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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- Works with new more advanced filebrowser.json
- improved GUI
- more unified coehisive look
- The shell is dead.
- If you need to use the shell, exec into the docker container.
- All configuration is done via filebrowser.yml
- various UI fixes
- Added download button back to toolbar
- Added upload button to side menu
- breadcrumb spacing fix
- Added "compact" view option
- fixed slash issue with css rtl logic
- various backend fixes
- search has a sessionId attached so searches don't collide
- search no longer searches by word with spaces, includes space in searches
- prepared for full json configuration
- made size search work for smaller and larger
- made search types not show up in search bar when used
- improved styling, colors, transparency, blur
- Made sidebar hidden on desktop as well
- simplified navbar to be three buttons
- open menu
- search
- toggle view
- Changed desktop search style and included additional search options.
- Updated UI to use search features better
- More filter options
- Better icons with colors
- GUI styling
- Improved search performance
- Improved search with indexing
- nothing changed from origin.
Forked from https://github.com/filebrowser/filebrowser