var GalleryTheater = function(){ var parent_divs = $('.gallery').parents('div'), parent_div_z_index = parent_divs.eq(parent_divs.length-1).css('z-index') parent_divs.eq(parent_divs.length-1).css('z-index','2000') var gt = this, currentPic = {}, windowHeight = 0, windowWidth = 0, swipeController = null, resizing = null; loadingInterval = null, mainPicLoading = 0, nextPicLoading = 0, prevPicLoading = 0, currentSwipeImageDom = null, currentSwipeImageDomLeftPos = 0, windowScreenThresholdForTouch = 0, loadingProcess = 0; gt.stage = null; gt.stripNextBtn = null; gt.stripPrevBtn = null; gt.thumbToggle = null; gt.descriptionToggle = null; gt.closeBtn = null; gt.imageContainer = null; gt.albumData = {}; gt.loader = null; gt.thumbStrip = null; gt.descriptionArea = null; gt.isTheaterInitialized = false; var play_flag = false; var button_left_string = '', button_right_string = '', button_play_string = '', button_stop_string = '', playtimeoutID; var initialize = function(){ gt.stage = $("#gallery-theater-stage"); 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} $('#theaterPreviousButton').click(function () { gt.previousPic(); }); $('#theaterNextButton').click(function () { gt.nextPic(); }); $('#theaterPlayButton').click(function () { play_flag = true; playtimeoutID = window.setInterval(function(){ gt.playallPic(); },3000) window.onhashchange() }); $('#theaterStopButton').click(function () { play_flag = false; window.onhashchange() window.clearInterval(playtimeoutID) }); } window.onhashchange = locationHashChanged; bindHandler(); if(window.location.hash != "" && window.location.hash != "#"){ var id = window.location.hash.split("#")[1]; gt.createTheater("/xhr/galleries/theater/" + id); } addButton(); function locationHashChanged() { addButton(); } } var bindHandler = function(){ // handler to close the theater gt.closeBtn.on("click",gt.destroyTheater); // handler to show theater $("div[data-list=images] a").on("click",function(){ gt.createTheater($(this).attr("href")); return false; }) gt.switchBtn.on("click",gt.switchTheme); gt.descriptionToggle.on("click", gt.toggleDescription) gt.stripPrevBtn.on("click", gt.scrollStripRight); gt.stripNextBtn.on("click", gt.scrollStripLeft); if(Modernizr.touch){ gt.imageContainer.swipe({ swipe : function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount){ if(direction == "left"){ gt.nextPic(); }else if(direction == "right"){ gt.previousPic(); } } }) gt.thumbToggle.swipe({ swipe : function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount){ if(direction == "up"){ gt.thumbStrip.parent().addClass("show"); gt.thumbToggle.addClass("up"); gt.thumbToggle.find("i").removeClass("fa-angle-double-up").addClass("fa-angle-double-down"); }else if(direction == "down"){ gt.thumbStrip.parent().removeClass("show"); gt.thumbToggle.removeClass("up"); gt.thumbToggle.find("i").removeClass("fa-angle-double-down").addClass("fa-angle-double-up"); } } }) } //handler for window resize $(window).resize(function(){ clearTimeout(resizing); resizing = setTimeout(doneResizing,1000); }) } var bindKeyHandlers = function(){ if(!Modernizr.touch){ $(document.body).on("click",".gal-active", gt.nextPic); $(document.body).on("click",".gal-prev", gt.previousPic); $(document.body).on("click",".gal-next", gt.nextPic); $(document).on("keyup",function(e){ switch(e.keyCode){ case 39: gt.nextPic(); break; case 37: gt.previousPic(); break; case 27: gt.destroyTheater(); break; } }) } } var doneResizing = function(){ windowHeight = $(window).height(); windowWidth = $(window).width(); setThumbNavs(); } var unBindKeyHandlers = function(){ $(document).unbind("keyup"); } gt.destroyTheater = function(){ parent_divs.eq(parent_divs.length-1).css('z-index',parent_div_z_index) gt.stage.hide(); $("body").removeClass("gallery-mode-on"); gt.imageContainer.empty() unBindKeyHandlers(); window.location.hash = ""; } gt.createTheater = function(link){; $("body").addClass("gallery-mode-on"); bindKeyHandlers(); if(!gt.isTheaterInitialized){ $.ajax({ url : link, dataType : "json", type : "get", async:false }).done(function(data){ gt.albumData =; var cp = gt.albumData.images.filter(function(x){return x._id == gt.albumData.image})[0]; currentPic = {"image" : cp, "index" : gt.albumData.images.indexOf(cp)}; createThumbStrip(); }) }else{ var id = link.split("/")[4], cp = gt.albumData.images.filter(function(x){return x._id == id})[0]; currentPic = {"image" : cp, "index" : gt.albumData.images.indexOf(cp)}; createThumbStrip(); } } gt.hasNextImage = function(){ return (currentPic.index + 1) <= (gt.albumData.images.length - 1); } gt.hasPreviousImage = function(){ return (currentPic.index > 0); } gt.nextPic = function(){ if(loadingProcess == 0){ if(gt.hasNextImage()){ startLoading(); currentPic.image = gt.albumData.images[currentPic.index + 1]; currentPic.index = currentPic.index + 1; setMainPic("next"); } } } gt.playallPic = function(){ if(loadingProcess == 0){ mainPicLoading = 1; nextPicLoading = 1; prevPicLoading = 1; if(gt.hasNextImage()){ currentPic.image = gt.albumData.images[currentPic.index + 1]; currentPic.index = currentPic.index + 1; setMainPic("next"); } else{ currentPic.image = gt.albumData.images[0]; currentPic.index = 0; setMainPic(); gt.isTheaterInitialized = false; setTimeout(function(){ loadingProcess = 0; nextPicLoading = 0; $('.theaterButton').remove() $("").remove(); img = $(""); img.eq(0).remove(); window.onhashchange() },100) } } } gt.previousPic = function(){ if(loadingProcess == 0){ if(gt.hasPreviousImage()) { startLoading(); currentPic.image = gt.albumData.images[currentPic.index - 1]; currentPic.index = currentPic.index - 1; setMainPic("prev"); } } } gt.scrollStripLeft = function(){ pixels_to_move = parseInt(gt.thumbStrip.css("left")) - (66 * 3); maximum_pixels = (windowWidth / 2) - (66 * (gt.albumData.images.length - 1)); if(pixels_to_move < maximum_pixels){ pixels_to_move = maximum_pixels; } gt.thumbStrip.css("left",pixels_to_move + "px"); } gt.scrollStripRight = function(){ pixels_to_move = parseInt(gt.thumbStrip.css("left")) + (66 * 3); maximum_pixels = (windowWidth / 2); if(pixels_to_move > maximum_pixels){ pixels_to_move = maximum_pixels; } gt.thumbStrip.css("left",pixels_to_move + "px"); } gt.switchTheme = function(){ var themeWhiteKlass = "theme-white", nightKlass = "fa fa-circle", dayKlass = "fa fa-circle-o", $body = $("body"); 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