4=>{:variable=>"subtype",:name=>{"zh_tw"=>"乳癌分型","en"=>"breast cancer subtype"},:is_num=>0,:hint=>{'zh_tw'=>'','en'=>''},:comment_text=>{'zh_tw'=>'若無分型資訊,請選擇“未知”選項,將以佔多數比例的管腔類進行預測。','en'=>''},:choice_fields=>{"zh_tw"=>['分管腔類','人類第二型表皮接受體','三陰型','未知'],"en"=>['Luminal-like','HER2','Triple negative','unknown']},:range=>[],:right=>1},
field:form_show_in_result,:type=>Hash,default:{0=>{:variable=>"hormone_therapy",:name=>{"zh_tw"=>"賀爾蒙治療","en"=>"Hormone/steroid therapy"},:is_num=>0,:hint=>{'zh_tw'=>'賀爾蒙治療適用於ER狀態為陽性之病人','en'=>'Hormone (endocrine) therapy is available when ER-status is positive'},:comment_text=>{'zh_tw'=>'年齡為該婦女於確診罹患乳癌時之年齡','en'=>'<p>Hormone therapy, or endocrine therapy, involves a woman taking drugs to prevent the growth of tumour cells that are boosted by the hormone oestrogen. Drugs of this kind include tamoxifen (brand names include Nolvadex, Istabul, Valodex, and Soltamox) and aromatase inhibitors such as anastrozole, exemestane, and letrozole (brand names Arimidex, Aromasin, and Femara).</p>'+
'<p>Some hormone therapy drugs act by blocking the action of oestrogen on the cells and some work by lowering the amount of oestrogen in the body (NB hormone therapy for breast cancer is the opposite of hormone replacement therapy or HRT, which is taken by women to help INCREASE oestrogen levels to help deal with side-effects of the menopause).</p>'+
'<p>Treatments usually have the potential to cause harm as well as benefit. It is important to weigh up the risks of potential harm against the potential benefits of treatment in order to reach a decision. Some may cause more harm than benefit to some people.</p>'+
'<p>It is useful to switch between 1 and 5 years hormone therapy to compare the survival outcomes.</p>'},:choice_fields=>{"zh_tw"=>['否','是'],"en"=>['No','Yes']},:range=>[]},