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# Google API Client
## Alpha
This library is in Alpha. We will make an effort to support the library, but we reserve the right to make incompatible
changes when necessary.
## Migrating from 0.8.x
Version 0.9 is not compatible with previous versions. See [MIGRATING]( for additional details on how to
migrate to the latest version.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'google-api-client', '~> 0.9'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install google-api-client
## Usage
### Basic usage
To use an API, include the corresponding generated file and instantiate the service. For example to use the Drive API:
require 'google/apis/drive_v2'
Drive = Google::Apis::DriveV2 # Alias the module
drive =
drive.authorization = ... # See Googleauth or Signet libraries
# Search for files in Drive (first page only)
files = drive.list_files(q: "title contains 'finances'")
files.items.each do |file|
puts file.title
# Upload a file
metadata = 'My document')
metadata = drive.insert_file(metadata, upload_source: 'test.txt', content_type: 'text/plain')
# Download a file
drive.get_file(, download_dest: '/tmp/myfile.txt')
### Naming conventions vs JSON representation
Object properties in the ruby client use the standard ruby convention for naming -- snake_case. This differs from the underlying JSON representation which typically uses camelCase for properties. There are a few notable exceptions to this rule:
* For properties that are defined as hashes with user-defined keys, no translation is performed on the key.
* For embedded field masks in requests (for example, the Sheets API), specify the camelCase form when referencing fields.
### Media
Methods that allow media operations have additional parameters to specify the upload source or download destination.
For uploads, the `upload_source` parameter can be specified with either a path to a file, an `IO` stream, or `StringIO`
For downloads, the `download_dest` parameter can also be either a path to a file, an `IO` stream, or `StringIO` instance.
Both uploads & downloads are resumable. If an error occurs during transmission the request will be automatically
retried from the last received byte.
### Errors & Retries
Retries are disabled by default, but enabling retries is strongly encouraged. The number of retries can be configured
via `Google::Apis::RequestOptions`. Any number greater than 0 will enable retries.
To enable retries for all services:
Google::Apis::RequestOptions.default.retries = 5
With retries enabled globally, retries can be disabled for specific calls by including a retry value of 0 in the
request options:
drive.insert_file(metadata, upload_source: 'test.txt', content_type: 'text/plain', options: { retries: 0 })
When retries are enabled, if a server or rate limit error occurs during a request it is automatically retried with
an exponentially increasing delay on subsequent retries. If a request can not be retried or if the maximum number
of retries is exceeded, an exception is thrown.
### Callbacks
A block can be specified when making calls. If present, the block will be called with the result or error, rather than
returning the result from the call or raising the error. Example:
# Search for files in Drive (first page only)
drive.list_files(q: "title contains 'finances'") do |res, err|
if err
# Handle error
# Handle response
This calling style is required when making batch requests as responses are not available until the entire batch
is complete.
### Paging
To fetch multiple pages of data, use the `fetch_all` method to wrap the paged query. This returns an
`Enumerable` that automatically fetches additional pages as needed.
# List all calendar events
now =
items = calendar.fetch_all do |token|
single_events: true,
order_by: 'startTime',
time_min: now,
page_token: token)
items.each { |event| puts event.summary }
For APIs that use a field other than `items` to contain the results, an alternate field name can be supplied.
# List all files in Drive
items = drive.fetch_all(items: :files) { |token| drive.list_files(page_token: token) }
items.each { |file| puts }
### Batches
Multiple requests can be batched together into a single HTTP request to reduce overhead. Batched calls are executed
in parallel and the responses processed once all results are available
# Fetch a bunch of files by ID
ids = ['file_id_1', 'file_id_2', 'file_id_3', 'file_id_4']
drive.batch do |drive|
ids.each do |id|
drive.get_file(id) do |res, err|
# Handle response
Media operations -- uploads & downloads -- can not be included in batch with other requests.
However, some APIs support batch uploads. To upload multiple files in a batch, use the `batch_upload` method instead.
Batch uploads should only be used when uploading multiple small files. For large files, upload files individually to
take advantage of the libraries built-in resumable upload support.
### Hashes
While the API will always return instances of schema classes, plain hashes are accepted in method calls for
convenience. Hash keys must be symbols matching the attribute names on the corresponding object the hash is meant
to replace. For example:
file = {id: '123', title: 'My document', labels: { starred: true }}
file = drive.create_file(file, {}) # Returns a Drive::File instance
is equivalent to:
file = '123', title: 'My document')
file.labels = true)
file = drive.update_file(file) # Returns a Drive::File instance
IMPORTANT: Be careful when supplying hashes for request objects. If it is the last argument to a method, ruby will interpret the hash as keyword arguments. To prevent this, appending an empty hash as an extra parameter will avoid misinterpretation.
file = {id: '123', title: 'My document', labels: { starred: true }}
file = drive.create_file(file) # Raises ArgumentError: unknown keywords: id, title, labels
file = drive.create_file(file, {}) # Returns a Drive::File instance
## Authorization
[OAuth 2]( is used to authorize applications. This library uses
both [Signet]( and
[Google Auth Library for Ruby]( for OAuth 2 support.
The [Google Auth Library for Ruby]( provides an implementation of
[application default credentials] for Ruby. It offers a simple way to get authorization credentials for use in
calling Google APIs, best suited for cases when the call needs to have the same identity
and authorization level for the application independent of the user. This is
the recommended approach to authorize calls to Cloud APIs, particularly when
you're building an application that uses Google Compute Engine.
For per-user authorization, use [Signet]( to obtain user authorization.
### Passing authorization to requests
Authorization can be specified for the entire client, for an individual service instance, or on a per-request basis.
Set authorization for all service:
Google::Apis::RequestOptions.default.authorization = authorization
# Services instantiated after this will inherit the authorization
On a per-service level:
drive =
drive.authorization = authorization
# All requests made with this service will use the same authorization
drive.get_file('123', options: { authorization: authorization })
### Authorization using API keys
Some APIs allow using an API key instead of OAuth2 tokens. For these APIs, set
the `key` attribute of the service instance. For example:
require 'google/apis/translate_v2'
translate =
translate.key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
result = translate.list_translations('Hello world!', 'es', source: 'en')
puts result.translations.first.translated_text
### Authorization using environment variables
The [GoogleAuth Library for Ruby]( also supports authorization via
environment variables if you do not want to check in developer credentials
or private keys. Simply set the following variables for your application:
## Logging
The client includes a `Logger` instance that can be used to capture debugging information.
To set the logging level for the client:
Google::Apis.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
When running in a Rails environment, the client will default to using `::Rails.logger`. If you
prefer to use a separate logger instance for API calls, this can be changed via one of two ways.
The first is to provide a new logger instance:
Google::Apis.logger =
The second is to set the environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_RAILS_LOGGER` to any value other than `'true'`
## Samples
Samples for versions 0.9 and onward can be found in the `samples` directory.
Contributions for additional samples are welcome. See [CONTRIBUTING](
Samples for previous versions can be found in the
## Generating APIs
For [Cloud Endpoints]( or other APIs not included in the gem, ruby code can be
generated from the discovery document.
To generate from a local discovery file:
$ generate-api gen <outdir> --file=<path>
A URL can also be specified:
$ generate-api gen <outdir> --url=<url>
* ETag support (if-not-modified)
* Caching
* Model validations
## License
This library is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is
available in [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt).
## Contributing
## Support
Please [report bugs at the project on Github]( Don't
hesitate to [ask questions]( about the client or APIs
on [StackOverflow](