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2013-07-22 08:31:44 +00:00
// Highlighting text that matches the selection
// Defines an option highlightSelectionMatches, which, when enabled,
// will style strings that match the selection throughout the
// document.
// The option can be set to true to simply enable it, or to a
// {minChars, style, showToken} object to explicitly configure it.
// minChars is the minimum amount of characters that should be
// selected for the behavior to occur, and style is the token style to
// apply to the matches. This will be prefixed by "cm-" to create an
// actual CSS class name. showToken, when enabled, will cause the
// current token to be highlighted when nothing is selected.
(function() {
var DEFAULT_TOKEN_STYLE = "matchhighlight";
function State(options) {
if (typeof options == "object") {
this.minChars = options.minChars;
this.style = options.style;
this.showToken = options.showToken;
if (this.style == null) this.style = DEFAULT_TOKEN_STYLE;
if (this.minChars == null) this.minChars = DEFAULT_MIN_CHARS;
this.overlay = this.timeout = null;
CodeMirror.defineOption("highlightSelectionMatches", false, function(cm, val, old) {
if (old && old != CodeMirror.Init) {
var over = cm.state.matchHighlighter.overlay;
if (over) cm.removeOverlay(over);
cm.state.matchHighlighter = null;
cm.off("cursorActivity", cursorActivity);
if (val) {
cm.state.matchHighlighter = new State(val);
cm.on("cursorActivity", cursorActivity);
function cursorActivity(cm) {
var state = cm.state.matchHighlighter;
state.timeout = setTimeout(function() {highlightMatches(cm);}, 100);
function highlightMatches(cm) {
cm.operation(function() {
var state = cm.state.matchHighlighter;
if (state.overlay) {
state.overlay = null;
if (!cm.somethingSelected() && state.showToken) {
var tok = cm.getTokenAt(cm.getCursor()).string;
if (/\w/.test(tok))
cm.addOverlay(state.overlay = makeOverlay(tok, true, state.style));
if (cm.getCursor("head").line != cm.getCursor("anchor").line) return;
var selection = cm.getSelection().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (selection.length >= state.minChars)
cm.addOverlay(state.overlay = makeOverlay(selection, false, state.style));
function boundariesAround(stream) {
return (stream.start || /.\b./.test(stream.string.slice(stream.start - 1, stream.start + 1))) &&
(stream.pos == stream.string.length || /.\b./.test(stream.string.slice(stream.pos - 1, stream.pos + 1)));
function makeOverlay(query, wordBoundaries, style) {
return {token: function(stream) {
if (stream.match(query) &&
(!wordBoundaries || boundariesAround(stream)))
return style;
stream.skipTo(query.charAt(0)) || stream.skipToEnd();