# require 'spec_helper'

# describe Role do 
#   before do
#     @role = Role.create(:key => 'teacher', 
#                         :i18n_variable => {:key => 'teacher', :en => 'Teacher', :zh_tw => 'Teacher in Chinese', :document_class => 'Role'},
#                         :sub_roles => [{:key => 'undergrad', 
#                                         :i18n_variable => {:key => 'yeah', :en => 'Yeah', :zh_tw => 'Yeah', :document_class => 'Role'},
#                                         :attribute_fields => [{:key => 'department'}, 
#                                                               {:key => 'room'}]}, 
#                                        {:key => 'master', 
#                                         :attribute_fields => [{:key => 'department'}]}])
#   end
#   describe 'New role' do
#     describe '#Role' do
#       it 'should have :built_in false' do
#         @role.built_in.should be false
#       end
#       it 'should have :disabled false' do
#         @role.disabled.should be false
#       end
#       it 'should have a i18n_variable' do
#         @role.i18n_variable.should be_an_instance_of I18nVariable
#       end
#       it 'should create sub_roles' do
#         @role.should have(2).sub_roles
#       end
#       it 'should create attribute_fields' do
#         @role.sub_roles[1].should have(1).attribute_fields
#       end
#     end
#     describe '#SubRole' do
#       it 'should have :built_in false' do
#         @role.sub_roles[0].built_in.should be false
#       end
#       it 'should have :disabled false' do
#         @role.sub_roles[0].disabled.should be false
#       end
#       it 'should have a i18n_variable' do
#         @role.sub_roles[0].i18n_variable.should be_an_instance_of I18nVariable
#       end
#     end
#     describe '#AttributeField' do
#       it 'should have :built_in false' do
#         @role.sub_roles[0].attribute_fields[0].built_in.should be false
#       end
#       it 'should have :disabled false' do
#         @role.sub_roles[0].attribute_fields[0].disabled.should be false
#       end
#     end
#   end
#   describe 'Edit role' do
#     describe '#Role' do
#       before do
#         @role.update_attributes({:key => 'student', :i18n_variable => {:en => 'Student'},
#                                   :sub_roles => [{:key => 'new', 
#                                                   :attribute_fields => [{:key => 'bob'}, 
#                                                                         {:key => 'great'}]},
#                                                   {:id => @role.sub_roles[0].id},
#                                                   {:id => @role.sub_roles[1].id}]})
#       end
#       it 'should not be the old :key' do
#         @role.key.should_not == 'teacher'
#       end
#       it 'should be the new :key' do
#         @role.key.should == 'student'
#       end
#       it 'should not be the old :i18n_variable[:en]' do
#         @role.i18n_variable[:en].should_not == 'Teacher'
#       end
#       it 'should be the new :i18n_variable[:en]' do
#         @role.i18n_variable[:en].should == 'Student'
#       end
#       it 'should have one more SubRole' do
#         @role.should have(3).sub_roles
#       end
#     end
#   end  
#   describe 'Destroy' do
#     describe '#AttributeField' do
#       before do
#         @role.update_attributes(:key => 'teacher', 
#                             :i18n_variable => {:key => 'teacher', :en => 'Teacher', :zh_tw => 'Teacher in Chinese', :document_class => 'Role'},
#                             :sub_roles_attributes => {'0' => {:id => @role.sub_roles[0].id,
#                                             :key => 'undergrad', 
#                                             :attribute_fields_attributes => {'0' => {:id => @role.sub_roles[0].attribute_fields[0].id,
#                                                                    :key => 'department'}, 
#                                                                   '1' => {:id => @role.sub_roles[0].attribute_fields[1].id,
#                                                                    :key => 'room', :_destroy => true}}}})
#       end
#       it 'should have only one AttributeField for the first SubRole' do
#         @role.sub_roles[0].should have(1).attribute_fields
#       end
#     end  
#     describe '#I18nVariable' do
#       before do
#         @role.update_attributes(:key => 'teacher', 
#                             :i18n_variable_attributes => {:id => @role.i18n_variable.id, :key => 'teacher', :en => 'Teacher', :zh_tw => 'Teacher in Chinese', :document_class => 'Role', :_destroy => true})
#       end
#       it 'should not have a I18nVariable' do
#         @role.i18n_variable.should_not be_an_instance_of I18nVariable
#       end
#     end
#     describe '#Role' do
#       it 'should destroy the I18nVariable' do
#         id = @role.i18n_variable.id
#         @role.destroy
#         lambda {I18nVariable.find(id)}.should raise_error
#       end
#     end
#   end

# end