(value) { this._onceReturnValue = value; return this }; proto._getOnceReturnValue = function _getOnceReturnValue() { if (this.hasOwnProperty('_onceReturnValue')) { return this._onceReturnValue } else { return true } }; proto._getEvents = function _getEvents() { return this._events || (this._events = {}) }; EventEmitter.noConflict = function noConflict() { exports.EventEmitter = originalGlobalValue; return EventEmitter }; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('eventEmitter/EventEmitter', [], function () { return EventEmitter }) } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = EventEmitter } else { exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter } }.call(this)); (function (window) { var prefixes = 'Webkit Moz ms Ms O'.split(' '); var docElemStyle = document.documentElement.style; function getStyleProperty(propName) { if (!propName) { return } if (typeof docElemStyle[propName] === 'string') { return propName } propName = propName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propName.slice(1); var prefixed; for (var i = 0, len = prefixes.length; i < len; i++) { prefixed = prefixes[i] + propName; if (typeof docElemStyle[prefixed] === 'string') { return prefixed } } } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('get-style-property/get-style-property', [], function () { return getStyleProperty }) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = getStyleProperty } else { window.getStyleProperty = getStyleProperty } })(window); (function (window, undefined) { function getStyleSize(value) { var num = parseFloat(value); var isValid = value.indexOf('%') === -1 && !isNaN(num); return isValid && num } function noop() { } var logError = typeof console === 'undefined' ? noop : function (message) { console.error(message) }; var measurements = ['paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom', 'marginLeft', 'marginRight', 'marginTop', 'marginBottom', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderBottomWidth']; function getZeroSize() { var size = { width: 0, height: 0, innerWidth: 0, innerHeight: 0, outerWidth: 0, outerHeight: 0 }; for (var i = 0, len = measurements.length; i < len; i++) { var measurement = measurements[i]; size[measurement] = 0 } return size } function defineGetSize(getStyleProperty) { var isSetup = false; var getStyle, boxSizingProp, isBoxSizeOuter; function setup() { if (isSetup) { return } isSetup = true; var getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle; getStyle = (function () { var getStyleFn = getComputedStyle ? function (elem) { return getComputedStyle(elem, null) } : function (elem) { return elem.currentStyle }; return function getStyle(elem) { var style = getStyleFn(elem); if (!style) { logError('Style returned ' + style + '. Are you running this code in a hidden iframe on Firefox? ' + 'See http://bit.ly/getsizebug1') } return style } })(); boxSizingProp = getStyleProperty('boxSizing'); if (boxSizingProp) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.width = '200px'; div.style.padding = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; div.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; div.style.borderWidth = '1px 2px 3px 4px'; div.style[boxSizingProp] = 'border-box'; var body = document.body || document.documentElement; body.appendChild(div); var style = getStyle(div); isBoxSizeOuter = getStyleSize(style.width) === 200; body.removeChild(div) } } function getSize(elem) { setup(); if (typeof elem === 'string') { elem = document.querySelector(elem) } if (!elem || typeof elem !== 'object' || !elem.nodeType) { return } var style = getStyle(elem); if (style.display === 'none') { return getZeroSize() } var size = {}; size.width = elem.offsetWidth; size.height = elem.offsetHeight; var isBorderBox = size.isBorderBox = !!(boxSizingProp && style[boxSizingProp] && style[boxSizingProp] === 'border-box'); for (var i = 0, len = measurements.length; i < len; i++) { var measurement = measurements[i]; var value = style[measurement]; value = mungeNonPixel(elem, value); var num = parseFloat(value); size[measurement] = !isNaN(num) ? num : 0 } var paddingWidth = size.paddingLeft + size.paddingRight; var paddingHeight = size.paddingTop + size.paddingBottom; var marginWidth = size.marginLeft + size.marginRight; var marginHeight = size.marginTop + size.marginBottom; var borderWidth = size.borderLeftWidth + size.borderRightWidth; var borderHeight = size.borderTopWidth + size.borderBottomWidth; var isBorderBoxSizeOuter = isBorderBox && isBoxSizeOuter; var styleWidth = getStyleSize(style.width); if (styleWidth !== false) { size.width = styleWidth + (isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingWidth + borderWidth) } var styleHeight = getStyleSize(style.height); if (styleHeight !== false) { size.height = styleHeight + (isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingHeight + borderHeight) } size.innerWidth = size.width - (paddingWidth + borderWidth); size.innerHeight = size.height - (paddingHeight + borderHeight); size.outerWidth = size.width + marginWidth; size.outerHeight = size.height + marginHeight; return size } function mungeNonPixel(elem, value) { if (window.getComputedStyle || value.indexOf('%') === -1) { return value } var style = elem.style; var left = style.left; var rs = elem.runtimeStyle; var rsLeft = rs && rs.left; if (rsLeft) { rs.left = elem.currentStyle.left } style.left = value; value = style.pixelLeft; style.left = left; if (rsLeft) { rs.left = rsLeft } return value } return getSize } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('get-size/get-size', ['get-style-property/get-style-property'], defineGetSize) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = defineGetSize(require('desandro-get-style-property')) } else { window.getSize = defineGetSize(window.getStyleProperty) } })(window); (function (window) { var document = window.document; var queue = []; function docReady(fn) { if (typeof fn !== 'function') { return } if (docReady.isReady) { fn() } else { queue.push(fn) } } docReady.isReady = false; function onReady(event) { var isIE8NotReady = event.type === 'readystatechange' && document.readyState !== 'complete'; if (docReady.isReady || isIE8NotReady) { return } trigger() } function trigger() { docReady.isReady = true; for (var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; i++) { var fn = queue[i]; fn() } } function defineDocReady(eventie) { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { trigger() } else { eventie.bind(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', onReady); eventie.bind(document, 'readystatechange', onReady); eventie.bind(window, 'load', onReady) } return docReady } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('doc-ready/doc-ready', ['eventie/eventie'], defineDocReady) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = defineDocReady(require('eventie')) } else { window.docReady = defineDocReady(window.eventie) } })(window); (function (ElemProto) { 'use strict'; var matchesMethod = (function () { if (ElemProto.matches) { return 'matches' } if (ElemProto.matchesSelector) { return 'matchesSelector' } var prefixes = ['webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o']; for (var i = 0, len = prefixes.length; i < len; i++) { var prefix = prefixes[i]; var method = prefix + 'MatchesSelector'; if (ElemProto[method]) { return method } } })(); function match(elem, selector) { return elem[matchesMethod](selector) } function checkParent(elem) { if (elem.parentNode) { return } var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.appendChild(elem) } function query(elem, selector) { checkParent(elem); var elems = elem.parentNode.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) { if (elems[i] === elem) { return true } } return false } function matchChild(elem, selector) { checkParent(elem); return match(elem, selector) } var matchesSelector; if (matchesMethod) { var div = document.createElement('div'); var supportsOrphans = match(div, 'div'); matchesSelector = supportsOrphans ? match : matchChild } else { matchesSelector = query } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('matches-selector/matches-selector', [], function () { return matchesSelector }) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = matchesSelector } else { window.matchesSelector = matchesSelector } })(Element.prototype); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define('fizzy-ui-utils/utils', ['doc-ready/doc-ready', 'matches-selector/matches-selector'], function (docReady, matchesSelector) { return factory(window, docReady, matchesSelector) }) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(window, require('doc-ready'), require('desandro-matches-selector')) } else { window.fizzyUIUtils = factory(window, window.docReady, window.matchesSelector) } }(window, function factory(window, docReady, matchesSelector) { var utils = {}; utils.extend = function (a, b) { for (var prop in b) { a[prop] = b[prop] } return a }; utils.modulo = function (num, div) { return ((num % div) + div) % div }; var objToString = Object.prototype.toString; utils.isArray = function (obj) { return objToString.call(obj) == '[object Array]' }; utils.makeArray = function (obj) { var ary = []; if (utils.isArray(obj)) { ary = obj } else if (obj && typeof obj.length == 'number') { for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) { ary.push(obj[i]) } } else { ary.push(obj) } return ary }; utils.indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf ? function (ary, obj) { return ary.indexOf(obj) } : function (ary, obj) { for (var i = 0, len = ary.length; i < len; i++) { if (ary[i] === obj) { return i } } return -1 }; utils.removeFrom = function (ary, obj) { var index = utils.indexOf(ary, obj); if (index != -1) { ary.splice(index, 1) } }; utils.isElement = (typeof HTMLElement == 'function' || typeof HTMLElement == 'object') ? function isElementDOM2(obj) { return obj instanceof HTMLElement } : function isElementQuirky(obj) { return obj && typeof obj == 'object' && obj.nodeType == 1 && typeof obj.nodeName == 'string' }; utils.setText = (function () { var setTextProperty; function setText(elem, text) { setTextProperty = setTextProperty || (document.documentElement.textContent !== undefined ? 'textContent' : 'innerText'); elem[setTextProperty] = text } return setText })(); utils.getParent = function (elem, selector) { while (elem != document.body) { elem = elem.parentNode; if (matchesSelector(elem, selector)) { return elem } } }; utils.getQueryElement = function (elem) { if (typeof elem == 'string') { return document.querySelector(elem) } return elem }; utils.handleEvent = function (event) { var method = 'on' + event.type; if (this[method]) { this[method](event) } }; utils.filterFindElements = function (elems, selector) { elems = utils.makeArray(elems); var ffElems = []; for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; if (!utils.isElement(elem)) { continue } if (selector) { if (matchesSelector(elem, selector)) { ffElems.push(elem) } var childElems = elem.querySelectorAll(selector); for (var j = 0, jLen = childElems.length; j < jLen; j++) { ffElems.push(childElems[j]) } } else { ffElems.push(elem) } } return ffElems }; utils.debounceMethod = function (_class, methodName, threshold) { var method = _class.prototype[methodName]; var timeoutName = methodName + 'Timeout'; _class.prototype[methodName] = function () { var timeout = this[timeoutName]; if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout) } var args = arguments; var _this = this; this[timeoutName] = setTimeout(function () { method.apply(_this, args); delete _this[timeoutName] }, threshold || 100) } }; utils.toDashed = function (str) { return str.replace(/(.)([A-Z])/g, function (match, $1, $2) { return $1 + '-' + $2 }).toLowerCase() }; var console = window.console; utils.htmlInit = function (WidgetClass, namespace) { docReady(function () { var dashedNamespace = utils.toDashed(namespace); var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.js-' + dashedNamespace); var dataAttr = 'data-' + dashedNamespace + '-options'; for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; var attr = elem.getAttribute(dataAttr); var options; try { options = attr && JSON.parse(attr) } catch (error) { if (console) { console.error('Error parsing ' + dataAttr + ' on ' + elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() + (elem.id ? '#' + elem.id : '') + ': ' + error) } continue } var instance = new WidgetClass(elem, options); var jQuery = window.jQuery; if (jQuery) { jQuery.data(elem, namespace, instance) } } }) }; return utils })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('outlayer/item', ['eventEmitter/EventEmitter', 'get-size/get-size', 'get-style-property/get-style-property', 'fizzy-ui-utils/utils'], function (EventEmitter, getSize, getStyleProperty, utils) { return factory(window, EventEmitter, getSize, getStyleProperty, utils) } ) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(window, require('wolfy87-eventemitter'), require('get-size'), require('desandro-get-style-property'), require('fizzy-ui-utils')) } else { window.Outlayer = {}; window.Outlayer.Item = factory(window, window.EventEmitter, window.getSize, window.getStyleProperty, window.fizzyUIUtils) } }(window, function factory(window, EventEmitter, getSize, getStyleProperty, utils) { 'use strict'; var getComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle; var getStyle = getComputedStyle ? function (elem) { return getComputedStyle(elem, null) } : function (elem) { return elem.currentStyle }; function isEmptyObj(obj) { for (var prop in obj) { return false } prop = null; return true; } var transitionProperty = getStyleProperty('transition'); var transformProperty = getStyleProperty('transform'); var supportsCSS3 = transitionProperty && transformProperty; var is3d = !!getStyleProperty('perspective'); var transitionEndEvent = { WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', MozTransition: 'transitionend', OTransition: 'otransitionend', transition: 'transitionend' }[transitionProperty]; var prefixableProperties = ['transform', 'transition', 'transitionDuration', 'transitionProperty']; var vendorProperties = (function () { var cache = {}; for (var i = 0, len = prefixableProperties.length; i < len; i++) { var prop = prefixableProperties[i]; var supportedProp = getStyleProperty(prop); if (supportedProp && supportedProp !== prop) { cache[prop] = supportedProp } } return cache })(); function Item(element, layout) { if (!element) { return } this.element = element; this.layout = layout; this.position = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this._create() } utils.extend(Item.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype); Item.prototype._create = function () { this._transn = { ingProperties: {}, clean: {}, onEnd: {} }; var el = $(this.element); if(el.hasClass("row")){ el.css("width","100%"); }else if(el.filter("[class*='col-md']").length == 0){ el.css("width","100%"); } this.css({ position: 'absolute' }) }; Item.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) { var method = 'on' + event.type; if (this[method]) { this[method](event) } }; Item.prototype.getSize = function () { this.size = getSize(this.element) }; Item.prototype.css = function (style) { var elemStyle = this.element.style; for (var prop in style) { var supportedProp = vendorProperties[prop] || prop; elemStyle[supportedProp] = style[prop] } }; Item.prototype.getPosition = function () { var style = getStyle(this.element); var layoutOptions = this.layout.options; var isOriginLeft = layoutOptions.isOriginLeft; var isOriginTop = layoutOptions.isOriginTop; var xValue = style[isOriginLeft ? 'left' : 'right']; var yValue = style[isOriginTop ? 'top' : 'bottom']; var layoutSize = this.layout.size; var x = xValue.indexOf('%') != -1 ? (parseFloat(xValue) / 100) * layoutSize.width : parseInt(xValue, 10); var y = yValue.indexOf('%') != -1 ? (parseFloat(yValue) / 100) * layoutSize.height : parseInt(yValue, 10); x = isNaN(x) ? 0 : x; y = isNaN(y) ? 0 : y; x -= isOriginLeft ? layoutSize.paddingLeft : layoutSize.paddingRight; y -= isOriginTop ? layoutSize.paddingTop : layoutSize.paddingBottom; this.position.x = x; this.position.y = y }; Item.prototype.layoutPosition = function () { var layoutSize = this.layout.size; var layoutOptions = this.layout.options; var style = {}; var xPadding = layoutOptions.isOriginLeft ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight'; var xProperty = layoutOptions.isOriginLeft ? 'left' : 'right'; var xResetProperty = layoutOptions.isOriginLeft ? 'right' : 'left'; var x = this.position.x + layoutSize[xPadding]; style[xProperty] = this.getXValue(x); style[xResetProperty] = ''; var yPadding = layoutOptions.isOriginTop ? 'paddingTop' : 'paddingBottom'; var yProperty = layoutOptions.isOriginTop ? 'top' : 'bottom'; var yResetProperty = layoutOptions.isOriginTop ? 'bottom' : 'top'; var y = this.position.y + layoutSize[yPadding]; style[yProperty] = this.getYValue(y); style[yResetProperty] = ''; this.css(style); this.emitEvent('layout', [this]) }; Item.prototype.getXValue = function (x) { var layoutOptions = this.layout.options; return layoutOptions.percentPosition && !layoutOptions.isHorizontal ? ((x / this.layout.size.width) * 100) + '%' : x + 'px' }; Item.prototype.getYValue = function (y) { var layoutOptions = this.layout.options; return layoutOptions.percentPosition && layoutOptions.isHorizontal ? ((y / this.layout.size.height) * 100) + '%' : y + 'px' }; Item.prototype._transitionTo = function (x, y) { this.getPosition(); var curX = this.position.x; var curY = this.position.y; var compareX = parseInt(x, 10); var compareY = parseInt(y, 10); var didNotMove = compareX === this.position.x && compareY === this.position.y; this.setPosition(x, y); if (didNotMove && !this.isTransitioning) { this.layoutPosition(); return } var transX = x - curX; var transY = y - curY; var transitionStyle = {}; transitionStyle.transform = this.getTranslate(transX, transY); this.transition({ to: transitionStyle, onTransitionEnd: { transform: this.layoutPosition }, isCleaning: true }) }; Item.prototype.getTranslate = function (x, y) { var layoutOptions = this.layout.options; x = layoutOptions.isOriginLeft ? x : -x; y = layoutOptions.isOriginTop ? y : -y; if (is3d) { return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0)'; } return 'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)'; }; Item.prototype.goTo = function (x, y) { this.setPosition(x, y); this.layoutPosition(); }; Item.prototype.moveTo = supportsCSS3 ? Item.prototype._transitionTo : Item.prototype.goTo; Item.prototype.setPosition = function (x, y) { this.position.x = parseInt(x, 10); this.position.y = parseInt(y, 10) }; Item.prototype._nonTransition = function (args) { this.css(args.to); if (args.isCleaning) { this._removeStyles(args.to) } for (var prop in args.onTransitionEnd) { args.onTransitionEnd[prop].call(this) } }; Item.prototype._transition = function (args) { if (!parseFloat(this.layout.options.transitionDuration)) { this._nonTransition(args); return } var _transition = this._transn; for (var prop in args.onTransitionEnd) { _transition.onEnd[prop] = args.onTransitionEnd[prop]; } for (prop in args.to) { _transition.ingProperties[prop] = true; if (args.isCleaning) { _transition.clean[prop] = true } } if (args.from) { this.css(args.from); var h = this.element.offsetHeight; h = null } this.enableTransition(args.to); this.css(args.to); this.isTransitioning = true; }; function toDashedAll(str) { return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) { return '-' + $1.toLowerCase() }) } var transitionProps = 'opacity,' + toDashedAll(vendorProperties.transform || 'transform'); Item.prototype.enableTransition = function () { if (this.isTransitioning) { return } this.css({ transitionProperty: transitionProps, transitionDuration: this.layout.options.transitionDuration }); this.element.addEventListener(transitionEndEvent, this, false); }; Item.prototype.transition = Item.prototype[transitionProperty ? '_transition' : '_nonTransition']; Item.prototype.onwebkitTransitionEnd = function (event) { this.ontransitionend(event) }; Item.prototype.onotransitionend = function (event) { this.ontransitionend(event) }; var dashedVendorProperties = { '-webkit-transform': 'transform', '-moz-transform': 'transform', '-o-transform': 'transform' }; Item.prototype.ontransitionend = function (event) { if (event.target !== this.element) { return } var _transition = this._transn; var propertyName = dashedVendorProperties[event.propertyName] || event.propertyName; delete _transition.ingProperties[propertyName]; if (isEmptyObj(_transition.ingProperties)) { this.disableTransition() } if (propertyName in _transition.clean) { this.element.style[event.propertyName] = ''; delete _transition.clean[propertyName] } if (propertyName in _transition.onEnd) { var onTransitionEnd = _transition.onEnd[propertyName]; onTransitionEnd.call(this); delete _transition.onEnd[propertyName] } this.emitEvent('transitionEnd', [this]) }; Item.prototype.disableTransition = function () { this.removeTransitionStyles(); this.element.removeEventListener(transitionEndEvent, this, false); this.isTransitioning = false }; Item.prototype._removeStyles = function (style) { var cleanStyle = {}; for (var prop in style) { cleanStyle[prop] = ''; } this.css(cleanStyle); }; var cleanTransitionStyle = { transitionProperty: '', transitionDuration: '' }; Item.prototype.removeTransitionStyles = function () { this.css(cleanTransitionStyle) }; Item.prototype.removeElem = function () { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); this.css({ display: '' }); this.emitEvent('remove', [this]) }; Item.prototype.remove = function () { if (!transitionProperty || !parseFloat(this.layout.options.transitionDuration)) { this.removeElem(); return } var _this = this; this.once('transitionEnd', function () { _this.removeElem() }); this.hide() }; Item.prototype.reveal = function () { delete this.isHidden; this.css({ display: '' }); var options = this.layout.options; var onTransitionEnd = {}; var transitionEndProperty = this.getHideRevealTransitionEndProperty('visibleStyle'); onTransitionEnd[transitionEndProperty] = this.onRevealTransitionEnd; this.transition({ from: options.hiddenStyle, to: options.visibleStyle, isCleaning: true, onTransitionEnd: onTransitionEnd }) }; Item.prototype.onRevealTransitionEnd = function () { if (!this.isHidden) { this.emitEvent('reveal') } }; Item.prototype.getHideRevealTransitionEndProperty = function (styleProperty) { var optionStyle = this.layout.options[styleProperty]; if (optionStyle.opacity) { return 'opacity' } for (var prop in optionStyle) { return prop } }; Item.prototype.hide = function () { this.isHidden = true; this.css({ display: '' }); var options = this.layout.options; var onTransitionEnd = {}; var transitionEndProperty = this.getHideRevealTransitionEndProperty('hiddenStyle'); onTransitionEnd[transitionEndProperty] = this.onHideTransitionEnd; this.transition({ from: options.visibleStyle, to: options.hiddenStyle, isCleaning: true, onTransitionEnd: onTransitionEnd }) }; Item.prototype.onHideTransitionEnd = function () { if (this.isHidden) { this.css({ display: 'none' }); this.emitEvent('hide') } }; Item.prototype.destroy = function () { this.css({ position: '', left: '', right: '', top: '', bottom: '', transition: '', transform: '' }) }; return Item; })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define('outlayer/outlayer', ['eventie/eventie', 'eventEmitter/EventEmitter', 'get-size/get-size', 'fizzy-ui-utils/utils', './item'], function (eventie, EventEmitter, getSize, utils, Item) { return factory(window, eventie, EventEmitter, getSize, utils, Item) }) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(window, require('eventie'), require('wolfy87-eventemitter'), require('get-size'), require('fizzy-ui-utils'), require('./item')) } else { window.Outlayer = factory(window, window.eventie, window.EventEmitter, window.getSize, window.fizzyUIUtils, window.Outlayer.Item) } }(window, function factory(window, eventie, EventEmitter, getSize, utils, Item) { 'use strict'; var console = window.console; var jQuery = window.jQuery; var noop = function () { }; var GUID = 0; var instances = {}; function Outlayer(element, options) { var queryElement = utils.getQueryElement(element); if (!queryElement) { if (console) { console.error('Bad element for ' + this.constructor.namespace + ': ' + (queryElement || element)) } return } this.element = queryElement; if (jQuery) { this.$element = jQuery(this.element) } this.options = utils.extend({}, this.constructor.defaults); this.option(options); var id = ++GUID; this.element.outlayerGUID = id; instances[id] = this; this._create(); if (this.options.isInitLayout) { this.layout() } } Outlayer.namespace = 'outlayer'; Outlayer.Item = Item; Outlayer.defaults = { containerStyle: { position: 'relative' }, isInitLayout: true, isOriginLeft: true, isOriginTop: true, isResizeBound: true, isResizingContainer: true, transitionDuration: '0.4s', hiddenStyle: { opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0.001)' }, visibleStyle: { opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)' } }; utils.extend(Outlayer.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype); Outlayer.prototype.option = function (opts) { utils.extend(this.options, opts) }; Outlayer.prototype._create = function () { this.reloadItems(); this.stamps = []; this.stamp(this.options.stamp); utils.extend(this.element.style, this.options.containerStyle); if (this.options.isResizeBound) { this.bindResize() } }; Outlayer.prototype.reloadItems = function () { this.items = this._itemize(this.element.children) }; Outlayer.prototype._itemize = function (elems) { var itemElems = this._filterFindItemElements(elems); var Item = this.constructor.Item; var items = []; for (var i = 0, len = itemElems.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = itemElems[i]; var item = new Item(elem, this); items.push(item) } return items }; Outlayer.prototype._filterFindItemElements = function (elems) { return utils.filterFindElements(elems, this.options.itemSelector) }; Outlayer.prototype.getItemElements = function () { var elems = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { elems.push(this.items[i].element) } return elems }; Outlayer.prototype.layout = function () { this._resetLayout(); this._manageStamps(); var isInstant = this.options.isLayoutInstant !== undefined ? this.options.isLayoutInstant : !this._isLayoutInited; this.layoutItems(this.items, isInstant); this._isLayoutInited = true }; Outlayer.prototype._init = Outlayer.prototype.layout; Outlayer.prototype._resetLayout = function () { this.getSize() }; Outlayer.prototype.getSize = function () { this.size = getSize(this.element) }; Outlayer.prototype._getMeasurement = function (measurement, size) { var option = this.options[measurement]; var elem; if (!option) { this[measurement] = 0 } else { if (typeof option === 'string') { elem = this.element.querySelector(option) } else if (utils.isElement(option)) { elem = option } this[measurement] = elem ? getSize(elem)[size] : option } }; Outlayer.prototype.layoutItems = function (items, isInstant) { items = this._getItemsForLayout(items); this._layoutItems(items, isInstant); this._postLayout() }; Outlayer.prototype._getItemsForLayout = function (items) { var layoutItems = []; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (!item.isIgnored) { layoutItems.push(item) } } return layoutItems }; Outlayer.prototype._layoutItems = function (items, isInstant) { this._emitCompleteOnItems('layout', items); if (!items || !items.length) { return } var queue = []; for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; var position = this._getItemLayoutPosition(item); position.item = item; position.isInstant = isInstant || item.isLayoutInstant; queue.push(position) } this._processLayoutQueue(queue) }; Outlayer.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function () { return { x: 0, y: 0 } }; Outlayer.prototype._processLayoutQueue = function (queue) { for (var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; i++) { var obj = queue[i]; this._positionItem(obj.item, obj.x, obj.y, obj.isInstant) } }; Outlayer.prototype._positionItem = function (item, x, y, isInstant) { if (isInstant) { item.goTo(x, y) } else { item.moveTo(x, y) } }; Outlayer.prototype._postLayout = function () { this.resizeContainer() }; Outlayer.prototype.resizeContainer = function () { if (!this.options.isResizingContainer) { return } var size = this._getContainerSize(); if (size) { this._setContainerMeasure(size.width, true); this._setContainerMeasure(size.height, false) } }; Outlayer.prototype._getContainerSize = noop; Outlayer.prototype._setContainerMeasure = function (measure, isWidth) { if (measure === undefined) { return } var elemSize = this.size; if (elemSize.isBorderBox) { measure += isWidth ? elemSize.paddingLeft + elemSize.paddingRight + elemSize.borderLeftWidth + elemSize.borderRightWidth : elemSize.paddingBottom + elemSize.paddingTop + elemSize.borderTopWidth + elemSize.borderBottomWidth } measure = Math.max(measure, 0); this.element.style[isWidth ? 'width' : 'height'] = measure + 'px' }; Outlayer.prototype._emitCompleteOnItems = function (eventName, items) { var _this = this; function onComplete() { _this.dispatchEvent(eventName + 'Complete', null, [items]) } var count = items.length; if (!items || !count) { onComplete(); return } var doneCount = 0; function tick() { doneCount++; if (doneCount === count) { onComplete() } } for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; item.once(eventName, tick) } }; Outlayer.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (type, event, args) { var emitArgs = event ? [event].concat(args) : args; this.emitEvent(type, emitArgs); if (jQuery) { this.$element = this.$element || jQuery(this.element); if (event) { var $event = jQuery.Event(event); $event.type = type; this.$element.trigger($event, args) } else { this.$element.trigger(type, args) } } }; Outlayer.prototype.ignore = function (elem) { var item = this.getItem(elem); if (item) { item.isIgnored = true } }; Outlayer.prototype.unignore = function (elem) { var item = this.getItem(elem); if (item) { delete item.isIgnored } }; Outlayer.prototype.stamp = function (elems) { elems = this._find(elems); if (!elems) { return } this.stamps = this.stamps.concat(elems); for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; this.ignore(elem) } }; Outlayer.prototype.unstamp = function (elems) { elems = this._find(elems); if (!elems) { return } for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; utils.removeFrom(this.stamps, elem); this.unignore(elem) } }; Outlayer.prototype._find = function (elems) { if (!elems) { return } if (typeof elems === 'string') { elems = this.element.querySelectorAll(elems) } elems = utils.makeArray(elems); return elems }; Outlayer.prototype._manageStamps = function () { if (!this.stamps || !this.stamps.length) { return } this._getBoundingRect(); for (var i = 0, len = this.stamps.length; i < len; i++) { var stamp = this.stamps[i]; this._manageStamp(stamp) } }; Outlayer.prototype._getBoundingRect = function () { var boundingRect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect(); var size = this.size; this._boundingRect = { left: boundingRect.left + size.paddingLeft + size.borderLeftWidth, top: boundingRect.top + size.paddingTop + size.borderTopWidth, right: boundingRect.right - (size.paddingRight + size.borderRightWidth), bottom: boundingRect.bottom - (size.paddingBottom + size.borderBottomWidth) } }; Outlayer.prototype._manageStamp = noop; Outlayer.prototype._getElementOffset = function (elem) { var boundingRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); var thisRect = this._boundingRect; var size = getSize(elem); var offset = { left: boundingRect.left - thisRect.left - size.marginLeft, top: boundingRect.top - thisRect.top - size.marginTop, right: thisRect.right - boundingRect.right - size.marginRight, bottom: thisRect.bottom - boundingRect.bottom - size.marginBottom }; return offset }; Outlayer.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) { var method = 'on' + event.type; if (this[method]) { this[method](event) } }; Outlayer.prototype.bindResize = function () { if (this.isResizeBound) { return } eventie.bind(window, 'resize', this); this.isResizeBound = true }; Outlayer.prototype.unbindResize = function () { if (this.isResizeBound) { eventie.unbind(window, 'resize', this) } this.isResizeBound = false }; Outlayer.prototype.onresize = function () { if (this.resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout) } var _this = this; function delayed() { _this.resize(); delete _this.resizeTimeout } this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(delayed, 100) }; Outlayer.prototype.resize = function () { if (!this.isResizeBound || !this.needsResizeLayout()) { return } this.layout() }; Outlayer.prototype.needsResizeLayout = function () { var size = getSize(this.element); var hasSizes = this.size && size; return hasSizes && size.innerWidth !== this.size.innerWidth }; Outlayer.prototype.addItems = function (elems) { var items = this._itemize(elems); if (items.length) { this.items = this.items.concat(items) } return items }; Outlayer.prototype.appended = function (elems) { var items = this.addItems(elems); if (!items.length) { return } this.layoutItems(items, true); this.reveal(items) }; Outlayer.prototype.prepended = function (elems) { var items = this._itemize(elems); if (!items.length) { return } var previousItems = this.items.slice(0); this.items = items.concat(previousItems); this._resetLayout(); this._manageStamps(); this.layoutItems(items, true); this.reveal(items); this.layoutItems(previousItems) }; Outlayer.prototype.reveal = function (items) { this._emitCompleteOnItems('reveal', items); var len = items && items.length; for (var i = 0; len && i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; item.reveal() } }; Outlayer.prototype.hide = function (items) { this._emitCompleteOnItems('hide', items); var len = items && items.length; for (var i = 0; len && i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; item.hide() } }; Outlayer.prototype.revealItemElements = function (elems) { var items = this.getItems(elems); this.reveal(items) }; Outlayer.prototype.hideItemElements = function (elems) { var items = this.getItems(elems); this.hide(items) }; Outlayer.prototype.getItem = function (elem) { for (var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = this.items[i]; if (item.element === elem) { return item } } }; Outlayer.prototype.getItems = function (elems) { elems = utils.makeArray(elems); var items = []; for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) { var elem = elems[i]; var item = this.getItem(elem); if (item) { items.push(item) } } return items }; Outlayer.prototype.remove = function (elems) { var removeItems = this.getItems(elems); this._emitCompleteOnItems('remove', removeItems); if (!removeItems || !removeItems.length) { return } for (var i = 0, len = removeItems.length; i < len; i++) { var item = removeItems[i]; item.remove(); utils.removeFrom(this.items, item) } }; Outlayer.prototype.destroy = function () { var style = this.element.style; style.height = ''; style.position = ''; style.width = ''; for (var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = this.items[i]; item.destroy() } this.unbindResize(); var id = this.element.outlayerGUID; delete instances[id]; delete this.element.outlayerGUID; if (jQuery) { jQuery.removeData(this.element, this.constructor.namespace) } }; Outlayer.data = function (elem) { elem = utils.getQueryElement(elem); var id = elem && elem.outlayerGUID; return id && instances[id] }; Outlayer.create = function (namespace, options) { function Layout() { Outlayer.apply(this, arguments) } if (Object.create) { Layout.prototype = Object.create(Outlayer.prototype) } else { utils.extend(Layout.prototype, Outlayer.prototype) } Layout.prototype.constructor = Layout; Layout.defaults = utils.extend({}, Outlayer.defaults); utils.extend(Layout.defaults, options); Layout.prototype.settings = {}; Layout.namespace = namespace; Layout.data = Outlayer.data; Layout.Item = function LayoutItem() { Item.apply(this, arguments) }; Layout.Item.prototype = new Item(); utils.htmlInit(Layout, namespace); if (jQuery && jQuery.bridget) { jQuery.bridget(namespace, Layout) } return Layout }; Outlayer.Item = Item; return Outlayer })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define('isotope/js/item', ['outlayer/outlayer'], factory) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('outlayer')) } else { window.Isotope = window.Isotope || {}; window.Isotope.Item = factory(window.Outlayer) } }(window, function factory(Outlayer) { 'use strict'; function Item() { Outlayer.Item.apply(this, arguments) } Item.prototype = new Outlayer.Item(); Item.prototype._create = function () { this.id = this.layout.itemGUID++; Outlayer.Item.prototype._create.call(this); this.sortData = {} }; Item.prototype.updateSortData = function () { if (this.isIgnored) { return } this.sortData.id = this.id; this.sortData['original-order'] = this.id; this.sortData.random = Math.random(); var getSortData = this.layout.options.getSortData; var sorters = this.layout._sorters; for (var key in getSortData) { var sorter = sorters[key]; this.sortData[key] = sorter(this.element, this) } }; var _destroy = Item.prototype.destroy; Item.prototype.destroy = function () { _destroy.apply(this, arguments); this.css({ display: '' }) }; return Item })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define('isotope/js/layout-mode', ['get-size/get-size', 'outlayer/outlayer'], factory) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('get-size'), require('outlayer')) } else { window.Isotope = window.Isotope || {}; window.Isotope.LayoutMode = factory(window.getSize, window.Outlayer) } }(window, function factory(getSize, Outlayer) { 'use strict'; function LayoutMode(isotope) { this.isotope = isotope; if (isotope) { this.options = isotope.options[this.namespace]; this.element = isotope.element; this.items = isotope.filteredItems; this.size = isotope.size } } (function () { var facadeMethods = ['_resetLayout', '_getItemLayoutPosition', '_manageStamp', '_getContainerSize', '_getElementOffset', 'needsResizeLayout']; for (var i = 0, len = facadeMethods.length; i < len; i++) { var methodName = facadeMethods[i]; LayoutMode.prototype[methodName] = getOutlayerMethod(methodName) } function getOutlayerMethod(methodName) { return function () { return Outlayer.prototype[methodName].apply(this.isotope, arguments) } } })(); LayoutMode.prototype.needsVerticalResizeLayout = function () { var size = getSize(this.isotope.element); var hasSizes = this.isotope.size && size; return hasSizes && size.innerHeight != this.isotope.size.innerHeight }; LayoutMode.prototype._getMeasurement = function () { this.isotope._getMeasurement.apply(this, arguments) }; LayoutMode.prototype.getColumnWidth = function () { this.getSegmentSize('column', 'Width') }; LayoutMode.prototype.getRowHeight = function () { this.getSegmentSize('row', 'Height') }; LayoutMode.prototype.getSegmentSize = function (segment, size) { var segmentName = segment + size; var outerSize = 'outer' + size; this._getMeasurement(segmentName, outerSize); if (this[segmentName]) { return } var firstItemSize = this.getFirstItemSize(); this[segmentName] = firstItemSize && firstItemSize[outerSize] || this.isotope.size['inner' + size] }; LayoutMode.prototype.getFirstItemSize = function () { var firstItem = this.isotope.filteredItems[0]; return firstItem && firstItem.element && getSize(firstItem.element) }; LayoutMode.prototype.layout = function () { this.isotope.layout.apply(this.isotope, arguments) }; LayoutMode.prototype.getSize = function () { this.isotope.getSize(); this.size = this.isotope.size }; LayoutMode.modes = {}; LayoutMode.create = function (namespace, options) { function Mode() { LayoutMode.apply(this, arguments) } Mode.prototype = new LayoutMode(); if (options) { Mode.options = options } Mode.prototype.namespace = namespace; LayoutMode.modes[namespace] = Mode; return Mode }; return LayoutMode })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('masonry/masonry', ['outlayer/outlayer', 'get-size/get-size', 'fizzy-ui-utils/utils'], factory) } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('outlayer'), require('get-size'), require('fizzy-ui-utils')) } else { window.Masonry = factory(window.Outlayer, window.getSize, window.fizzyUIUtils) } }(window, function factory(Outlayer, getSize, utils) { var Masonry = Outlayer.create('masonry'); Masonry.prototype._resetLayout = function () { this.getSize(); this._getMeasurement('columnWidth', 'outerWidth'); this._getMeasurement('gutter', 'outerWidth'); this.measureColumns(); var i = this.cols; this.colYs = []; while (i--) { this.colYs.push(0) } this.maxY = 0 }; Masonry.prototype.measureColumns = function () { this.getContainerWidth(); if (!this.columnWidth) { var firstItem = this.items[0]; var firstItemElem = firstItem && firstItem.element; this.columnWidth = firstItemElem && getSize(firstItemElem).outerWidth || this.containerWidth } var columnWidth = this.columnWidth += this.gutter; var containerWidth = this.containerWidth + this.gutter; var cols = containerWidth / columnWidth; var excess = columnWidth - containerWidth % columnWidth; var mathMethod = excess && excess < 1 ? 'round' : 'floor'; cols = Math[mathMethod](cols); this.cols = Math.max(cols, 1) }; Masonry.prototype.getContainerWidth = function () { var container = this.options.isFitWidth ? this.element.parentNode : this.element; var size = getSize(container); this.containerWidth = size && size.innerWidth }; Masonry.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function (item) { item.getSize(); var remainder = item.size.outerWidth % this.columnWidth; var mathMethod = remainder && remainder < 1 ? 'round' : 'ceil'; var colSpan = Math[mathMethod](item.size.outerWidth / this.columnWidth); colSpan = Math.min(colSpan, this.cols); var colGroup = this._getColGroup(colSpan); var minimumY = Math.min.apply(Math, colGroup); var shortColIndex = utils.indexOf(colGroup, minimumY); var position = { x: this.columnWidth * shortColIndex, y: minimumY }; var setHeight = minimumY + item.size.outerHeight; var setSpan = this.cols + 1 - colGroup.length; for (var i = 0; i < setSpan; i++) { this.colYs[shortColIndex + i] = setHeight } return position }; Masonry.prototype._getColGroup = function (colSpan) { if (colSpan < 2) { return this.colYs } var colGroup = []; var groupCount = this.cols + 1 - colSpan; for (var i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { var groupColYs = this.colYs.slice(i, i + colSpan); colGroup[i] = Math.max.apply(Math, groupColYs) } return colGroup }; Masonry.prototype._manageStamp = function (stamp) { var stampSize = getSize(stamp); var offset = this._getElementOffset(stamp); var firstX = this.options.isOriginLeft ? offset.left : offset.right; var lastX = firstX + stampSize.outerWidth; var firstCol = Math.floor(firstX / this.columnWidth); firstCol = Math.max(0, firstCol); var lastCol = Math.floor(lastX / this.columnWidth); lastCol -= lastX % this.columnWidth ? 0 : 1; lastCol = Math.min(this.cols - 1, lastCol); var stampMaxY = (this.options.isOriginTop ? offset.top : offset.bottom) + stampSize.outerHeight; for (var i = firstCol; i <= lastCol; i++) { this.colYs[i] = Math.max(stampMaxY, this.colYs[i]) } }; Masonry.prototype._getContainerSize = function () { this.maxY = Math.max.apply(Math, this.colYs); var size = { height: this.maxY }; if (this.options.isFitWidth) { size.width = this._getContainerFitWidth() } return size }; Masonry.prototype._getContainerFitWidth = function () { var unusedCols = 0; var i = this.cols; while (--i) { if (this.colYs[i] !== 0) { break } unusedCols++ } return (this.cols - unusedCols) * this.columnWidth - this.gutter }; Masonry.prototype.needsResizeLayout = function () { var previousWidth = this.containerWidth; this.getContainerWidth(); return previousWidth !== this.containerWidth }; return Masonry })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define('isotope/js/layout-modes/masonry', ['../layout-mode', 'masonry/masonry'], factory) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('../layout-mode'), require('masonry-layout')) } else { factory(window.Isotope.LayoutMode, window.Masonry) } }(window, function factory(LayoutMode, Masonry) { 'use strict'; function extend(a, b) { for (var prop in b) { a[prop] = b[prop] } return a } var MasonryMode = LayoutMode.create('masonry'); var _getElementOffset = MasonryMode.prototype._getElementOffset; var layout = MasonryMode.prototype.layout; var _getMeasurement = MasonryMode.prototype._getMeasurement; extend(MasonryMode.prototype, Masonry.prototype); MasonryMode.prototype._getElementOffset = _getElementOffset; MasonryMode.prototype.layout = layout; MasonryMode.prototype._getMeasurement = _getMeasurement; var measureColumns = MasonryMode.prototype.measureColumns; MasonryMode.prototype.measureColumns = function () { this.items = this.isotope.filteredItems; measureColumns.call(this) }; var _manageStamp = MasonryMode.prototype._manageStamp; MasonryMode.prototype._manageStamp = function () { this.options.isOriginLeft = this.isotope.options.isOriginLeft; this.options.isOriginTop = this.isotope.options.isOriginTop; _manageStamp.apply(this, arguments) }; return MasonryMode })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define('isotope/js/layout-modes/fit-rows', ['../layout-mode'], factory) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('../layout-mode')) } else { factory(window.Isotope.LayoutMode) } }(window, function factory(LayoutMode) { 'use strict'; var FitRows = LayoutMode.create('fitRows'); FitRows.prototype._resetLayout = function () { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.maxY = 0; this._getMeasurement('gutter', 'outerWidth') }; FitRows.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function (item) { item.getSize(); var itemWidth = item.size.outerWidth + this.gutter; var containerWidth = this.isotope.size.innerWidth + this.gutter; if (this.x !== 0 && itemWidth + this.x > containerWidth) { this.x = 0; this.y = this.maxY } var position = { x: this.x, y: this.y }; this.maxY = Math.max(this.maxY, this.y + item.size.outerHeight); this.x += itemWidth; return position }; FitRows.prototype._getContainerSize = function () { return { height: this.maxY } }; return FitRows })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define('isotope/js/layout-modes/vertical', ['../layout-mode'], factory) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('../layout-mode')) } else { factory(window.Isotope.LayoutMode) } }(window, function factory(LayoutMode) { 'use strict'; var Vertical = LayoutMode.create('vertical', { horizontalAlignment: 0 }); Vertical.prototype._resetLayout = function () { this.y = 0 }; Vertical.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function (item) { item.getSize(); var x = (this.isotope.size.innerWidth - item.size.outerWidth) * this.options.horizontalAlignment; var y = this.y; this.y += item.size.outerHeight; return { x: x, y: y } }; Vertical.prototype._getContainerSize = function () { return { height: this.y } }; return Vertical })); (function (window, factory) { 'use strict'; if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define(['outlayer/outlayer', 'get-size/get-size', 'matches-selector/matches-selector', 'fizzy-ui-utils/utils', 'isotope/js/item', 'isotope/js/layout-mode', 'isotope/js/layout-modes/masonry', 'isotope/js/layout-modes/fit-rows', 'isotope/js/layout-modes/vertical'], function (Outlayer, getSize, matchesSelector, utils, Item, LayoutMode) { return factory(window, Outlayer, getSize, matchesSelector, utils, Item, LayoutMode) }) } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { module.exports = factory(window, require('outlayer'), require('get-size'), require('desandro-matches-selector'), require('fizzy-ui-utils'), require('./item'), require('./layout-mode'), require('./layout-modes/masonry'), require('./layout-modes/fit-rows'), require('./layout-modes/vertical')) } else { window.Isotope = factory(window, window.Outlayer, window.getSize, window.matchesSelector, window.fizzyUIUtils, window.Isotope.Item, window.Isotope.LayoutMode) } }(window, function factory(window, Outlayer, getSize, matchesSelector, utils, Item, LayoutMode) { var jQuery = window.jQuery; var trim = String.prototype.trim ? function (str) { return str.trim() } : function (str) { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') }; var docElem = document.documentElement; var getText = docElem.textContent ? function (elem) { return elem.textContent } : function (elem) { return elem.innerText }; var Isotope = Outlayer.create('isotope', { layoutMode: "masonry", isJQueryFiltering: true, sortAscending: true }); Isotope.Item = Item; Isotope.LayoutMode = LayoutMode; Isotope.prototype._create = function () { this.itemGUID = 0; this._sorters = {}; this._getSorters(); Outlayer.prototype._create.call(this); this.modes = {}; this.filteredItems = this.items; this.sortHistory = ['original-order']; for (var name in LayoutMode.modes) { this._initLayoutMode(name) } }; Isotope.prototype.reloadItems = function () { this.itemGUID = 0; Outlayer.prototype.reloadItems.call(this) }; Isotope.prototype._itemize = function () { var items = Outlayer.prototype._itemize.apply(this, arguments); for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; item.id = this.itemGUID++ } this._updateItemsSortData(items); return items }; Isotope.prototype._initLayoutMode = function (name) { var Mode = LayoutMode.modes[name]; var initialOpts = this.options[name] || {}; this.options[name] = Mode.options ? utils.extend(Mode.options, initialOpts) : initialOpts; this.modes[name] = new Mode(this) }; Isotope.prototype.layout = function () { if (!this._isLayoutInited && this.options.isInitLayout) { this.arrange(); return } this._layout() }; Isotope.prototype._layout = function () { var isInstant = this._getIsInstant(); this._resetLayout(); this._manageStamps(); this.layoutItems(this.filteredItems, isInstant); this._isLayoutInited = true }; Isotope.prototype.arrange = function (opts) { this.option(opts); this._getIsInstant(); var filtered = this._filter(this.items); this.filteredItems = filtered.matches; var _this = this; function hideReveal() { _this.reveal(filtered.needReveal); _this.hide(filtered.needHide) } this._bindArrangeComplete(); if (this._isInstant) { this._noTransition(hideReveal) } else { hideReveal() } this._sort(); this._layout() }; Isotope.prototype._init = Isotope.prototype.arrange; Isotope.prototype._getIsInstant = function () { var isInstant = this.options.isLayoutInstant !== undefined ? this.options.isLayoutInstant : !this._isLayoutInited; this._isInstant = isInstant; return isInstant }; Isotope.prototype._bindArrangeComplete = function () { var isLayoutComplete, isHideComplete, isRevealComplete; var _this = this; function arrangeParallelCallback() { if (isLayoutComplete && isHideComplete && isRevealComplete) { _this.dispatchEvent('arrangeComplete', null, [_this.filteredItems]) } } this.once('layoutComplete', function () { isLayoutComplete = true; arrangeParallelCallback() }); this.once('hideComplete', function () { isHideComplete = true; arrangeParallelCallback() }); this.once('revealComplete', function () { isRevealComplete = true; arrangeParallelCallback() }) }; Isotope.prototype._filter = function (items) { var filter = this.options.filter; filter = filter || '*'; var matches = []; var hiddenMatched = []; var visibleUnmatched = []; var test = this._getFilterTest(filter); for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (item.isIgnored) { continue } var isMatched = test(item); if (isMatched) { matches.push(item) } if (isMatched && item.isHidden) { hiddenMatched.push(item) } else if (!isMatched && !item.isHidden) { visibleUnmatched.push(item) } } return { matches: matches, needReveal: hiddenMatched, needHide: visibleUnmatched } }; Isotope.prototype._getFilterTest = function (filter) { if (jQuery && this.options.isJQueryFiltering) { return function (item) { return jQuery(item.element).is(filter) } } if (typeof filter == 'function') { return function (item) { return filter(item.element) } } return function (item) { return matchesSelector(item.element, filter) } }; Isotope.prototype.updateSortData = function (elems) { var items; if (elems) { elems = utils.makeArray(elems); items = this.getItems(elems) } else { items = this.items } this._getSorters(); this._updateItemsSortData(items) }; Isotope.prototype._getSorters = function () { var getSortData = this.options.getSortData; for (var key in getSortData) { var sorter = getSortData[key]; this._sorters[key] = mungeSorter(sorter) } }; Isotope.prototype._updateItemsSortData = function (items) { var len = items && items.length; for (var i = 0; len && i < len; i++) { var item = items[i]; item.updateSortData() } }; var mungeSorter = (function () { function mungeSorter(sorter) { if (typeof sorter != 'string') { return sorter } var args = trim(sorter).split(' '); var query = args[0]; var attrMatch = query.match(/^\[(.+)\]$/); var attr = attrMatch && attrMatch[1]; var getValue = getValueGetter(attr, query); var parser = Isotope.sortDataParsers[args[1]]; sorter = parser ? function (elem) { return elem && parser(getValue(elem)) } : function (elem) { return elem && getValue(elem) }; return sorter } function getValueGetter(attr, query) { var getValue; if (attr) { getValue = function (elem) { return elem.getAttribute(attr) } } else { getValue = function (elem) { var child = elem.querySelector(query); return child && getText(child) } } return getValue } return mungeSorter })(); Isotope.sortDataParsers = { 'parseInt': function (val) { return parseInt(val, 10) }, 'parseFloat': function (val) { return parseFloat(val) } }; Isotope.prototype._sort = function () { var sortByOpt = this.options.sortBy; if (!sortByOpt) { return } var sortBys = [].concat.apply(sortByOpt, this.sortHistory); var itemSorter = getItemSorter(sortBys, this.options.sortAscending); this.filteredItems.sort(itemSorter); if (sortByOpt != this.sortHistory[0]) { this.sortHistory.unshift(sortByOpt) } }; function getItemSorter(sortBys, sortAsc) { return function sorter(itemA, itemB) { for (var i = 0, len = sortBys.length; i < len; i++) { var sortBy = sortBys[i]; var a = itemA.sortData[sortBy]; var b = itemB.sortData[sortBy]; if (a > b || a < b) { var isAscending = sortAsc[sortBy] !== undefined ? sortAsc[sortBy] : sortAsc; var direction = isAscending ? 1 : -1; return (a > b ? 1 : -1) * direction } } return 0 } } Isotope.prototype._mode = function () { var layoutMode = this.options.layoutMode; var mode = this.modes[layoutMode]; if (!mode) { throw new Error('No layout mode: ' + layoutMode) } mode.options = this.options[layoutMode]; return mode }; Isotope.prototype._resetLayout = function () { Outlayer.prototype._resetLayout.call(this); this._mode()._resetLayout() }; Isotope.prototype._getItemLayoutPosition = function (item) { return this._mode()._getItemLayoutPosition(item) }; Isotope.prototype._manageStamp = function (stamp) { this._mode()._manageStamp(stamp) }; Isotope.prototype._getContainerSize = function () { return this._mode()._getContainerSize() }; Isotope.prototype.needsResizeLayout = function () { return this._mode().needsResizeLayout() }; Isotope.prototype.appended = function (elems) { var items = this.addItems(elems); if (!items.length) { return } var filteredItems = this._filterRevealAdded(items); this.filteredItems = this.filteredItems.concat(filteredItems) }; Isotope.prototype.prepended = function (elems) { var items = this._itemize(elems); if (!items.length) { return } this._resetLayout(); this._manageStamps(); var filteredItems = this._filterRevealAdded(items); this.layoutItems(this.filteredItems); this.filteredItems = filteredItems.concat(this.filteredItems); this.items = items.concat(this.items) }; Isotope.prototype._filterRevealAdded = function (items) { var filtered = this._filter(items); this.hide(filtered.needHide); this.reveal(filtered.matches); this.layoutItems(filtered.matches, true); return filtered.matches }; Isotope.prototype.insert = function (elems) { var items = this.addItems(elems); if (!items.length) { return } var i, item; var len = items.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = items[i]; this.element.appendChild(item.element) } var filteredInsertItems = this._filter(items).matches; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].isLayoutInstant = true } this.arrange(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { delete items[i].isLayoutInstant } this.reveal(filteredInsertItems) }; var _remove = Isotope.prototype.remove; Isotope.prototype.remove = function (elems) { elems = utils.makeArray(elems); var removeItems = this.getItems(elems); _remove.call(this, elems); var len = removeItems && removeItems.length; if (!len) { return } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var item = removeItems[i]; utils.removeFrom(this.filteredItems, item) } }; Isotope.prototype.shuffle = function () { for (var i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++) { var item = this.items[i]; item.sortData.random = Math.random() } this.options.sortBy = 'random'; this._sort(); this._layout() }; Isotope.prototype._noTransition = function (fn) { var transitionDuration = this.options.transitionDuration; this.options.transitionDuration = 0; var returnValue = fn.call(this); this.options.transitionDuration = transitionDuration; return returnValue }; Isotope.prototype.getFilteredItemElements = function () { var elems = []; for (var i = 0, len = this.filteredItems.length; i < len; i++) { elems.push(this.filteredItems[i].element) } return elems }; return Isotope })); (function (factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], function ($) { return factory($) }) } else if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") { exports = factory(require('jquery')) } else { factory(jQuery) } })(function ($) { $.easing.jswing = $.easing.swing; $.extend($.easing, { def: 'easeOutQuad', swing: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return $.easing[$.easing.def](x, t, b, c, d) }, easeInQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t + b }, easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b }, easeInOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b; return -c / 2 * ((--t) * (t - 2) - 1) + b }, easeInCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t + b }, easeOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b }, easeInOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + b }, easeInQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t + b }, easeOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b }, easeInOutQuart: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t + b; return -c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + b }, easeInQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t * t + b }, easeOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b }, easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b }, easeInSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b }, easeOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sin(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + b }, easeInOutSine: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b }, easeInExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return (t == 0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / d - 1)) + b }, easeOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return (t == d) ? b + c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) + b }, easeInOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) return b; if (t == d) return b + c; if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b; return c / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b }, easeInCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= d) * t) - 1) + b }, easeOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / d - 1) * t) + b }, easeInOutCirc: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return -c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + b; return c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + b }, easeInElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { var s = 1.70158; var p = 0; var a = c; if (t == 0) return b; if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c; if (!p) p = d * .3; if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4 } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b }, easeOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { var s = 1.70158; var p = 0; var a = c; if (t == 0) return b; if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c; if (!p) p = d * .3; if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4 } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b }, easeInOutElastic: function (x, t, b, c, d) { var s = 1.70158; var p = 0; var a = c; if (t == 0) return b; if ((t /= d / 2) == 2) return b + c; if (!p) p = d * (.3 * 1.5); if (a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4 } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); if (t < 1) return -.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b; return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * .5 + c + b }, easeInBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b }, easeOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b }, easeInOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t - s)) + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b }, easeInBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return c - $.easing.easeOutBounce(x, d - t, 0, c, d) + b }, easeOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d) < (1 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b } else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + .75) + b } else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + .9375) + b } else { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + .984375) + b } }, easeInOutBounce: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if (t < d / 2) return $.easing.easeInBounce(x, t * 2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b; return $.easing.easeOutBounce(x, t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c * .5 + b } }) }); (function ($) { var types = ['DOMMouseScroll', 'mousewheel']; if ($.event.fixHooks) { for (var i = types.length; i;) { $.event.fixHooks[types[--i]] = $.event.mouseHooks } } $.event.special.mousewheel = { setup: function () { if (this.addEventListener) { for (var i = types.length; i;) { this.addEventListener(types[--i], handler, false) } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler } }, teardown: function () { if (this.removeEventListener) { for (var i = types.length; i;) { this.removeEventListener(types[--i], handler, false) } } else { this.onmousewheel = null } } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function (fn) { return fn ? this.bind("mousewheel", fn) : this.trigger("mousewheel") }, unmousewheel: function (fn) { return this.unbind("mousewheel", fn) } }); function handler(event) { var orgEvent = event || window.event, args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), delta = 0, returnValue = true, deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgEvent); event.type = "mousewheel"; if (orgEvent.wheelDelta) { delta = orgEvent.wheelDelta / 120 } if (orgEvent.detail) { delta = -orgEvent.detail / 3 } deltaY = delta; if (orgEvent.axis !== undefined && orgEvent.axis === orgEvent.HORIZONTAL_AXIS) { deltaY = 0; deltaX = -1 * delta } if (orgEvent.wheelDeltaY !== undefined) { deltaY = orgEvent.wheelDeltaY / 120 } if (orgEvent.wheelDeltaX !== undefined) { deltaX = -1 * orgEvent.wheelDeltaX / 120 } args.unshift(event, delta, deltaX, deltaY); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args) } })(jQuery); (function (window, $) { "use strict"; $.SliderPro = { modules: [], addModule: function (name, module) { this.modules.push(name); $.extend(SliderPro.prototype, module) } }; var NS = $.SliderPro.namespace = 'SliderPro'; var SliderPro = function (instance, options) { this.instance = instance; this.$slider = $(this.instance); this.$slides = null; this.$slidesMask = null; this.$slidesContainer = null; this.slides = []; this.slidesOrder = []; this.options = options; this.settings = {}; this.originalSettings = {}; this.originalGotoSlide = null; this.selectedSlideIndex = 0; this.previousSlideIndex = 0; this.middleSlidePosition = 0; this.supportedAnimation = null; this.vendorPrefix = null; this.transitionEvent = null; this.positionProperty = null; this.sizeProperty = null; this.isIE = null; this.slidesPosition = 0; this.slidesSize = 0; this.averageSlideSize = 0; this.slideWidth = 0; this.slideHeight = 0; this.previousSlideWidth = 0; this.previousSlideHeight = 0; this.previousWindowWidth = 0; this.previousWindowHeight = 0; this.allowResize = true; this.uniqueId = new Date().valueOf(); this.breakpoints = []; this.currentBreakpoint = -1; this.shuffledIndexes = []; this._init() }; SliderPro.prototype = { _init: function () { var that = this; this.supportedAnimation = SliderProUtils.getSupportedAnimation(); this.vendorPrefix = SliderProUtils.getVendorPrefix(); this.transitionEvent = SliderProUtils.getTransitionEvent(); this.isIE = SliderProUtils.checkIE(); this.$slider.removeClass('sp-no-js'); if (window.navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g)) { this.$slider.addClass('ios') } var rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, ieVersion = rmsie.exec(window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); if (this.isIE) { this.$slider.addClass('ie') } if (ieVersion !== null) { this.$slider.addClass('ie' + parseInt(ieVersion[2], 10)) } this.$slidesContainer = $('
').appendTo(this.$slider); this.$slidesMask = $('').appendTo(this.$slidesContainer); this.$slides = this.$slider.find('.sp-slides').appendTo(this.$slidesMask); this.$slider.find('.sp-slide').appendTo(this.$slides); var modules = $.SliderPro.modules; if (typeof modules !== 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { var defaults = modules[i].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + modules[i].substring(1) + 'Defaults'; if (typeof this[defaults] !== 'undefined') { $.extend(this.defaults, this[defaults]) } } } this.settings = $.extend({}, this.defaults, this.options); if (typeof modules !== 'undefined') { for (var j = 0; j < modules.length; j++) { if (typeof this['init' + modules[j]] !== 'undefined') { this['init' + modules[j]]() } } } this.originalSettings = $.extend({}, this.settings); this.originalGotoSlide = this.gotoSlide; if (this.settings.breakpoints !== null) { for (var sizes in this.settings.breakpoints) { this.breakpoints.push({ size: parseInt(sizes, 10), properties: this.settings.breakpoints[sizes] }) } this.breakpoints = this.breakpoints.sort(function (a, b) { return a.size >= b.size ? 1 : -1 }) } this.selectedSlideIndex = this.settings.startSlide; if (this.settings.shuffle === true) { var slides = this.$slides.find('.sp-slide'), shuffledSlides = []; slides.each(function (index) { that.shuffledIndexes.push(index) }); for (var k = this.shuffledIndexes.length - 1; k > 0; k--) { var l = Math.floor(Math.random() * (k + 1)), temp = this.shuffledIndexes[k]; this.shuffledIndexes[k] = this.shuffledIndexes[l]; this.shuffledIndexes[l] = temp } $.each(this.shuffledIndexes, function (index, element) { shuffledSlides.push(slides[element]) }); this.$slides.empty().append(shuffledSlides) } $(window).on('resize.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS, function () { var newWindowWidth = $(window).width(), newWindowHeight = $(window).height(); if (that.allowResize === false || (that.previousWindowWidth === newWindowWidth && that.previousWindowHeight === newWindowHeight)) { return } that.previousWindowWidth = newWindowWidth; that.previousWindowHeight = newWindowHeight; that.allowResize = false; setTimeout(function () { that.resize(); that.allowResize = true }, 200) }); this.on('update.' + NS, function () { that.previousSlideWidth = 0; that.resize() }); this.update(); this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').eq(this.selectedSlideIndex).addClass('sp-selected'); this.trigger({ type: 'init' }); if ($.isFunction(this.settings.init)) { this.settings.init.call(this, { type: 'init' }) } }, update: function () { var that = this; if (this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.$slider.removeClass('sp-vertical').addClass('sp-horizontal'); this.$slider.css({ 'height': '', 'max-height': '' }); this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').css('top', '') } else if (this.settings.orientation === 'vertical') { this.$slider.removeClass('sp-horizontal').addClass('sp-vertical'); this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').css('left', '') } if (this.settings.rightToLeft === true) { this.$slider.addClass('sp-rtl') } else { this.$slider.removeClass('sp-rtl') } this.positionProperty = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top'; this.sizeProperty = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height'; this.gotoSlide = this.originalGotoSlide; for (var i = this.slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.$slider.find('.sp-slide[data-index="' + i + '"]').length === 0) { var slide = this.slides[i]; slide.off('imagesLoaded.' + NS); slide.destroy(); this.slides.splice(i, 1) } } this.slidesOrder.length = 0; this.$slider.find('.sp-slide').each(function (index) { var $slide = $(this); if (typeof $slide.attr('data-init') === 'undefined') { that._createSlide(index, $slide) } else { that.slides[index].setIndex(index) } that.slidesOrder.push(index) }); this.middleSlidePosition = parseInt((that.slidesOrder.length - 1) / 2, 10); if (this.settings.loop === true) { this._updateSlidesOrder() } this.trigger({ type: 'update' }); if ($.isFunction(this.settings.update)) { this.settings.update.call(this, { type: 'update' }) } }, _createSlide: function (index, element) { var that = this, slide = new SliderProSlide($(element), index, this.settings); this.slides.splice(index, 0, slide); slide.on('imagesLoaded.' + NS, function (event) { if (that.$slides.hasClass('sp-animated') === false) { that._resetSlidesPosition() } that._calculateSlidesSize(); if (that.settings.autoHeight === true && event.index === that.selectedSlideIndex) { that._resizeHeightTo(slide.getSize().height) } }) }, _updateSlidesOrder: function () { var slicedItems, i, distance = $.inArray(this.selectedSlideIndex, this.slidesOrder) - this.middleSlidePosition; if (distance < 0) { slicedItems = this.slidesOrder.splice(distance, Math.abs(distance)); for (i = slicedItems.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.slidesOrder.unshift(slicedItems[i]) } } else if (distance > 0) { slicedItems = this.slidesOrder.splice(0, distance); for (i = 0; i <= slicedItems.length - 1; i++) { this.slidesOrder.push(slicedItems[i]) } } }, _updateSlidesPosition: function () { var selectedSlidePixelPosition = parseInt(this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').eq(this.selectedSlideIndex).css(this.positionProperty), 10), slide, $slideElement, slideIndex, slideSize, previousPosition = selectedSlidePixelPosition; if (this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal') { for (slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition; slideIndex >= 0; slideIndex--) { slide = this.getSlideAt(this.slidesOrder[slideIndex]); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css(this.positionProperty, previousPosition); previousPosition = parseInt($slideElement.css(this.positionProperty), 10) + slide.getSize()[this.sizeProperty] + this.settings.slideDistance } previousPosition = selectedSlidePixelPosition; for (slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition + 1; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++) { slide = this.getSlideAt(this.slidesOrder[slideIndex]); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css(this.positionProperty, previousPosition - (slide.getSize()[this.sizeProperty] + this.settings.slideDistance)); previousPosition = parseInt($slideElement.css(this.positionProperty), 10) } } else { for (slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition - 1; slideIndex >= 0; slideIndex--) { slide = this.getSlideAt(this.slidesOrder[slideIndex]); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css(this.positionProperty, previousPosition - (slide.getSize()[this.sizeProperty] + this.settings.slideDistance)); previousPosition = parseInt($slideElement.css(this.positionProperty), 10) } previousPosition = selectedSlidePixelPosition; for (slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++) { slide = this.getSlideAt(this.slidesOrder[slideIndex]); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css(this.positionProperty, previousPosition); previousPosition = parseInt($slideElement.css(this.positionProperty), 10) + slide.getSize()[this.sizeProperty] + this.settings.slideDistance } } }, _resetSlidesPosition: function () { var previousPosition = 0, slide, $slideElement, slideIndex; if (this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal') { for (slideIndex = 0; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++) { slide = this.getSlideAt(this.slidesOrder[slideIndex]); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css(this.positionProperty, previousPosition - (slide.getSize()[this.sizeProperty] + this.settings.slideDistance)); previousPosition = parseInt($slideElement.css(this.positionProperty), 10) } } else { for (slideIndex = 0; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++) { slide = this.getSlideAt(this.slidesOrder[slideIndex]); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css(this.positionProperty, previousPosition); previousPosition = parseInt($slideElement.css(this.positionProperty), 10) + slide.getSize()[this.sizeProperty] + this.settings.slideDistance } } var selectedSlideOffset = this.settings.centerSelectedSlide === true ? Math.round((parseInt(this.$slidesMask.css(this.sizeProperty), 10) - this.getSlideAt(this.selectedSlideIndex).getSize()[this.sizeProperty]) / 2) : 0, newSlidesPosition = -parseInt(this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').eq(this.selectedSlideIndex).css(this.positionProperty), 10) + selectedSlideOffset; this._moveTo(newSlidesPosition, true) }, _calculateSlidesSize: function () { var firstSlide = this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').eq(this.slidesOrder[0]), firstSlidePosition = parseInt(firstSlide.css(this.positionProperty), 10), lastSlide = this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').eq(this.slidesOrder[this.slidesOrder.length - 1]), lastSlidePosition = parseInt(lastSlide.css(this.positionProperty), 10) + (this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? -1 : 1) * parseInt(lastSlide.css(this.sizeProperty), 10); this.slidesSize = Math.abs(lastSlidePosition - firstSlidePosition); this.averageSlideSize = Math.round(this.slidesSize / this.slides.length) }, resize: function () { var that = this; if (this.settings.breakpoints !== null && this.breakpoints.length > 0) { if ($(window).width() > this.breakpoints[this.breakpoints.length - 1].size && this.currentBreakpoint !== -1) { this.currentBreakpoint = -1; this._setProperties(this.originalSettings, false) } else { for (var i = 0, n = this.breakpoints.length; i < n; i++) { if ($(window).width() <= this.breakpoints[i].size) { if (this.currentBreakpoint !== this.breakpoints[i].size) { var eventObject = { type: 'breakpointReach', size: this.breakpoints[i].size, settings: this.breakpoints[i].properties }; this.trigger(eventObject); if ($.isFunction(this.settings.breakpointReach)) this.settings.breakpointReach.call(this, eventObject); this.currentBreakpoint = this.breakpoints[i].size; var settings = $.extend({}, this.originalSettings, this.breakpoints[i].properties); this._setProperties(settings, false); return } break } } } } if (this.settings.responsive === true) { if ((this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWidth' || this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow') && (this.settings.visibleSize === 'auto' || this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' && this.settings.orientation === 'vertical')) { this.$slider.css('margin', 0); this.$slider.css({ 'width': $(window).width(), 'max-width': '', 'marginLeft': -this.$slider.offset().left }) } else { this.$slider.css({ 'width': '100%', 'max-width': this.settings.width, 'marginLeft': '' }) } } else { this.$slider.css({ 'width': this.settings.width }) } if (this.settings.aspectRatio === -1) { this.settings.aspectRatio = this.settings.width / this.settings.height } this.slideWidth = this.$slider.width(); if (this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow') { this.slideHeight = $(window).height() } else { this.slideHeight = isNaN(this.settings.aspectRatio) ? this.settings.height : this.slideWidth / this.settings.aspectRatio } if (this.previousSlideWidth !== this.slideWidth || this.previousSlideHeight !== this.slideHeight || this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' || this.$slider.outerWidth() > this.$slider.parent().width() || this.$slider.width() !== this.$slidesMask.width()) { this.previousSlideWidth = this.slideWidth; this.previousSlideHeight = this.slideHeight } else { return } this._resizeSlides(); this.$slidesMask.css({ 'width': this.slideWidth, 'height': this.slideHeight }); if (this.settings.autoHeight === true) { setTimeout(function () { that._resizeHeight() }, 1) } else { this.$slidesMask.css(this.vendorPrefix + 'transition', '') } if (this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto') { if (this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal') { if (this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWidth' || this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow') { this.$slider.css('margin', 0); this.$slider.css({ 'width': $(window).width(), 'max-width': '', 'marginLeft': -this.$slider.offset().left }) } else { this.$slider.css({ 'width': this.settings.visibleSize, 'max-width': '100%', 'marginLeft': 0 }) } this.$slidesMask.css('width', this.$slider.width()) } else { if (this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow') { this.$slider.css({ 'height': $(window).height(), 'max-height': '' }) } else { this.$slider.css({ 'height': this.settings.visibleSize, 'max-height': '100%' }) } this.$slidesMask.css('height', this.$slider.height()) } } this._resetSlidesPosition(); this._calculateSlidesSize(); this.trigger({ type: 'sliderResize' }); if ($.isFunction(this.settings.sliderResize)) { this.settings.sliderResize.call(this, { type: 'sliderResize' }) } }, _resizeSlides: function () { var slideWidth = this.slideWidth, slideHeight = this.slideHeight; if (this.settings.autoSlideSize === true) { if (this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal') { slideWidth = 'auto' } else if (this.settings.orientation === 'vertical') { slideHeight = 'auto' } } else if (this.settings.autoHeight === true) { slideHeight = 'auto' } $.each(this.slides, function (index, element) { element.setSize(slideWidth, slideHeight) }) }, _resizeHeight: function () { var that = this, selectedSlide = this.getSlideAt(this.selectedSlideIndex); this._resizeHeightTo(selectedSlide.getSize().height) }, gotoSlide: function (index) { if (index === this.selectedSlideIndex || typeof this.slides[index] === 'undefined') { return } var that = this; this.previousSlideIndex = this.selectedSlideIndex; this.selectedSlideIndex = index; this.$slides.find('.sp-selected').removeClass('sp-selected'); this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').eq(this.selectedSlideIndex).addClass('sp-selected'); if (this.settings.loop === true) { this._updateSlidesOrder(); this._updateSlidesPosition() } if (this.settings.autoHeight === true) { this._resizeHeight() } var selectedSlideOffset = this.settings.centerSelectedSlide === true ? Math.round((parseInt(this.$slidesMask.css(this.sizeProperty), 10) - this.getSlideAt(this.selectedSlideIndex).getSize()[this.sizeProperty]) / 2) : 0, newSlidesPosition = -parseInt(this.$slides.find('.sp-slide').eq(this.selectedSlideIndex).css(this.positionProperty), 10) + selectedSlideOffset; this._moveTo(newSlidesPosition, false, function () { that._resetSlidesPosition(); that.trigger({ type: 'gotoSlideComplete', index: index, previousIndex: that.previousSlideIndex }); if ($.isFunction(that.settings.gotoSlideComplete)) { that.settings.gotoSlideComplete.call(that, { type: 'gotoSlideComplete', index: index, previousIndex: that.previousSlideIndex }) } }); this.trigger({ type: 'gotoSlide', index: index, previousIndex: this.previousSlideIndex }); if ($.isFunction(this.settings.gotoSlide)) { this.settings.gotoSlide.call(this, { type: 'gotoSlide', index: index, previousIndex: this.previousSlideIndex }) } }, nextSlide: function () { var index = (this.selectedSlideIndex >= this.getTotalSlides() - 1) ? 0 : (this.selectedSlideIndex + 1); this.gotoSlide(index) }, previousSlide: function () { var index = this.selectedSlideIndex <= 0 ? (this.getTotalSlides() - 1) : (this.selectedSlideIndex - 1); this.gotoSlide(index) }, _moveTo: function (position, instant, callback) { var that = this, css = {}; if (position === this.slidesPosition) { return } this.slidesPosition = position; if ((this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d') && this.isIE === false) { var transition, left = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? position : 0, top = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 0 : position; if (this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d') { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)' } else { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)' } if (typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true) { transition = '' } else { this.$slides.addClass('sp-animated'); transition = this.vendorPrefix + 'transform ' + this.settings.slideAnimationDuration / 1000 + 's'; this.$slides.on(this.transitionEvent, function (event) { if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) { return } that.$slides.off(that.transitionEvent); that.$slides.removeClass('sp-animated'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback() } }) } css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transition'] = transition; this.$slides.css(css) } else { css['margin-' + this.positionProperty] = position; if (typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true) { this.$slides.css(css) } else { this.$slides.addClass('sp-animated'); this.$slides.animate(css, this.settings.slideAnimationDuration, function () { that.$slides.removeClass('sp-animated'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback() } }) } } }, _stopMovement: function () { var css = {}; if ((this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d') && this.isIE === false) { var matrixString = this.$slides.css(this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'), matrixType = matrixString.indexOf('matrix3d') !== -1 ? 'matrix3d' : 'matrix', matrixArray = matrixString.replace(matrixType, '').match(/-?[0-9\.]+/g), left = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt(matrixArray[12], 10) : parseInt(matrixArray[4], 10), top = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt(matrixArray[13], 10) : parseInt(matrixArray[5], 10); if (this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d') { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)' } else { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)' } css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transition'] = ''; this.$slides.css(css); this.$slides.off(this.transitionEvent); this.slidesPosition = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? left : top } else { this.$slides.stop(); this.slidesPosition = parseInt(this.$slides.css('margin-' + this.positionProperty), 10) } this.$slides.removeClass('sp-animated') }, _resizeHeightTo: function (height) { var that = this, css = { 'height': height }; if (this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d') { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transition'] = 'height ' + this.settings.heightAnimationDuration / 1000 + 's'; this.$slidesMask.off(this.transitionEvent); this.$slidesMask.on(this.transitionEvent, function (event) { if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) { return } that.$slidesMask.off(that.transitionEvent); that.trigger({ type: 'resizeHeightComplete' }); if ($.isFunction(that.settings.resizeHeightComplete)) { that.settings.resizeHeightComplete.call(that, { type: 'resizeHeightComplete' }) } }); this.$slidesMask.css(css) } else { this.$slidesMask.stop().animate(css, this.settings.heightAnimationDuration, function (event) { that.trigger({ type: 'resizeHeightComplete' }); if ($.isFunction(that.settings.resizeHeightComplete)) { that.settings.resizeHeightComplete.call(that, { type: 'resizeHeightComplete' }) } }) } }, destroy: function () { this.$slider.removeData('sliderPro'); this.$slider.removeAttr('style'); this.$slides.removeAttr('style'); this.off('update.' + NS); $(window).off('resize.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS); var modules = $.SliderPro.modules; if (typeof modules !== 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { if (typeof this['destroy' + modules[i]] !== 'undefined') { this['destroy' + modules[i]]() } } } $.each(this.slides, function (index, element) { element.destroy() }); this.slides.length = 0; this.$slides.prependTo(this.$slider); this.$slidesContainer.remove() }, _setProperties: function (properties, store) { for (var prop in properties) { this.settings[prop] = properties[prop]; if (store !== false) { this.originalSettings[prop] = properties[prop] } } this.update() }, on: function (type, callback) { return this.$slider.on(type, callback) }, off: function (type) { return this.$slider.off(type) }, trigger: function (data) { return this.$slider.triggerHandler(data) }, getSlideAt: function (index) { return this.slides[index] }, getSelectedSlide: function () { return this.selectedSlideIndex }, getTotalSlides: function () { return this.slides.length }, defaults: { width: 500, height: 300, responsive: true, aspectRatio: -1, imageScaleMode: 'cover', centerImage: true, allowScaleUp: true, autoHeight: false, autoSlideSize: false, startSlide: 0, shuffle: false, orientation: 'horizontal', forceSize: 'none', loop: true, slideDistance: 10, slideAnimationDuration: 700, heightAnimationDuration: 700, visibleSize: 'auto', centerSelectedSlide: true, rightToLeft: false, breakpoints: null, init: function () { }, update: function () { }, sliderResize: function () { }, gotoSlide: function () { }, gotoSlideComplete: function () { }, resizeHeightComplete: function () { }, breakpointReach: function () { } } }; var SliderProSlide = function (slide, index, settings) { this.$slide = slide; this.$mainImage = null; this.$imageContainer = null; this.hasMainImage = false; this.isMainImageLoaded = false; this.isMainImageLoading = false; this.hasImages = false; this.areImagesLoaded = false; this.areImagesLoading = false; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.settings = settings; this.setIndex(index); this._init() }; SliderProSlide.prototype = { _init: function () { var that = this; this.$slide.attr('data-init', true); this.$mainImage = this.$slide.find('.sp-image').length !== 0 ? this.$slide.find('.sp-image') : null; if (this.$mainImage !== null) { this.hasMainImage = true; this.$imageContainer = $('').prependTo(this.$slide); if (this.$mainImage.parent('a').length !== 0) { this.$mainImage.parent('a').appendTo(this.$imageContainer) } else { this.$mainImage.appendTo(this.$imageContainer) } } this.hasImages = this.$slide.find('img').length !== 0 ? true : false }, setSize: function (width, height) { var that = this; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.$slide.css({ 'width': this.width, 'height': this.height }); if (this.hasMainImage === true) { this.$imageContainer.css({ 'width': this.settings.width, 'height': this.settings.height }); if (typeof this.$mainImage.attr('data-src') === 'undefined') { this.resizeMainImage() } } }, getSize: function () { var that = this, size; if (this.hasImages === true && this.areImagesLoaded === false && this.areImagesLoading === false) { this.areImagesLoading = true; var status = SliderProUtils.checkImagesStatus(this.$slide); if (status !== 'complete') { SliderProUtils.checkImagesComplete(this.$slide, function () { that.areImagesLoaded = true; that.areImagesLoading = false; that.trigger({ type: 'imagesLoaded.' + NS, index: that.index }) }); return { 'width': this.settings.width, 'height': this.settings.height } } } size = this.calculateSize(); return { 'width': size.width, 'height': size.height } }, calculateSize: function () { var width = this.$slide.width(), height = this.$slide.height(); this.$slide.children().each(function (index, element) { var child = $(element); if (child.is(':hidden') === true) { return } var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(), bottom = child.position().top + (rect.bottom - rect.top), right = child.position().left + (rect.right - rect.left); if (bottom > height) { height = bottom } if (right > width) { width = right } }); return { width: width, height: height } }, resizeMainImage: function (isNewImage) { var that = this; if (isNewImage === true) { this.isMainImageLoaded = false; this.isMainImageLoading = false } if (this.isMainImageLoaded === false && this.isMainImageLoading === false) { this.isMainImageLoading = true; SliderProUtils.checkImagesComplete(this.$mainImage, function () { that.isMainImageLoaded = true; that.isMainImageLoading = false; that.resizeMainImage(); that.trigger({ type: 'imagesLoaded.' + NS, index: that.index }) }); return } this.$imageContainer.css({ 'width': this.width, 'height': this.height }); if (this.settings.allowScaleUp === false) { this.$mainImage.css({ 'width': '', 'height': '', 'maxWidth': '', 'maxHeight': '' }); this.$mainImage.css({ 'maxWidth': this.$mainImage.width(), 'maxHeight': this.$mainImage.height() }) } if (this.settings.autoSlideSize === true) { if (this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal') { this.$mainImage.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }) } else if (this.settings.orientation === 'vertical') { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }) } } else if (this.settings.autoHeight === true) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }) } else { if (this.settings.imageScaleMode === 'cover') { if (this.$mainImage.width() / this.$mainImage.height() <= this.width / this.height) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }) } else { this.$mainImage.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }) } } else if (this.settings.imageScaleMode === 'contain') { if (this.$mainImage.width() / this.$mainImage.height() >= this.width / this.height) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }) } else { this.$mainImage.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }) } } else if (this.settings.imageScaleMode === 'exact') { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: '100%' }) } if (this.settings.centerImage === true) { this.$mainImage.css({ 'marginLeft': (this.$imageContainer.width() - this.$mainImage.width()) * 0.5, 'marginTop': (this.$imageContainer.height() - this.$mainImage.height()) * 0.5 }) } } }, destroy: function () { this.$slide.removeAttr('style'); this.$slide.removeAttr('data-init'); this.$slide.removeAttr('data-index'); this.$slide.removeAttr('data-loaded'); if (this.hasMainImage === true) { this.$slide.find('.sp-image').removeAttr('style').appendTo(this.$slide); this.$slide.find('.sp-image-container').remove() } }, getIndex: function () { return this.index }, setIndex: function (index) { this.index = index; this.$slide.attr('data-index', this.index) }, on: function (type, callback) { return this.$slide.on(type, callback) }, off: function (type) { return this.$slide.off(type) }, trigger: function (data) { return this.$slide.triggerHandler(data) } }; window.SliderPro = SliderPro; window.SliderProSlide = SliderProSlide; $.fn.sliderPro = function (options) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.each(function () { if (typeof $(this).data('sliderPro') === 'undefined') { var newInstance = new SliderPro(this, options); $(this).data('sliderPro', newInstance) } else if (typeof options !== 'undefined') { var currentInstance = $(this).data('sliderPro'); if (typeof currentInstance[options] === 'function') { currentInstance[options].apply(currentInstance, args) } else if (typeof currentInstance.settings[options] !== 'undefined') { var obj = {}; obj[options] = args[0]; currentInstance._setProperties(obj) } else if (typeof options === 'object') { currentInstance._setProperties(options) } else { $.error(options + ' does not exist in sliderPro.') } } }) }; var SliderProUtils = { supportedAnimation: null, vendorPrefix: null, transitionEvent: null, isIE: null, getSupportedAnimation: function () { if (this.supportedAnimation !== null) { return this.supportedAnimation } var element = document.body || document.documentElement, elementStyle = element.style, isCSSTransitions = typeof elementStyle.transition !== 'undefined' || typeof elementStyle.WebkitTransition !== 'undefined' || typeof elementStyle.MozTransition !== 'undefined' || typeof elementStyle.OTransition !== 'undefined'; if (isCSSTransitions === true) { var div = document.createElement('div'); 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if ('transform' in div.style) { this.vendorPrefix = ''; return this.vendorPrefix } for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { if ((prefixes[i] + 'Transform') in div.style) { this.vendorPrefix = '-' + prefixes[i].toLowerCase() + '-'; break } } return this.vendorPrefix }, getTransitionEvent: function () { if (this.transitionEvent !== null) { return this.transitionEvent } var div = document.createElement('div'), transitions = { 'transition': 'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd' }; for (var transition in transitions) { if (transition in div.style) { this.transitionEvent = transitions[transition]; break } } return this.transitionEvent }, checkImagesComplete: function (target, callback) { var that = this, status = this.checkImagesStatus(target); if (status === 'loading') { var checkImages = setInterval(function () { status = that.checkImagesStatus(target); if (status === 'complete') { clearInterval(checkImages); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback() } } }, 100) } else if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback() } return status }, checkImagesStatus: function (target) { var status = 'complete'; if (target.is('img') && target[0].complete === false) { status = 'loading' } else { target.find('img').each(function (index) { var image = $(this)[0]; if (image.complete === false) { status = 'loading' } }) } return status }, checkIE: function () { if (this.isIE !== null) { return this.isIE } var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent, msie = userAgent.indexOf('MSIE'); if (userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1 || userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) { this.isIE = true } else { this.isIE = false } return this.isIE } }; window.SliderProUtils = SliderProUtils })(window, jQuery); (function (window, $) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Thumbnails.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Thumbnails = { $thumbnails: null, $thumbnailsContainer: null, thumbnails: null, selectedThumbnailIndex: 0, thumbnailsSize: 0, thumbnailsContainerSize: 0, thumbnailsPosition: 0, thumbnailsOrientation: null, thumbnailsPositionProperty: null, isThumbnailScroller: false, initThumbnails: function () { var that = this; this.thumbnails = []; this.on('update.' + NS, $.proxy(this._thumbnailsOnUpdate, this)); this.on('sliderResize.' + NS, $.proxy(this._thumbnailsOnResize, this)); this.on('gotoSlide.' + NS, function (event) { that._gotoThumbnail(event.index) }) }, _thumbnailsOnUpdate: function () { var that = this; if (this.$slider.find('.sp-thumbnail').length === 0 && this.thumbnails.length === 0) { this.isThumbnailScroller = false; return } this.isThumbnailScroller = true; if (this.$thumbnailsContainer === null) { this.$thumbnailsContainer = $('').insertAfter(this.$slidesContainer) } if (this.$thumbnails === null) { if (this.$slider.find('.sp-thumbnails').length !== 0) { this.$thumbnails = this.$slider.find('.sp-thumbnails').appendTo(this.$thumbnailsContainer); if (this.settings.shuffle === true) { var thumbnails = this.$thumbnails.find('.sp-thumbnail'), shuffledThumbnails = []; $.each(this.shuffledIndexes, function (index, element) { var $thumbnail = $(thumbnails[element]); if ($thumbnail.parent('a').length !== 0) { $thumbnail = $thumbnail.parent('a') } shuffledThumbnails.push($thumbnail) }); this.$thumbnails.empty().append(shuffledThumbnails) } } else { this.$thumbnails = $('').appendTo(this.$thumbnailsContainer) } } this.$slides.find('.sp-thumbnail').each(function (index) { var $thumbnail = $(this), thumbnailIndex = $thumbnail.parents('.sp-slide').index(), lastThumbnailIndex = that.$thumbnails.find('.sp-thumbnail').length - 1; if ($thumbnail.parent('a').length !== 0) { $thumbnail = $thumbnail.parent('a') } if (thumbnailIndex > lastThumbnailIndex) { $thumbnail.appendTo(that.$thumbnails) } else { $thumbnail.insertBefore(that.$thumbnails.find('.sp-thumbnail').eq(thumbnailIndex)) } }); for (var i = this.thumbnails.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.$thumbnails.find('.sp-thumbnail[data-index="' + i + '"]').length === 0) { var thumbnail = this.thumbnails[i]; thumbnail.destroy(); this.thumbnails.splice(i, 1) } } this.$thumbnails.find('.sp-thumbnail').each(function (index) { var $thumbnail = $(this); if (typeof $thumbnail.attr('data-init') === 'undefined') { that._createThumbnail($thumbnail, index) } else { that.thumbnails[index].setIndex(index) } }); this.$thumbnailsContainer.removeClass('sp-top-thumbnails sp-bottom-thumbnails sp-left-thumbnails sp-right-thumbnails'); if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'top') { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass('sp-top-thumbnails'); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'horizontal' } else if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'bottom') { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass('sp-bottom-thumbnails'); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'horizontal' } else if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'left') { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass('sp-left-thumbnails'); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'vertical' } else if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'right') { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass('sp-right-thumbnails'); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'vertical' } if (this.settings.thumbnailPointer === true) { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass('sp-has-pointer') } else { this.$thumbnailsContainer.removeClass('sp-has-pointer') } this.selectedThumbnailIndex = this.selectedSlideIndex; this.$thumbnails.find('.sp-thumbnail-container').eq(this.selectedThumbnailIndex).addClass('sp-selected-thumbnail'); this.thumbnailsSize = 0; $.each(this.thumbnails, function (index, thumbnail) { thumbnail.setSize(that.settings.thumbnailWidth, that.settings.thumbnailHeight); that.thumbnailsSize += that.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? thumbnail.getSize().width : thumbnail.getSize().height }); if (this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal') { this.$thumbnails.css({ 'width': this.thumbnailsSize, 'height': this.settings.thumbnailHeight }); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css('height', ''); this.thumbnailsPositionProperty = 'left' } else { this.$thumbnails.css({ 'width': this.settings.thumbnailWidth, 'height': this.thumbnailsSize }); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css('width', ''); this.thumbnailsPositionProperty = 'top' } this.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailsUpdate' }); if ($.isFunction(this.settings.thumbnailsUpdate)) { this.settings.thumbnailsUpdate.call(this, { type: 'thumbnailsUpdate' }) } }, _createThumbnail: function (element, index) { var that = this, thumbnail = new Thumbnail(element, this.$thumbnails, index); thumbnail.on('thumbnailClick.' + NS, function (event) { that.gotoSlide(event.index) }); this.thumbnails.splice(index, 0, thumbnail) }, _thumbnailsOnResize: function () { if (this.isThumbnailScroller === false) { return } var that = this, newThumbnailsPosition; if (this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal') { this.thumbnailsContainerSize = Math.min(this.$slidesMask.width(), this.thumbnailsSize); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css('width', this.thumbnailsContainerSize); if (this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow') { this.$slidesMask.css('height', this.$slidesMask.height() - this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerHeight(true)); this.slideHeight = this.$slidesMask.height(); this._resizeSlides(); this._resetSlidesPosition() } } else if (this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'vertical') { if (this.$slidesMask.width() + this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth(true) > this.$slider.parent().width()) { if (this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWidth' || this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow') { this.$slider.css('max-width', $(window).width() - this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth(true)) } else { this.$slider.css('max-width', this.$slider.parent().width() - this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth(true)) } this.$slidesMask.css('width', this.$slider.width()); if (this.settings.orientation === 'vertical') { this.slideWidth = this.$slider.width(); this._resizeSlides() } this._resetSlidesPosition() } this.thumbnailsContainerSize = Math.min(this.$slidesMask.height(), this.thumbnailsSize); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css('height', this.thumbnailsContainerSize) } if (this.thumbnailsSize <= this.thumbnailsContainerSize || this.$thumbnails.find('.sp-selected-thumbnail').length === 0) { newThumbnailsPosition = 0 } else { newThumbnailsPosition = Math.max(-this.thumbnails[this.selectedThumbnailIndex].getPosition()[this.thumbnailsPositionProperty], this.thumbnailsContainerSize - this.thumbnailsSize) } if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'top') { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerHeight(true), 'paddingLeft': '', 'paddingRight': '' }) } else if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'bottom') { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': '', 'paddingLeft': '', 'paddingRight': '' }) } else if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'left') { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': '', 'paddingLeft': this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth(true), 'paddingRight': '' }) } else if (this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'right') { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': '', 'paddingLeft': '', 'paddingRight': this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth(true) }) } this._moveThumbnailsTo(newThumbnailsPosition, true) }, _gotoThumbnail: function (index) { if (this.isThumbnailScroller === false || typeof this.thumbnails[index] === 'undefined') { return } var previousIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex, newThumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition; this.selectedThumbnailIndex = index; this.$thumbnails.find('.sp-selected-thumbnail').removeClass('sp-selected-thumbnail'); this.$thumbnails.find('.sp-thumbnail-container').eq(this.selectedThumbnailIndex).addClass('sp-selected-thumbnail'); if (this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal') { if (this.selectedThumbnailIndex >= previousIndex) { var rtlNextThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === this.thumbnails.length - 1 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex + 1, rtlNextThumbnail = this.thumbnails[rtlNextThumbnailIndex]; if (rtlNextThumbnail.getPosition().left < -this.thumbnailsPosition) { newThumbnailsPosition = -rtlNextThumbnail.getPosition().left } } else if (this.selectedThumbnailIndex < previousIndex) { var rtlPreviousThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === 0 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex - 1, rtlPreviousThumbnail = this.thumbnails[rtlPreviousThumbnailIndex], rtlThumbnailsRightPosition = -this.thumbnailsPosition + this.thumbnailsContainerSize; if (rtlPreviousThumbnail.getPosition().right > rtlThumbnailsRightPosition) { newThumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition - (rtlPreviousThumbnail.getPosition().right - rtlThumbnailsRightPosition) } } } else { if (this.selectedThumbnailIndex >= previousIndex) { var nextThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === this.thumbnails.length - 1 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex + 1, nextThumbnail = this.thumbnails[nextThumbnailIndex], nextThumbnailPosition = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? nextThumbnail.getPosition().right : nextThumbnail.getPosition().bottom, thumbnailsRightPosition = -this.thumbnailsPosition + this.thumbnailsContainerSize; if (nextThumbnailPosition > thumbnailsRightPosition) { newThumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition - (nextThumbnailPosition - thumbnailsRightPosition) } } else if (this.selectedThumbnailIndex < previousIndex) { var previousThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === 0 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex - 1, previousThumbnail = this.thumbnails[previousThumbnailIndex], previousThumbnailPosition = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? previousThumbnail.getPosition().left : previousThumbnail.getPosition().top; if (previousThumbnailPosition < -this.thumbnailsPosition) { newThumbnailsPosition = -previousThumbnailPosition } } } this._moveThumbnailsTo(newThumbnailsPosition); this.trigger({ type: 'gotoThumbnail' }); if ($.isFunction(this.settings.gotoThumbnail)) { this.settings.gotoThumbnail.call(this, { type: 'gotoThumbnail' }) } }, _moveThumbnailsTo: function (position, instant, callback) { var that = this, css = {}; if (position === this.thumbnailsPosition) { return } this.thumbnailsPosition = position; if (this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d') { var transition, left = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? position : 0, top = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? 0 : position; if (this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d') { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)' } else { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)' } if (typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true) { transition = '' } else { this.$thumbnails.addClass('sp-animated'); transition = this.vendorPrefix + 'transform ' + 700 / 1000 + 's'; this.$thumbnails.on(this.transitionEvent, function (event) { if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) { return } that.$thumbnails.off(that.transitionEvent); that.$thumbnails.removeClass('sp-animated'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback() } that.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); if ($.isFunction(that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete)) { that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete.call(that, { type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }) } }) } css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transition'] = transition; this.$thumbnails.css(css) } else { css['margin-' + this.thumbnailsPositionProperty] = position; if (typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true) { this.$thumbnails.css(css) } else { this.$thumbnails.addClass('sp-animated').animate(css, 700, function () { that.$thumbnails.removeClass('sp-animated'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback() } that.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); if ($.isFunction(that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete)) { that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete.call(that, { type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }) } }) } } }, _stopThumbnailsMovement: function () { var css = {}; 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'matrix3d' : 'matrix', matrixArray = matrixString.replace(matrixType, '').match(/-?[0-9\.]+/g), left = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt(matrixArray[12], 10) : parseInt(matrixArray[4], 10), top = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt(matrixArray[13], 10) : parseInt(matrixArray[5], 10); if (this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d') { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)' } else { css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transform'] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)' } css[this.vendorPrefix + 'transition'] = ''; this.$thumbnails.css(css); this.$thumbnails.off(this.transitionEvent); this.thumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? parseInt(matrixArray[4], 10) : parseInt(matrixArray[5], 10) } else { this.$thumbnails.stop(); this.thumbnailsPosition = parseInt(this.$thumbnails.css('margin-' + this.thumbnailsPositionProperty), 10) } this.$thumbnails.removeClass('sp-animated') }, destroyThumbnails: function () { var that = this; this.off('update.' + NS); 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this.$thumbnail.attr('data-index', this.index) }, resizeImage: function () { var that = this; if (this.isImageLoaded === false) { SliderProUtils.checkImagesComplete(this.$thumbnailContainer, function () { that.isImageLoaded = true; that.resizeImage() }); return } this.$thumbnail = this.$thumbnailContainer.find('.sp-thumbnail'); var imageWidth = this.$thumbnail.width(), imageHeight = this.$thumbnail.height(); if (imageWidth / imageHeight <= this.width / this.height) { this.$thumbnail.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }) } else { this.$thumbnail.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }) } this.$thumbnail.css({ 'marginLeft': (this.$thumbnailContainer.width() - this.$thumbnail.width()) * 0.5, 'marginTop': (this.$thumbnailContainer.height() - this.$thumbnail.height()) * 0.5 }) }, destroy: function () { this.$thumbnailContainer.off('click.' + NS); this.$thumbnail.removeAttr('data-init'); this.$thumbnail.removeAttr('data-index'); if (this.$thumbnail.parent('a').length !== 0) { this.$thumbnail.parent('a').insertBefore(this.$thumbnailContainer) } else { this.$thumbnail.insertBefore(this.$thumbnailContainer) } this.$thumbnailContainer.remove() }, on: function (type, callback) { return this.$thumbnailContainer.on(type, callback) }, off: function (type) { return this.$thumbnailContainer.off(type) }, trigger: function (data) { return this.$thumbnailContainer.triggerHandler(data) } }; 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element.resizeMainImage(true) } }) } } }) }); this.previousImageSize = this.currentImageSize } }, _loadConditionalImage: function (image, source, callback) { var newImage = $(new Image()); newImage.attr('class', image.attr('class')); newImage.attr('style', image.attr('style')); $.each(image.data(), function (name, value) { newImage.attr('data-' + name, value) }); if (typeof image.attr('width') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('width', image.attr('width')) } if (typeof image.attr('height') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('height', image.attr('height')) } if (typeof image.attr('alt') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('alt', image.attr('alt')) } if (typeof image.attr('title') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('title', image.attr('title')) } newImage.attr('src', source); newImage.insertAfter(image); image.remove(); image = null; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(newImage) } }, destroyConditionalImages: function () { this.off('update.' + NS); this.off('sliderResize.' + NS) }, conditionalImagesDefaults: { smallSize: 480, mediumSize: 768, largeSize: 1024 } }; 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this.off('update.Thumbnails.' + NS) } }; $.SliderPro.addModule('Retina', Retina) })(window, jQuery); (function (window, $) { "use strict"; var NS = 'LazyLoading.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var LazyLoading = { allowLazyLoadingCheck: true, initLazyLoading: function () { var that = this; this.on('sliderResize.' + NS, $.proxy(this._lazyLoadingOnResize, this)); this.on('gotoSlide.' + NS, $.proxy(this._checkAndLoadVisibleImages, this)); this.on('thumbnailsUpdate.' + NS + ' ' + 'thumbnailsMoveComplete.' + NS, $.proxy(this._checkAndLoadVisibleThumbnailImages, this)) }, _lazyLoadingOnResize: function () { var that = this; if (this.allowLazyLoadingCheck === false) { return } this.allowLazyLoadingCheck = false; this._checkAndLoadVisibleImages(); if (this.$slider.find('.sp-thumbnail').length !== 0) { this._checkAndLoadVisibleThumbnailImages() } setTimeout(function () { that.allowLazyLoadingCheck = true }, 500) }, _checkAndLoadVisibleImages: function () { if (this.$slider.find('.sp-slide:not([ data-loaded ])').length === 0) { return } var that = this, referencePosition = this.settings.loop === true ? this.middleSlidePosition : this.selectedSlideIndex, visibleOnSides = Math.ceil((parseInt(this.$slidesMask.css(this.sizeProperty), 10) - this.averageSlideSize) / 2 / this.averageSlideSize), from = referencePosition - visibleOnSides - 1 > 0 ? referencePosition - visibleOnSides - 1 : 0, to = referencePosition + visibleOnSides + 1 < this.getTotalSlides() - 1 ? referencePosition + visibleOnSides + 1 : this.getTotalSlides() - 1, slidesToCheck = this.slidesOrder.slice(from, to + 1); 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$thumbnailContainer.find('img[ data-src ]').each(function () { var image = $(this); that._loadImage(image, function () { element.resizeImage() }) }) } }) }, _loadImage: function (image, callback) { var newImage = $(new Image()); newImage.attr('class', image.attr('class')); newImage.attr('style', image.attr('style')); $.each(image.data(), function (name, value) { newImage.attr('data-' + name, value) }); if (typeof image.attr('width') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('width', image.attr('width')) } if (typeof image.attr('height') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('height', image.attr('height')) } if (typeof image.attr('alt') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('alt', image.attr('alt')) } if (typeof image.attr('title') !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr('title', image.attr('title')) } newImage.attr('src', image.attr('data-src')); newImage.removeAttr('data-src'); newImage.insertAfter(image); image.remove(); image = null; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(newImage) } }, destroyLazyLoading: function () { this.off('update.' + NS); 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that.player.on('pause', function () { that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }) }); that.player.on('ended', function () { that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }) }) }) }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.play = function () { this.player.play() }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.pause = function () { this.player.pause() }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.stop = function () { this.player.currentTime(0); this.player.pause(); this.state = 'stopped' }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.replay = function () { this.player.currentTime(0); this.player.play() }; var SublimeVideo = function (video) { Video.call(this, video) }; SublimeVideo.prototype = new Video(); SublimeVideo.prototype.constructor = SublimeVideo; $.VideoController.addPlayer('SublimeVideo', SublimeVideo); SublimeVideo.isType = function (video) { if (video.hasClass('sublime') && typeof sublime !== 'undefined') { return true } return false }; SublimeVideo.prototype._init = function () { var that = this; sublime.ready(function () { that.player = sublime.player(that.$video.attr('id')); that.ready = true; that.trigger({ type: 'ready' }); that.player.on('play', function () { if (that.started === false) { that.started = true; that.trigger({ type: 'start' }) } that.state = 'playing'; that.trigger({ type: 'play' }) }); that.player.on('pause', function () { that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }) }); that.player.on('stop', function () { that.state = 'stopped'; that.trigger({ type: 'stop' }) }); that.player.on('end', function () { that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }) }) }) }; SublimeVideo.prototype.play = function () { this.player.play() }; SublimeVideo.prototype.pause = function () { this.player.pause() }; SublimeVideo.prototype.stop = function () { this.player.stop() }; SublimeVideo.prototype.replay = function () { this.player.stop(); this.player.play() }; var JWPlayerVideo = function (video) { Video.call(this, video) }; JWPlayerVideo.prototype = new Video(); JWPlayerVideo.prototype.constructor = JWPlayerVideo; $.VideoController.addPlayer('JWPlayerVideo', JWPlayerVideo); 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